Source code for pygame_menu.widgets.widget.frame


Widget container.

__all__ = [

    # Main class

    # Types

    # Constants


import pygame
import pygame_menu

from abc import ABC
from pygame_menu._decorator import Decorator
from pygame_menu.baseimage import BaseImage
from pygame_menu.locals import CURSOR_HAND, ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, \
from pygame_menu.font import FontType, assert_font
from pygame_menu.utils import assert_alignment, make_surface, assert_vector, \
    assert_orientation, assert_color, fill_gradient, parse_padding, uuid4, warn, \
from pygame_menu.widgets.core.widget import Widget, check_widget_mouseleave, \
    WidgetTransformationNotImplemented, AbstractWidgetManager
from pygame_menu.widgets.widget.button import Button
from pygame_menu.widgets.widget.label import Label

from pygame_menu._types import Optional, NumberType, Dict, Tuple, Union, List, \
    Vector2NumberType, Literal, Tuple2IntType, NumberInstance, Any, ColorInputType, \
    EventVectorType, PaddingType, CallbackType, ColorInputGradientType, \
    CursorInputType, VectorInstance

# Constants
FRAME_DEFAULT_TITLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR = ((10, 36, 106), (166, 202, 240), False, True)
S_FINGER_FACTOR = 0.25, 0.25

# Types
FrameTitleBackgroundColorType = Optional[Union[ColorInputType, ColorInputGradientType, BaseImage]]
FrameTitleButtonType = Literal[

# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring,PyProtectedMember
[docs]class Frame(Widget): """ Frame is a widget container, it can pack many widgets. All widgets inside have a floating position. Widgets inside are placed using its margin + width/height. ``(0, 0)`` coordinate is the top-left position in frame. Frame modifies ``translation`` of widgets. Thus, if widget has a translation before it will be removed. Widget packing currently only supports LEFT, CENTER and RIGHT alignment in the same line, widgets cannot be packed in two different lines. For such purpose use several frames. If widget width or height exceeds Frame size ``_FrameSizeException`` will be raised. .. note:: Frame cannot be selected. Thus, it does not receive any selection effect. .. note:: Frames should be appended to Menu scrollable frames if it's scrollable, be careful when removing. Check :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.DropSelect` as a complete example of Frame implementation within another Widgets. .. note:: Frame only accepts translation and resize transformations. :param width: Frame width in px :param height: Frame height in px :param orientation: Frame orientation (horizontal or vertical). See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :param frame_id: ID of the frame """ _accepts_scrollarea: bool _accepts_title: bool _control_widget: Optional['Widget'] _control_widget_last_pos: Optional[Vector2NumberType] _draggable: bool _frame_scrollarea: Optional['pygame_menu._scrollarea.ScrollArea'] _frame_size: Tuple2IntType _frame_title: Optional['Frame'] _has_frames: bool # True if frame has packed other frames _has_title: bool _height: int _menu_can_be_none_pack: bool _orientation: str _pack_margin_warning: bool _pos: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] # Widget positioning _real_rect: 'pygame.Rect' _recursive_render: int _widgets: Dict[str, 'Widget'] # widget _widgets_props: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str]] # alignment, vertical position _width: int first_index: int # First selectable widget index horizontal: bool last_index: int # Last selectable widget index def __init__( self, width: NumberType, height: NumberType, orientation: str, frame_id: str = '' ) -> None: super(Frame, self).__init__(widget_id=frame_id) assert isinstance(width, NumberInstance) assert isinstance(height, NumberInstance) assert width > 0, \ f'width must be greater than zero ({width} received)' assert height > 0, \ f'height must be greater than zero ({height} received)' assert_orientation(orientation) # Internals self._accepts_scrollarea = True self._accepts_title = True self._control_widget = None self._control_widget_last_pos = None # This checks if menu has updated widget position self._draggable = False self._frame_scrollarea = None self._frame_size = (width, height) # Size of the frame, set in make_scrollarea self._has_frames = False self._height = int(height) self._menu_can_be_none_pack = False self._orientation = orientation self._pack_margin_warning = True # Set to False for hiding the pack margin warning self._pos = {} self._real_rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, width, height) self._recursive_render = 0 self._relax = False # If True ignore sizing self._widgets = {} self._widgets_props = {} self._width = int(width) # Title self._frame_title = None self._has_title = False # Configure widget public's self.first_index = -1 self.horizontal = orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL self.is_scrollable = False self.is_selectable = False self.last_index = -1
[docs] def set_title( self, title: str, cursor: CursorInputType = None, background_color: FrameTitleBackgroundColorType = FRAME_DEFAULT_TITLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, draggable: bool = False, padding_inner: PaddingType = 0, padding_outer: PaddingType = 0, title_alignment: str = ALIGN_LEFT, title_buttons_alignment: str = ALIGN_RIGHT, title_font: Optional[FontType] = None, title_font_color: Optional[ColorInputType] = None, title_font_size: Optional[int] = None ) -> 'Frame': """ Add a title to the frame. :param title: New title :param cursor: Title cursor :param background_color: Title background color. It can be a Color, a gradient, or an image :param draggable: If ``True`` the title accepts user drag using the mouse :param padding_inner: Padding inside the title :param padding_outer: Padding outside the title (respect to the Frame) :param title_alignment: Alignment of the title :param title_buttons_alignment: Alignment of the title buttons (if appended later) :param title_font: Title font. If ``None`` uses the same as the Frame :param title_font_color: Title font color. If ``None`` uses the same as the Frame :param title_font_size: Title font size in px. If ``None`` uses the same as the Frame :return: Title frame object """ assert self.configured, \ f'{self.get_class_id()} must be configured before setting a title' if not self._accepts_title: raise _FrameDoNotAcceptTitle(f'{self.get_class_id()} does not accept a title') self._title = title # If it has previous title self.remove_title() assert isinstance(draggable, bool) self._draggable = draggable # Format title font properties if title_font is None: title_font = self._font_name assert_font(title_font) if title_font_color is None: title_font_color = self._font_color title_font_color = assert_color(title_font_color) if title_font_size is None: title_font_size = self._font_size assert isinstance(title_font_size, int) and title_font_size > 0 assert_alignment(title_alignment) assert_alignment(title_buttons_alignment) # Check alignment are different assert title_alignment != title_buttons_alignment, \ 'title alignment and buttons alignment must be different' # Create title widget title_label = Label( title=title, label_id=self._id + '+title+label-' + uuid4(short=True) ) title_label.set_font( antialias=self._font_antialias, background_color=None, color=title_font_color, font=title_font, font_size=title_font_size, readonly_color=self._font_readonly_color, readonly_selected_color=self._font_readonly_selected_color, selected_color=self._font_selected_color ) title_label.set_tab_size(self._tab_size) title_label.configured = True title_label.set_menu(self._menu) title_label._update__repr___(self) # Create frame title pad_outer = parse_padding(padding_outer) # top, right, bottom, left pad_inner = parse_padding(padding_inner) self._frame_title = Frame( width=self.get_width() - (pad_outer[1] + pad_outer[3] + pad_inner[1] + pad_inner[3]), height=title_label.get_height(), orientation=ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, frame_id=self._id + '+title-' + uuid4(short=True) ) self._frame_title._accepts_scrollarea = False self._frame_title._accepts_title = False self._frame_title._menu_can_be_none_pack = True self._frame_title._menu = self._menu self._frame_title.set_attribute('buttons_alignment', title_buttons_alignment) self._frame_title.set_attribute('pbottom', pad_outer[2] - pad_inner[2]) self._frame_title.set_cursor(cursor if cursor is not None else self._cursor) self._frame_title.set_padding(padding_inner) self._frame_title.set_scrollarea(self._scrollarea) self._frame_title.translate(pad_outer[3] + pad_inner[3], pad_outer[0] + pad_inner[0]) self._frame_title.set_controls( joystick=self._joystick_enabled, mouse=self._mouse_enabled, touchscreen=self._touchscreen_enabled, keyboard=self._keyboard_enabled ) if self._frame is not None: self._frame_title.set_frame(self._frame) self._frame_title._update__repr___(self) # Store constructor self._frame_title.set_attribute( 'constructor', { 'title': title, 'cursor': cursor, 'background_color': background_color, 'draggable': draggable, 'padding_inner': padding_inner, 'padding_outer': padding_outer, 'title_alignment': title_alignment, 'title_buttons_alignment': title_buttons_alignment, 'title_font': title_font, 'title_font_color': title_font_color, 'title_font_size': title_font_size } ) # Create frame title background rect title_bg = make_surface( self.get_width(), title_label.get_height() + pad_outer[0] + pad_outer[2] + pad_inner[0] + pad_inner[2] ) # Blit frame bgrect if scrollable if self._frame_scrollarea is not None and self.is_scrollable: area_color = self._background_color if isinstance(area_color, BaseImage): area_color.draw(title_bg, area=title_bg.get_rect()) elif area_color is not None: title_bg.fill(area_color, rect=title_bg.get_rect()) self._frame_title.get_decorator().add_surface(-title_bg.get_width() / 2, -title_bg.get_height() / 2 + 1, title_bg) # Set background is_color = True try: assert_color(background_color, warn_if_invalid=False) except (ValueError, AssertionError): is_color = False if isinstance(background_color, pygame_menu.BaseImage) or is_color: self._frame_title.set_background_color(background_color) else: # Is gradient assert isinstance(background_color, tuple) assert len(background_color) == 4, \ 'gradient color type must has 4 components (from color, to color, ' \ 'vertical, forward)' w, h = self._frame_title.get_size() new_surface = make_surface(w, h) fill_gradient( surface=new_surface, color=background_color[0], gradient=background_color[1], vertical=background_color[2], forward=background_color[3] ) self._frame_title.get_decorator().add_surface(-w / 2, -h / 2 + 1, new_surface) # Pack title self._frame_title.pack(title_label, align=title_alignment) self._has_title = True self._render() self.set_position(self._position[0], self._position[1]) self.force_menu_surface_update() # Title adds frame to scrollable frames even if not scrollable self._append_menu_update_frame(self) return self._frame_title
[docs] def remove_title(self) -> 'Frame': """ Remove title from current Frame. :return: Self reference """ if not self._accepts_title: raise _FrameDoNotAcceptTitle(f'{self.get_class_id()} does not accept a title') if self._has_title: self._frame_title = None self._has_title = False if not self.is_scrollable: self._remove_menu_update_frame(self) self._draggable = False self._render() self.force_menu_surface_update() return self
[docs] def add_title_generic_button( self, button: 'Button', margin: Vector2NumberType = (0, 0) ) -> 'Frame': """ Add button to title. Button kwargs receive the ``button`` reference and the Frame reference in ``frame`` argument, such as: .. code-block:: python onreturn_button_callback(*args, frame=Frame, button=Button, **kwargs) :param button: Button object :param margin: Pack margin on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px :return: Self reference """ if not self._accepts_title: raise _FrameDoNotAcceptTitle(f'{self.get_class_id()} does not accept a title') assert self._has_title, \ f'{self.get_class_id()} does not have any title, call set_title(...) beforehand' assert isinstance(button, Button) assert button.get_menu() is None, \ f'{button.get_class_id()} menu reference must be None' assert button.configured, \ f'{button.get_class_id()} must be configured before addition to title' assert button.get_frame() is None, \ f'{button.get_class_id()} frame must be None' # Check sizing total_title_height = self._frame_title.get_height(apply_padding=False) assert button.get_height() <= total_title_height, \ f'{button.get_class_id()} height ({button.get_height()}) must be lower' \ f' than frame title height ({total_title_height})' # Add frame to button kwargs if 'frame' in button._kwargs.keys(): raise ValueError(f'{button.get_class_id()} already has "frame" kwargs option') button._kwargs['frame'] = self if 'button' in button._kwargs.keys(): raise ValueError(f'{button.get_class_id()} already has "button" kwargs option') button._kwargs['button'] = button # Pack align = self._frame_title.get_attribute('buttons_alignment') button.set_attribute('align', align) button.set_attribute('margin', margin) self._frame_title.pack(button, align=align, margin=margin) self._frame_title.update_position() return self
[docs] def add_title_button( self, style: FrameTitleButtonType, callback: CallbackType, background_color: ColorInputType = (150, 150, 150), cursor: CursorInputType = CURSOR_HAND, margin: Vector2NumberType = (4, 0), symbol_color: ColorInputType = (0, 0, 0), symbol_height: NumberType = 0.75, symbol_margin: int = 4 ) -> 'Button': """ Add predefined button to title. The button kwargs receive the ``button`` reference and the Frame reference in ``frame`` argument, such as: .. code-block:: python onreturn_button_callback(*args, frame=Frame, button=Button, **kwargs) :param style: Style of the button (changes the symbol) :param callback: Callback of the button if pressed :param cursor: Button cursor :param background_color: Button background color :param margin: Pack margin on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px :param symbol_color: Color of the symbol :param symbol_height: Symbol height factor, if ``1.0`` uses 100% of the button height :param symbol_margin: Symbol margin in px :return: Added button """ if not self._accepts_title: raise _FrameDoNotAcceptTitle(f'{self.get_class_id()} does not accept a title') assert self._has_title, \ f'{self.get_class_id()} does not have any title, call set_title(...) beforehand' assert isinstance(symbol_height, NumberInstance) and 0 <= symbol_height <= 1 assert isinstance(symbol_margin, int) and 0 <= symbol_margin h = self._frame_title.get_height(apply_padding=False) * symbol_height dh = self._frame_title.get_height(apply_padding=False) * (1 - symbol_height) assert symbol_margin < h / 2 if dh > 0: dh += 1 # Create button btn = Button('', onreturn=callback, button_id=self._frame_title._id + '+button-' + uuid4(short=True)) btn.set_padding(h / 2) btn.translate(0, dh / 2) btn.set_cursor(cursor) btn.set_background_color(background_color) btn.configured = True btn._update__repr___(self) # Create style decoration btn_rect = btn.get_rect() btn_rect.x = 0 btn_rect.y = 0 t = symbol_margin border = 1 if style == FRAME_TITLE_BUTTON_CLOSE: style_pos = ( (btn_rect.left + t, + t), (btn_rect.centerx, btn_rect.centery), (btn_rect.right - t, + t), (btn_rect.centerx, btn_rect.centery), (btn_rect.right - t, btn_rect.bottom - t), (btn_rect.centerx, btn_rect.centery), (btn_rect.left + t, btn_rect.bottom - t), (btn_rect.centerx, btn_rect.centery), (btn_rect.left + t, + t) ) border = 0 elif style == FRAME_TITLE_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE: style_pos = ( (btn_rect.left + t, btn_rect.bottom - t), (btn_rect.right - t, btn_rect.bottom - t), (btn_rect.right - t, + t), (btn_rect.left + t, + t) ) elif style == FRAME_TITLE_BUTTON_MINIMIZE: style_pos = ( (btn_rect.left + t, btn_rect.centery + border), (btn_rect.right - t, btn_rect.centery + border) ) else: raise ValueError(f'unknown button style "{style}"') # Draw style style_surface = make_surface(h, h, alpha=True) # noinspection PyArgumentList pygame.draw.polygon(style_surface, symbol_color, style_pos, border) btn.get_decorator().add_surface(0, 0, surface=style_surface, centered=True) self.add_title_generic_button(btn, margin) return btn
[docs] def get_title(self) -> str: if not self._has_title: # raise ValueError(f'{self.get_class_id()} does not have any title') return '' return self._title
[docs] def get_inner_size(self) -> Tuple2IntType: """ Return Frame inner size (width, height). :return: Size tuple in px """ return self._width, self._height
def _get_menu_update_frames(self) -> List['pygame_menu.widgets.Frame']: """ Return the menu update frames list. .. warning:: Use with caution. :return: Frame update list if the menu reference is not ``None``, else, return an empty list """ if self._menu is not None: return self._menu._update_frames return [] def _sort_menu_update_frames(self) -> None: """ Sort the menu update frames (frames which receive updates). """ if self._menu is not None: self._menu._sort_update_frames() def _append_menu_update_frame(self, frame: 'Frame') -> None: """ Append update frame to menu and sort. :param frame: Frame to append """ assert isinstance(frame, Frame) update_frames = self._get_menu_update_frames() if frame not in update_frames: update_frames.append(frame) self._sort_menu_update_frames() def _remove_menu_update_frame(self, frame: 'Frame') -> None: """ Remove update frame to menu and sort. :param frame: Frame to append """ assert isinstance(frame, Frame) update_frames = self._get_menu_update_frames() if frame in update_frames: update_frames.remove(frame)
[docs] def on_remove_from_menu(self) -> 'Frame': for w in self.get_widgets(unpack_subframes=False): self.unpack(w) self.update_indices() return self
[docs] def set_menu(self, menu: Optional['pygame_menu.Menu']) -> 'Frame': # If menu is set, remove from previous scrollable if enabled self._remove_menu_update_frame(self) # Update menu super(Frame, self).set_menu(menu) # Add self to scrollable if self.is_scrollable: self._append_menu_update_frame(self) return self
[docs] def relax(self, relax: bool = True) -> 'Frame': """ Set relax status. If ``True`` Frame ignores sizing checks. :param relax: Relax status :return: Self reference """ assert isinstance(relax, bool) self._relax = relax return self
[docs] def get_max_size(self) -> Tuple2IntType: """ Return the max size of the frame. :return: Max (width, height) in px """ if self._frame_scrollarea is not None: return self._frame_scrollarea.get_size(inner=True) return self.get_size()
[docs] def make_scrollarea( self, max_width: Optional[NumberType], max_height: Optional[NumberType], scrollarea_color: Optional[Union[ColorInputType, 'pygame_menu.BaseImage']], scrollbar_color: ColorInputType, scrollbar_cursor: CursorInputType, scrollbar_shadow: bool, scrollbar_shadow_color: ColorInputType, scrollbar_shadow_offset: int, scrollbar_shadow_position: str, scrollbar_slider_color: ColorInputType, scrollbar_slider_hover_color: ColorInputType, scrollbar_slider_pad: NumberType, scrollbar_thick: NumberType, scrollbars: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]] ) -> 'Frame': """ Make the scrollarea of the frame. :param max_width: Maximum width of the scrollarea in px :param max_height: Maximum height of the scrollarea in px :param scrollarea_color: Scroll area color or image. If ``None`` area is transparent :param scrollbar_color: Scrollbar color :param scrollbar_cursor: Scrollbar cursor :param scrollbar_shadow: Indicate if a shadow is drawn on each scrollbar :param scrollbar_shadow_color: Color of the shadow of each scrollbar :param scrollbar_shadow_offset: Offset of the scrollbar shadow in px :param scrollbar_shadow_position: Position of the scrollbar shadow. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :param scrollbar_slider_color: Color of the sliders :param scrollbar_slider_hover_color: Color of the slider if hovered or clicked :param scrollbar_slider_pad: Space between slider and scrollbars borders in px :param scrollbar_thick: Scrollbar thickness in px :param scrollbars: Positions of the scrollbars. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :return: Self reference """ if not self._accepts_scrollarea: raise _FrameDoNotAcceptScrollarea(f'{self.get_class_id()} does not accept a scrollarea') assert len(self._widgets.keys()) == 0, 'frame widgets must be empty if creating the scrollarea' assert self.configured, 'frame must be configured before adding the scrollarea' if max_width is None: max_width = self._width if max_height is None: max_height = self._height assert isinstance(max_width, NumberInstance) assert isinstance(max_height, NumberInstance) assert 0 < max_width <= self._width, \ f'scroll area width ({max_width}) cannot exceed frame width ({self._width})' assert 0 < max_height <= self._height, \ f'scroll area height ({max_height}) cannot exceed frame height ({self._height})' # if not self._relax: # pass # else: # max_height = min(max_height, self._height) # max_width = min(max_width, self._width) sx = 0 if self._width == max_width else scrollbar_thick sy = 0 if self._height == max_height else scrollbar_thick if self._width > max_width or self._height > max_height: self.is_scrollable = True self.set_padding(0) else: # Configure size self._frame_size = (self._width, self._height) self._frame_scrollarea = None # If in previous scrollable frames if self.is_scrollable: self._remove_menu_update_frame(self) self.is_scrollable = False return self # Create area object self._frame_scrollarea = pygame_menu._scrollarea.ScrollArea( area_color=scrollarea_color, area_height=max_height + sx, area_width=max_width + sy, controls_joystick=self._joystick_enabled, controls_keyboard=self._keyboard_enabled, controls_mouse=self._mouse_enabled, controls_touchscreen=self._touchscreen_enabled, parent_scrollarea=self._scrollarea, scrollbar_color=scrollbar_color, scrollbar_cursor=scrollbar_cursor, scrollbar_slider_color=scrollbar_slider_color, scrollbar_slider_hover_color=scrollbar_slider_hover_color, scrollbar_slider_pad=scrollbar_slider_pad, scrollbar_thick=scrollbar_thick, scrollbars=scrollbars, shadow=scrollbar_shadow, shadow_color=scrollbar_shadow_color, shadow_offset=scrollbar_shadow_offset, shadow_position=scrollbar_shadow_position ) # Store constructor data self._frame_scrollarea.set_attribute( 'constructor', { 'scrollarea_color': scrollarea_color, 'scrollbar_color': scrollbar_color, 'scrollbar_cursor': scrollbar_cursor, 'scrollbar_shadow': scrollbar_shadow, 'scrollbar_shadow_color': scrollbar_shadow_color, 'scrollbar_shadow_offset': scrollbar_shadow_offset, 'scrollbar_shadow_position': scrollbar_shadow_position, 'scrollbar_slider_color': scrollbar_slider_color, 'scrollbar_slider_hover_color': scrollbar_slider_hover_color, 'scrollbar_slider_pad': scrollbar_slider_pad, 'scrollbar_thick': scrollbar_thick, 'scrollbars': scrollbars } ) if self._width == max_width: self._frame_scrollarea.hide_scrollbars(ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) if self._height == max_height: self._frame_scrollarea.hide_scrollbars(ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) # Create surface self._surface = make_surface(self._width, self._height, alpha=True) # Configure area self._frame_scrollarea.set_world(self._surface) # Configure size self._frame_size = (max_width + sy, max_height + sx) # Set menu self._frame_scrollarea.set_menu(self._menu) # If it has title if self._has_title: if self._verbose: warn(f'previous {self.get_class_id()} title has been removed') self.remove_title() return self
[docs] def get_indices(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Return first and last selectable indices tuple. :return: First, Last widget selectable indices """ return self.first_index, self.last_index
[docs] def get_total_packed(self) -> int: """ Return the total number of packed widgets. :return: Number of packed widgets """ return len(self._widgets.values())
def select(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Frame': return self def set_selection_effect(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Frame': pass def _apply_font(self) -> None: pass def _title_height(self) -> int: """ Return the title height. :return: Title height in px """ if not self._has_title or self._frame_title is None: return 0 h = self._frame_title.get_height() h += self._frame_title.get_translate()[1] h += self._frame_title.get_attribute('pbottom') # Bottom padding return h def _render(self) -> None: self._rect.height = self._frame_size[1] + self._title_height() self._rect.width = self._frame_size[0] def _draw(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: pass def scale(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Frame': raise WidgetTransformationNotImplemented() def set_max_width(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Frame': raise WidgetTransformationNotImplemented() def set_max_height(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Frame': raise WidgetTransformationNotImplemented() def rotate(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Frame': raise WidgetTransformationNotImplemented() def flip(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Frame': raise WidgetTransformationNotImplemented()
[docs] def get_decorator(self) -> 'Decorator': """ Frame decorator belongs to the scrollarea decorator if enabled. :return: ScrollArea decorator """ if self.is_scrollable: return self._frame_scrollarea.get_decorator() return self._decorator
[docs] def get_index(self, widget: 'Widget') -> int: """ Get index of the given widget within the widget list. Throws ``IndexError`` if widget does not exist. :param widget: Widget :return: Index """ w = self.get_widgets(unpack_subframes=False) try: return w.index(widget) except ValueError: raise IndexError(f'{widget.get_class_id()} widget does not exist on {self.get_class_id()}')
[docs] def set_position(self, x: NumberType, y: NumberType) -> 'Frame': if self._has_title: pad = self.get_padding() # top, right, bottom, left tx, ty = self.get_translate() self._frame_title.set_position(x - pad[3] + tx, y - pad[0] + ty) for w in self._frame_title.get_widgets(): w._set_position_relative_to_frame() super(Frame, self).set_position(x, y) if self.is_scrollable: self._frame_scrollarea.set_position(self._rect.x, self._rect.y + self._title_height()) return self
[docs] def draw(self, surface: 'pygame.Surface') -> 'Frame': if not self.is_visible(): return self selected_widget: Optional['Widget'] = None # Simple case, no scrollarea if not self.is_scrollable: self.last_surface = surface self._draw_shadow(surface) self._draw_background_color(surface) self._decorator.draw_prev(surface) for widget in self._widgets.values(): if widget.is_selected(): selected_widget = widget widget.draw(surface) if selected_widget is not None: selected_widget.draw_after_if_selected(surface) self._draw_border(surface) self._decorator.draw_post(surface) # Scrollarea else: self.last_surface = self._surface self._surface.fill((255, 255, 255, 0)) self._draw_shadow(self._surface, rect=self._real_rect) self._draw_background_color(self._surface, rect=self._real_rect) scrollarea_decorator = self.get_decorator() scrollarea_decorator.force_cache_update() scrollarea_decorator.draw_prev(self._surface) for widget in self._widgets.values(): if widget.is_selected(): selected_widget = widget widget.draw(self._surface) if selected_widget is not None: selected_widget.draw_after_if_selected(self._surface) self._frame_scrollarea.draw(surface) self._draw_border(surface) # If title if self._has_title: self._frame_title.draw(surface) self.apply_draw_callbacks() return self
def _get_ht(self, widget: 'Widget', a: str) -> int: """ Return the horizontal translation for widget. :param widget: Widget :param a: Horizontal alignment :return: Px """ w = widget.get_width() # Some systems introduce 1px margin if w > (self._width + 1) and not self._relax: raise _FrameSizeException( f'{widget.get_class_id()} width ({w}) is greater than {self.get_class_id()}' f' width ({self._width}), try using widget.set_max_width(...) for ' f'avoiding this issue, or set the widget as floating' ) if a == ALIGN_CENTER: return int((self._width - w) / 2) elif a == ALIGN_RIGHT: return self._width - w else: # Alignment left return 0 def _get_vt(self, widget: 'Widget', v: str) -> int: """ Return vertical translation for widget. :param widget: Widget :param v: Vertical position :return: Px """ h = widget.get_height() if h > (self._height + 1) and not self._relax: raise _FrameSizeException( f'{widget.get_class_id()} height ({h}) is greater than {self.get_class_id()}' f' height ({self._height}), try using widget.set_max_height(...) ' f'for avoiding this issue, or set the widget as floating' ) if v == POSITION_CENTER: return int((self._height - h) / 2) elif v == POSITION_SOUTH: return self._height - h else: # Position north return 0 def _update_position_horizontal(self) -> None: """ Compute widget position for horizontal orientation. """ x_left = 0 # Total added to left x_right = 0 # Total added to right w_center = 0 for w in self._widgets.values(): align, v_pos = self._widgets_props[w.get_id()] if not w.is_visible(check_frame=False) or w.is_floating(): continue if align == ALIGN_CENTER: w_center += w.get_width() + w.get_margin()[0] continue elif align == ALIGN_LEFT: x_left += w.get_margin()[0] self._pos[w.get_id()] = (x_left, self._get_vt(w, v_pos) + w.get_margin()[1]) x_left += w.get_width() elif align == ALIGN_RIGHT: x_right -= (w.get_width() + w.get_margin()[0]) self._pos[w.get_id()] = (self._width + x_right, self._get_vt(w, v_pos) + w.get_margin()[1]) dw = x_left - x_right if dw > self._width and not self._relax: raise _FrameSizeException( f'{w.get_class_id()} width ({dw}) exceeds {self.get_class_id()}' f' width ({self._width}). Set frame._relax=True to ignore this Exception' ) # Now center widgets available = self._width - (x_left - x_right) if w_center > available and not self._relax: raise _FrameSizeException( f'cannot place center widgets as required width ({w_center}) is ' f'greater than available ({available}) in {self.get_class_id()}.' f' Set frame._relax=True to ignore this Exception' ) x_center = int(self._width / 2 - w_center / 2) for w in self._widgets.values(): align, v_pos = self._widgets_props[w.get_id()] if not w.is_visible(check_frame=False) or w.is_floating(): continue if align == ALIGN_CENTER: x_center += w.get_margin()[0] self._pos[w.get_id()] = (x_center, self._get_vt(w, v_pos) + w.get_margin()[1]) x_center += w.get_width() def _update_position_vertical(self) -> None: """ Compute widget position for vertical orientation. """ y_top = 0 # Total added to top y_bottom = 0 # Total added to bottom w_center = 0 for w in self._widgets.values(): align, v_pos = self._widgets_props[w.get_id()] if not w.is_visible(check_frame=False) or w.is_floating(): continue if v_pos == POSITION_CENTER: w_center += w.get_height() + w.get_margin()[1] continue elif v_pos == POSITION_NORTH: y_top += w.get_margin()[1] self._pos[w.get_id()] = (self._get_ht(w, align) + w.get_margin()[0], y_top) y_top += w.get_height() elif v_pos == POSITION_SOUTH: y_bottom -= (w.get_height() + w.get_margin()[1]) self._pos[w.get_id()] = (self._get_ht(w, align) + w.get_margin()[0], self._height + y_bottom) dh = y_top - y_bottom if dh > self._height and not self._relax: raise _FrameSizeException( f'{w.get_class_id()} height ({dh}) exceeds {self.get_class_id()}' f' height ({self._height}). Set frame._relax=True to ignore ' f'this Exception' ) # Now center widgets available = self._height - (y_top - y_bottom) if w_center > available and not self._relax: raise _FrameSizeException( f'cannot place center widgets as required height ({w_center}) is' f' greater than available ({available}) in {self.get_class_id()}.' f' Set frame._relax=True to ignore this Exception' ) y_center = int(self._height / 2 - w_center / 2) for w in self._widgets.values(): align, v_pos = self._widgets_props[w.get_id()] if not w.is_visible(check_frame=False) or w.is_floating(): continue if v_pos == POSITION_CENTER: y_center += w.get_margin()[1] self._pos[w.get_id()] = (self._get_ht(w, align) + w.get_margin()[0], y_center) y_center += w.get_height()
[docs] def update_position(self) -> 'Frame': """ Update the position of each widget. :return: Self reference """ if len(self._widgets) == 0: return self # Update position based on orientation if self._orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL: self._update_position_horizontal() elif self._orientation == ORIENTATION_VERTICAL: self._update_position_vertical() # Apply position to each widget for w in self._widgets.keys(): widget = self._widgets[w] if not widget.is_visible(check_frame=False): widget.set_position(0, 0) continue if widget.is_floating(): tx = 0 ty = 0 else: tx, ty = self._pos[w] ty += self._title_height() if widget.get_menu() is None: # Widget is only appended to Frame fx, fy = self.get_position() margin = widget.get_margin() padding = widget.get_padding() widget.set_position(fx + margin[0] + padding[3], fy + padding[0]) if self.is_scrollable and isinstance(widget, Frame) and widget.is_scrollable: widget.get_scrollarea(inner=True).set_position(tx, ty) # If scrollarea, subtract this position to each widget if self._frame_scrollarea is not None: sx, sy = self._frame_scrollarea.get_position() tx -= sx ty -= sy widget._translate_virtual = (tx, ty) # Translate to scrollarea # Check if control widget has changed positioning. This fixes centering issues if self._control_widget is not None: c_pos = self._control_widget.get_position() if self._control_widget_last_pos != c_pos: self._control_widget_last_pos = c_pos if self._recursive_render <= 100 and self._menu is not None: self._menu.render() self._recursive_render += 1 else: self._recursive_render = 0 # If frame has title if self._has_title: self._frame_title.update_position() return self
[docs] def get_widgets( self, unpack_subframes: bool = True, unpack_subframes_include_frame: bool = False, reverse: bool = False ) -> Tuple['Widget', ...]: """ Get widgets as a tuple. :param unpack_subframes: If ``True`` add frame widgets instead of frame :param unpack_subframes_include_frame: If ``True`` the unpacked frame is also added to the widget list :param reverse: Reverse the returned tuple :return: Widget tuple """ wtp = [] for widget in self._widgets.values(): if isinstance(widget, Frame) and unpack_subframes: if unpack_subframes_include_frame: wtp.append(widget) ww = widget.get_widgets( unpack_subframes=unpack_subframes, unpack_subframes_include_frame=unpack_subframes_include_frame ) for i in ww: wtp.append(i) continue wtp.append(widget) if reverse: wtp.reverse() return tuple(wtp)
[docs] def clear(self) -> Union['Widget', Tuple['Widget', ...]]: """ Unpack all widgets within frame. :return: Removed widgets """ unpacked = [] for w in self.get_widgets(unpack_subframes=False): self.unpack(w) unpacked.append(w) return tuple(unpacked)
[docs] def resize( self, width: NumberType, height: NumberType, max_width: Optional[NumberType] = None, max_height: Optional[NumberType] = None ) -> 'Frame': """ Resize the Frame. :param width: New width in px. Horizontal padding will be subtracted :param height: New height in px. Vertical padding will be subtracted :param max_width: Max frame width if the Frame is scrollable. If ``None`` the same width will be used :param max_height: Max frame height if the Frame is scrollable. If ``None`` the same height will be used :return: Self reference """ assert isinstance(width, NumberInstance) assert isinstance(height, NumberInstance) pad_h = self._padding[1] + self._padding[3] pad_v = self._padding[0] + self._padding[2] # Subtract padding width -= pad_h height -= pad_v # Check size assert width > 0 and height > 0, 'new width and height must be greater than zero' # Update width/height if width < self._width or height < self._height: self.relax() self._frame_size = (width, height) # Size of the frame, set in make_scrollarea self._height = int(height) self._real_rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, width, height) self._width = int(width) # Get previous buttons if it has title prev_has_title = self._has_title prev_title_frame = self._frame_title prev_title_buttons = list(self._frame_title.get_widgets()) if self._has_title else [] if len(prev_title_buttons) >= 1: # Pop label prev_title_buttons.pop(0) # Make scrollable if scrollable if self.is_scrollable: assert self._frame_scrollarea.has_attribute('constructor'), \ 'frame scrollarea does not have the "constructor" attribute. Make ' \ 'sure the scrollarea has been created using make_scrollarea() method' kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = self._frame_scrollarea.get_attribute('constructor') if max_width is None: max_width = width if max_height is None: max_height = height self.make_scrollarea( max_height=max_height, max_width=max_width, scrollarea_color=kwargs['scrollarea_color'], scrollbar_color=kwargs['scrollbar_color'], scrollbar_cursor=kwargs['scrollbar_cursor'], scrollbar_shadow=kwargs['scrollbar_shadow'], scrollbar_shadow_color=kwargs['scrollbar_shadow_color'], scrollbar_shadow_offset=kwargs['scrollbar_shadow_offset'], scrollbar_shadow_position=kwargs['scrollbar_shadow_position'], scrollbar_slider_color=kwargs['scrollbar_slider_color'], scrollbar_slider_hover_color=kwargs['scrollbar_slider_hover_color'], scrollbar_slider_pad=kwargs['scrollbar_slider_pad'], scrollbar_thick=kwargs['scrollbar_thick'], scrollbars=kwargs['scrollbars'] ) else: assert max_width is None and max_height is None, \ 'if previous Frame is not scrollable (make_scrollarea has been ' \ 'called) max_width and max_height must be None' # If had title, remove and create a new one if self._has_title: self.remove_title() if prev_has_title: for btn in prev_title_buttons: prev_title_frame.unpack(btn) btn.set_margin(0, 0) btn.set_float(False) assert prev_title_frame.has_attribute('constructor'), \ 'frame title does not have the attribute "constructor". Make sure ' \ 'the frame title has been created through set_title() method.' kwargs = prev_title_frame.get_attribute('constructor') new_title_frame = self.set_title( title=kwargs['title'], cursor=kwargs['cursor'], background_color=kwargs['background_color'], draggable=kwargs['draggable'], padding_inner=kwargs['padding_inner'], padding_outer=kwargs['padding_outer'], title_alignment=kwargs['title_alignment'], title_buttons_alignment=kwargs['title_buttons_alignment'], title_font=kwargs['title_font'], title_font_color=kwargs['title_font_color'], title_font_size=kwargs['title_font_size'] ) # Pack previous buttons # prev_title_buttons.reverse() for btn in prev_title_buttons: align = btn.get_attribute('align', kwargs['title_buttons_alignment']) margin = btn.get_attribute('margin', (0, 0)) new_title_frame.pack(btn, align=align, margin=margin) # Force render self._render() self.force_menu_surface_update() return self
[docs] def unfloat(self) -> 'Frame': """ Disable float status for each subwidget. :return: Self reference """ for w in self.get_widgets(unpack_subframes_include_frame=True): w.set_float(False) if self._menu is not None: self._menu.render() self._menu.scroll_to_widget(None) return self
[docs] def get_scrollarea(self, inner: bool = False) -> Optional['pygame_menu._scrollarea.ScrollArea']: """ Return the scrollarea object. :param inner: If ``True`` return the inner scrollarea :return: ScrollArea object """ if inner: return self._frame_scrollarea return self._scrollarea
[docs] def set_frame(self, frame: 'pygame_menu.widgets.Frame') -> 'Frame': assert self != frame, \ f'{frame.get_class_id()} cannot set itself as a frame' super(Frame, self).set_frame(frame) if self._frame_title is not None: self._frame_title.set_frame(frame) return self
[docs] def set_scrollarea(self, scrollarea: Optional['pygame_menu._scrollarea.ScrollArea']) -> None: if scrollarea is not None: assert scrollarea != self._frame_scrollarea, \ f'scrollarea cannot be {self.get_class_id()}._frame_scrollarea {scrollarea.get_class_id()}' self._scrollarea = scrollarea if self._frame_scrollarea is not None: self._frame_scrollarea.set_parent_scrollarea(scrollarea) else: for w in self.get_widgets(unpack_subframes=False): w.set_scrollarea(scrollarea) if self._frame_title is not None: self._frame_title.set_scrollarea(scrollarea)
[docs] def scrollh(self, value: NumberType) -> 'Frame': """ Scroll to horizontal value if frame is scrollable. :param value: Horizontal scroll value, if ``0`` scroll to left; ``1`` scroll to right :return: Self reference """ if self._frame_scrollarea is not None: self._frame_scrollarea.scroll_to(ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, value) return self
[docs] def scrollv(self, value: NumberType) -> 'Frame': """ Scroll to vertical value if frame is scrollable. :param value: Vertical scroll value, if ``0`` scroll to top; ``1`` scroll to bottom :return: Self reference """ if self._frame_scrollarea is not None: self._frame_scrollarea.scroll_to(ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, value) return self
[docs] def get_scroll_value_percentage(self, orientation: str) -> float: """ Get the scroll value in percentage, if ``0`` the scroll is at top/left, ``1`` bottom/right. .. note:: If ScrollArea does not contain such orientation scroll, or frame is not scrollable, ``-1`` is returned. :param orientation: Orientation. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :return: Value from ``0`` to ``1`` """ if self._frame_scrollarea is not None: return self._frame_scrollarea.get_scroll_value_percentage(orientation) return -1
[docs] def unpack(self, widget: 'Widget') -> 'Frame': """ Unpack widget from Frame. If widget does not exist, raises ``ValueError``. Unpacked widgets adopt a floating position and are moved to the last position of the widget list of Menu :param widget: Widget to unpack :return: Unpacked widget """ assert widget != self, 'frame cannot unpack itself' assert len(self._widgets) > 0, 'frame is empty' wid = widget.get_id() if wid not in self._widgets.keys(): raise ValueError(f'{widget.get_class_id()} does not exist in {self.get_class_id()}') assert widget._frame == self, 'widget frame differs from current' widget.set_float() if self._menu is not None: widget.set_scrollarea(self._menu.get_scrollarea()) widget._frame = None widget._translate_virtual = (0, 0) del self._widgets[wid] try: del self._pos[wid] except KeyError: pass # Move widget to the last position of widget list menu_widgets = self._get_menu_widgets() if widget.get_menu() == self._menu and widget in menu_widgets: self._menu._validate_frame_widgetmove = False try: self._menu.move_widget_index(widget, render=False) # Assertion error if moving widget (last) to same position (last) except (ValueError, AssertionError): pass if isinstance(widget, Frame): widgets = widget.get_widgets(unpack_subframes_include_frame=True) for w in widgets: if w.get_menu() is None or w not in menu_widgets: continue self._menu.move_widget_index(w, render=False) self._menu._validate_frame_widgetmove = True # Check if frame contains more frames self._has_frames = False for k in self.get_widgets(unpack_subframes=False): if isinstance(k, Frame): self._has_frames = True break # Update selected if self._menu is not None: self._menu.move_widget_index(None, update_selected_index=True) # Update indices self.update_indices() # Render menu self._menu_render() if self._control_widget == widget: self._control_widget = None self._control_widget_last_pos = None for w in self.get_widgets(): if w.get_menu() is not None: self._control_widget = w self._control_widget_last_pos = self._control_widget.get_position() break if widget.is_selected(): widget.scroll_to_widget() if len(self._widgets) == 0: # Scroll to top self.scrollv(0) self.scrollh(0) if isinstance(widget, Frame): self._sort_menu_update_frames() # Update widget leave check_widget_mouseleave() return widget
[docs] def pack( self, widget: Union['Widget', List['Widget'], Tuple['Widget', ...]], align: str = ALIGN_LEFT, vertical_position: str = POSITION_NORTH, margin: Vector2NumberType = (0, 0) ) -> Union['Widget', List['Widget'], Tuple['Widget', ...], Any]: """ Packs widget in the frame line. To pack a widget it has to be already appended to Menu, and the Menu must be the same as the frame. Packing is added to the same line, for example if three LEFT widgets are added: .. code-block:: python <frame horizontal> frame.pack(W1, alignment=ALIGN_LEFT, vertical_position=POSITION_NORTH) frame.pack(W2, alignment=ALIGN_LEFT, vertical_position=POSITION_CENTER) frame.pack(W3, alignment=ALIGN_LEFT, vertical_position=POSITION_SOUTH) ---------------- |W1 | | W2 | | W3 | ---------------- Another example: .. code-block:: python <frame horizontal> frame.pack(W1, alignment=ALIGN_LEFT) frame.pack(W2, alignment=ALIGN_CENTER) frame.pack(W3, alignment=ALIGN_RIGHT) ---------------- |W1 W2 W3| ---------------- .. code-block:: python <frame vertical> frame.pack(W1, alignment=ALIGN_LEFT) frame.pack(W2, alignment=ALIGN_CENTER) frame.pack(W3, alignment=ALIGN_RIGHT) -------- |W1 | | W2 | | W3| -------- .. note:: Frame does not consider previous widget margin. For such purpose, use ``margin`` pack parameter. .. note:: It is recommended to force menu rendering after packing all widgets. .. note:: Packing applies a virtual translation to the widget, previous translation is not modified. .. note:: Widget floating is also considered within frames. If a widget is floating, it does not add any size to the respective positioning. :param widget: Widget to be packed :param align: Widget alignment. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :param vertical_position: Vertical position of the widget within frame. Only valid: north, center, and south. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :param margin: (left, top) margin of added widget in px. It overrides the previous widget margin :return: Added widget references """ assert self._menu is not None or self._menu_can_be_none_pack, \ f'{self.get_class_id()} menu must be set before packing widgets' if isinstance(widget, VectorInstance): for w in widget: self.pack(widget=w, align=align, vertical_position=vertical_position) return widget assert isinstance(widget, Widget) if isinstance(widget, Frame): assert widget.get_menu() is not None or self._menu_can_be_none_pack, \ f'{widget.get_class_id()} menu cannot be None' assert widget.get_id() not in self._widgets.keys(), \ f'{widget.get_class_id()} already exists in {self.get_class_id()}' assert widget.get_menu() == self._menu or widget.get_menu() is None, \ 'widget menu to be added to frame must be in same menu as frame, or ' \ 'it can have any Menu instance' assert widget.get_frame() is None, \ f'{widget.get_class_id()} is already packed in {widget.get_frame().get_class_id()}' assert_alignment(align) assert vertical_position in (POSITION_NORTH, POSITION_CENTER, POSITION_SOUTH), \ 'vertical position must be NORTH, CENTER, or SOUTH' assert_vector(margin, 2) assert widget.configured, \ f'{widget.get_class_id()} must be configured before packing' if widget.get_margin() != (0, 0) and self._pack_margin_warning: if self._verbose: warn( f'{widget.get_class_id()} margin should be (0, 0) if packed, but' f' received {widget.get_margin()}; {self.get_class_id()}.pack() ' f'does not consider previous widget margin. Set ' f'frame._pack_margin_warning=False to hide this warning' ) if isinstance(widget, Frame): widget.update_indices() widget.set_frame(self) widget.set_margin(*margin) if self._frame_scrollarea is not None: widget.set_scrollarea(self._frame_scrollarea) else: widget.set_scrollarea(self._scrollarea) if self.is_scrollable or self._has_title or isinstance(widget, Frame): self._sort_menu_update_frames() self._widgets[widget.get_id()] = widget self._widgets_props[widget.get_id()] = (align, vertical_position) # Sort widgets to keep selection order menu_widgets = self._get_menu_widgets() if widget.get_menu() is not None and widget in menu_widgets: self._menu._validate_frame_widgetmove = False widgets_list = list(self._widgets.values()) # Move frame to last if len(self._widgets) > 1: w_last = widgets_list[-2] # -1 is the last added for i in range(2, len(self._widgets)): if w_last.get_menu() is None and len(self._widgets) > 2: w_last = widgets_list[-(i + 1)] else: break # Check for last if w_last is frame while True: if not (isinstance(w_last, Frame) and w_last.get_indices() != (-1, -1)) or w_last.get_menu() is None: break w_last = menu_widgets[w_last.last_index] if w_last.get_menu() == self._menu: self._menu.move_widget_index(self, w_last, render=False) # Swap self._menu.move_widget_index(widget, self, render=False) if isinstance(widget, Frame): reverse = menu_widgets.index(widget) == len(menu_widgets) - 1 widgs = widget.get_widgets(unpack_subframes_include_frame=True, reverse=reverse) first_moved_widget = None last_moved_widget = None for w in widgs: if w.get_menu() is None or w not in menu_widgets: continue self._menu.move_widget_index(w, self, render=False) if first_moved_widget is None: first_moved_widget = w last_moved_widget = w swap_target = last_moved_widget if reverse else first_moved_widget if swap_target is not None: menu_widgets.remove(widget) menu_widgets.insert(menu_widgets.index(swap_target), widget) # Move widget to first menu_widgets.remove(self) for k in range(len(widgets_list)): if widgets_list[k].get_menu() == self._menu: menu_widgets.insert(menu_widgets.index(widgets_list[k]), self) break self._menu._validate_frame_widgetmove = True # Update control widget if self._control_widget is None: self._control_widget = widget self._control_widget_last_pos = self._control_widget.get_position() if isinstance(widget, Frame): self._has_frames = True # Update menu selected widget if self._menu is not None: self._menu.move_widget_index(None, update_selected_index=True) # Render is mandatory as it modifies row/column layout try: self.update_position() self._menu_render() except _FrameSizeException: self.unpack(widget) raise # Request scroll if widget is selected if widget.is_selected(): widget.scroll_to_widget() widget.scroll_to_widget() # Update widget leave check_widget_mouseleave() return widget
[docs] def contains_widget(self, widget: 'Widget') -> bool: """ Return true if the frame contains the given widget. :param widget: Widget to check :return: ``True`` if widget within frame """ return widget.get_frame() == self and widget.get_id() in self._widgets.keys()
[docs] def hide(self) -> 'Frame': super(Frame, self).hide() if self._has_title: self._frame_title.hide() # sub-widgets cannot be hidden because some widgets compute sizing even # if the frame itself is hidden # for w in self.get_widgets(unpack_subframes=False): # w.hide() return self
[docs] def show(self) -> 'Frame': super(Frame, self).show() # same as hiding, sub-widgets should not be modified # for w in self.get_widgets(unpack_subframes=False): # if self._has_title: return self
[docs] def update_indices(self) -> 'Frame': """ Update first and last selectable widget index. :return: Self reference """ # Public index update only triggered if frame does not contain subframes if not self._has_frames: self._update_indices() return self
def _update_indices(self) -> None: """ Private update indices method. """ self.first_index = -1 self.last_index = -1 for widget in self.get_widgets(unpack_subframes=False): if (widget.is_selectable or isinstance(widget, Frame)) and widget.get_menu() is not None: if isinstance(widget, Frame) and widget.get_indices() == (-1, -1): continue # Frames with not selectable indices are not counted windex = widget.get_col_row_index()[2] if self.first_index == -1: self.first_index = windex self.last_index = windex else: self.first_index = min(self.first_index, windex) self.last_index = max(self.last_index, windex) if self.get_frame() is not None: self.get_frame()._update_indices()
[docs] def update(self, events: EventVectorType) -> bool: self.apply_update_callbacks(events) updated = False if self.readonly or not self.is_visible(): self._readonly_check_mouseover(events) return updated # Check title events if self._has_title: # Check for buttons for w in self._frame_title.get_widgets(): updated = updated or w.update(events) # Check if clicked the title for drag for event in events: # Check mouseover self._frame_title._check_mouseover(event) # If clicked in title if self._draggable and ( event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and self._mouse_enabled and event.button in (1, 2, 3) or event.type == FINGERDOWN and self._touchscreen_enabled and self._menu is not None ): event_pos = get_finger_pos(self._menu, event) if self._frame_title.get_rect(to_real_position=True).collidepoint(*event_pos): if not self._frame_title.get_attribute('drag', False): self._frame_title.set_attribute('drag', True) updated = True # User releases the button elif ( event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and self._mouse_enabled and event.button in (1, 2, 3) or event.type == FINGERUP and self._touchscreen_enabled ): self._frame_title.set_attribute('drag', False) # Mouse out from window # elif event.type == pygame.ACTIVEEVENT: # if event.gain != 1: # self._frame_title.set_attribute('drag', False) # break # User moves the mouse while drag elif ( event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION and hasattr(event, 'rel') or event.type == FINGERMOTION and self._touchscreen_enabled and self._menu is not None ): if self._frame_title.get_attribute('drag', False) and self._draggable: # Get relative movement rx = event.rel[0] if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION else \ event.dx * self._menu.get_window_size()[0] * S_FINGER_FACTOR[0] ry = event.rel[1] if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION else \ event.dy * self._menu.get_window_size()[1] * S_FINGER_FACTOR[1] event_pos = get_finger_pos(self._menu, event) tx, ty = self.get_translate() title_rect = self._frame_title.get_rect(to_real_position=True) if self._rect.y <= 0: if not title_rect.collidepoint(*event_pos): if ry > 0: self.translate(tx, ty - self._rect.y) self.force_menu_surface_update() updated = True continue elif self.get_scrollarea() is not None: max_v = self.get_scrollarea().get_world_size()[1] - self._title_height() if self._rect.y >= max_v: if not title_rect.collidepoint(*event_pos): if ry < 0: continue if ry > 0: continue if ry > 0 and self._rect.y + ry >= max_v: continue # Get the max/min distance which can translate in vertical if ry < 0: ry = -min(-ry, self._rect.y) self.translate(tx + rx, ty + ry) self.force_menu_surface_update() updated = True # Check mouseover for event in events: if self._check_mouseover(event): break # If not scrollable, return if not self.is_scrollable: return updated return updated or self._frame_scrollarea.update(events)
class _FrameSizeException(Exception): """ If widget size is greater than frame raises exception. """ pass class _FrameDoNotAcceptScrollarea(Exception): """ Raised if the frame does not accept a scrollarea. """ pass class _FrameDoNotAcceptTitle(Exception): """ Raised if the frame does not accept a title. """ pass class FrameManager(AbstractWidgetManager, ABC): """ Frame manager. """ def _frame( self, width: NumberType, height: NumberType, orientation: str, frame_id: str = '', **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.Frame': """ Adds a frame to the Menu. :param width: Frame width in px :param height: Frame height in px :param orientation: Frame orientation, horizontal or vertical. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :param frame_id: ID of the frame :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.Frame` """ from pygame_menu._scrollarea import get_scrollbars_from_position # Remove invalid keys from kwargs for key in list(kwargs.keys()): if key not in ('align', 'background_color', 'background_inflate', 'border_color', 'border_inflate', 'border_width', 'cursor', 'margin', 'padding', 'max_height', 'max_width', 'scrollbar_color', 'scrollbar_cursor', 'scrollbar_shadow_color', 'scrollbar_shadow_offset', 'scrollbar_shadow_position', 'scrollbar_shadow', 'scrollbar_slider_color', 'scrollbar_slider_pad', 'scrollbar_thick', 'scrollbars', 'scrollarea_color', 'border_position', 'scrollbar_slider_hover_color', 'tab_size', 'float', 'float_origin_position'): kwargs.pop(key, None) attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) pad = parse_padding(attributes['padding']) # top, right, bottom, left pad_h = pad[1] + pad[3] pad_v = pad[0] + pad[2] assert width > pad_h, \ f'frame width ({width}) cannot be lower than horizontal padding size ({pad_h})' assert height > pad_v, \ f'frame height ({height}) cannot be lower than vertical padding size ({pad_v})' widget = Frame( width=width - pad_h, height=height - pad_v, orientation=orientation, frame_id=frame_id ) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) widget.make_scrollarea( max_height=kwargs.pop('max_height', height) - pad_v, max_width=kwargs.pop('max_width', width) - pad_h, scrollarea_color=kwargs.pop('scrollarea_color', None), scrollbar_color=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_color', self._theme.scrollbar_color), scrollbar_cursor=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_cursor', self._theme.scrollbar_cursor), scrollbar_shadow=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow), scrollbar_shadow_color=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow_color', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow_color), scrollbar_shadow_offset=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow_offset', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow_offset), scrollbar_shadow_position=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow_position', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow_position), scrollbar_slider_color=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_slider_color', self._theme.scrollbar_slider_color), scrollbar_slider_hover_color=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_slider_hover_color', self._theme.scrollbar_slider_hover_color), scrollbar_slider_pad=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_slider_pad', self._theme.scrollbar_slider_pad), scrollbar_thick=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_thick', self._theme.scrollbar_thick), scrollbars=get_scrollbars_from_position(kwargs.pop('scrollbars', self._theme.scrollarea_position)) ) self._append_widget(widget) self._check_kwargs(kwargs) return widget def frame_h( self, width: NumberType, height: NumberType, frame_id: str = '', **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.Frame': """ Adds a horizontal frame to the Menu. Frame is a widget container that packs many widgets within. All contained widgets have a floating position, and use only 1 position in column/row layout. .. code-block:: python frame.pack(W1, alignment=ALIGN_LEFT, vertical_position=POSITION_NORTH) frame.pack(W2, alignment=ALIGN_LEFT, vertical_position=POSITION_CENTER) frame.pack(W3, alignment=ALIGN_LEFT, vertical_position=POSITION_SOUTH) ... ---------------- |W1 | | W2 ... | | W3 | ---------------- kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the frame if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contribute width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``max_height`` (int) – Max height in px. If this value is lower than the frame ``height`` a scrollbar will appear on vertical axis. ``None`` by default (same height) - ``max_width`` (int) – Max width in px. If this value is lower than the frame ``width`` a scrollbar will appear on horizontal axis. ``None`` by default (same width) - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``scrollarea_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`,None) – Scroll area color. If ``None`` area is transparent - ``scrollbar_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Scrollbar color - ``scrollbar_cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the scrollbars if the mouse is placed over - ``scrollbar_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the shadow of each scrollbar - ``scrollbar_shadow_offset`` (int) – Offset of the scrollbar shadow in px - ``scrollbar_shadow_position`` (str) – Position of the scrollbar shadow. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``scrollbar_shadow`` (bool) – Indicate if a shadow is drawn on each scrollbar - ``scrollbar_slider_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the sliders - ``scrollbar_slider_hover_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the slider if hovered or clicked - ``scrollbar_slider_pad`` (int, float) – Space between slider and scrollbars borders in px - ``scrollbar_thick`` (int) – Scrollbar thickness in px - ``scrollbars`` (str) – Scrollbar position. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget shadow - ``shadow_radius`` (int) - Border radius of the shadow - ``shadow_type`` (str) - Shadow type, it can be ``'rectangular'`` or ``'ellipse'`` - ``shadow_width`` (int) - Width of the shadow. If ``0`` the shadow is disabled .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: If horizontal frame contains a scrollarea (setting ``max_height`` or ``max_width`` less than size) padding will be set at zero. .. note:: Packing applies a virtual translation to the widget, previous translation is not modified. .. note:: Widget floating is also considered within frames. If a widget is floating, it does not add any size to the respective positioning. .. note:: The Frame size created with this method does consider the padding. Thus, if Frame is created with ``width=100``, ``height=200`` and ``padding=25`` the final internal size is ``width=50`` and ``height=150``. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. :param width: Frame width in px :param height: Frame height in px :param frame_id: ID of the horizontal frame :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.Frame` """ return self._frame(width, height, ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, frame_id, **kwargs) def frame_v( self, width: NumberType, height: NumberType, frame_id: str = '', **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.Frame': """ Adds a vertical frame to the Menu. Frame is a widget container that packs many widgets within. All contained widgets have a floating position, and use only 1 position in column/row layout. .. code-block:: python frame.pack(W1, alignment=ALIGN_LEFT) frame.pack(W2, alignment=ALIGN_CENTER) frame.pack(W3, alignment=ALIGN_RIGHT) ... -------- |W1 | | W2 | | W3| | ... | -------- kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the frame if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contribute width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``max_height`` (int) – Max height in px. If this value is lower than the frame ``height`` a scrollbar will appear on vertical axis. ``None`` by default (same height) - ``max_width`` (int) – Max width in px. If this value is lower than the frame ``width`` a scrollbar will appear on horizontal axis. ``None`` by default (same width) - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``scrollarea_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`,None) – Scroll area color. If ``None`` area is transparent - ``scrollbar_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Scrollbar color - ``scrollbar_cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the scrollbars if the mouse is placed over - ``scrollbar_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the shadow of each scrollbar - ``scrollbar_shadow_offset`` (int) – Offset of the scrollbar shadow in px - ``scrollbar_shadow_position`` (str) – Position of the scrollbar shadow. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``scrollbar_shadow`` (bool) – Indicate if a shadow is drawn on each scrollbar - ``scrollbar_slider_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the sliders - ``scrollbar_slider_hover_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the slider if hovered or clicked - ``scrollbar_slider_pad`` (int, float) – Space between slider and scrollbars borders in px - ``scrollbar_thick`` (int) – Scrollbar thickness in px - ``scrollbars`` (str) – Scrollbar position. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget shadow - ``shadow_radius`` (int) - Border radius of the shadow - ``shadow_type`` (str) - Shadow type, it can be ``'rectangular'`` or ``'ellipse'`` - ``shadow_width`` (int) - Width of the shadow. If ``0`` the shadow is disabled .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: If vertical frame contains a scrollarea (setting ``max_height`` or ``max_width`` less than size) padding will be set at zero. .. note:: Packing applies a virtual translation to the widget, previous translation is not modified. .. note:: Widget floating is also considered within frames. If a widget is floating, it does not add any size to the respective positioning. .. note:: The Frame size created with this method does consider the padding. Thus, if Frame is created with ``width=100``, ``height=200`` and ``padding=25`` the final internal size is ``width=50`` and ``height=150``. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. :param width: Frame width in px :param height: Frame height in px :param frame_id: ID of the vertical frame :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.Frame` """ return self._frame(width, height, ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, frame_id, **kwargs)