Source code for pygame_menu.widgets.widget.textinput


Text input class, this widget lets user write text.

__all__ = [

import math
import pygame
import pygame_menu
import pygame_menu.controls as ctrl

from abc import ABC
from pygame_menu.utils import check_key_pressed_valid, make_surface, assert_color, \
    get_finger_pos, warn, assert_vector
from pygame_menu.widgets.core.widget import Widget, WidgetTransformationNotImplemented, \

from pygame_menu._types import Optional, Any, CallbackType, Tuple, List, ColorType, \
    NumberType, Tuple2IntType, Dict, Tuple2NumberType, NumberInstance, ColorInputType, \
    EventVectorType, Union, Callable

    # noinspection PyProtectedMember
    from pyperclip import copy, paste, PyperclipException

except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
    copy, paste = lambda text: None, lambda: ''

    class PyperclipException(RuntimeError):
        Pyperclip exception thrown by pyperclip.

    pygame.KMOD_CTRL, pygame.KMOD_CTRL | pygame.KMOD_CAPS,
    pygame.KMOD_LCTRL, pygame.KMOD_LCTRL | pygame.KMOD_CAPS,
    pygame.KMOD_RCTRL, pygame.KMOD_RCTRL | pygame.KMOD_CAPS

# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
[docs]class TextInput(Widget): """ Text input widget. The callbacks receive the current value and all unknown keyword arguments, where ``current_text=widget.get_value``: .. code-block:: python onchange(current_text, **kwargs) onreturn(current_text, **kwargs) .. note:: TextInput text input is sensitive to the widget font, some fonts do not support some characters or languages (for example Chinese). Be careful about which font use. .. note:: TextInput only accepts vertical flip and translation transformations. :param title: Text input title :param textinput_id: ID of the text input :param copy_paste_enable: Enables copy, paste, and cut :param cursor_color: Color of cursor :param cursor_selection_color: Color of the text selection if the cursor is enabled on certain widgets :param cursor_selection_enable: Enables selection of text :param cursor_size: Set surface x,y of the cursor which determines cursor size :param cursor_switch_ms: Interval of cursor switch between off and on status. First status is ``off`` :param history: Maximum number of editions stored :param input_type: Type of the input data. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :param input_underline: Character string drawn under the input :param input_underline_len: Total of characters to be drawn under the input. If ``0`` this number is computed automatically to fit the font :param input_underline_vmargin: Vertical margin of underline in px :param maxchar: Maximum length of input :param maxwidth: Maximum size of the text to be displayed (overflow). If ``0`` this feature is disabled :param maxwidth_dynamically_update: Dynamically update maxwidth depending on char size :param onchange: Callback when changing the text input :param onreturn: Callback when pressing return (apply) on the text input :param onselect: Function when selecting the widget :param password: Input string is displayed as a password :param password_char: Character used by password type :param repeat_keys_initial_ms: Time in ms before keys are repeated when held in ms :param repeat_keys_interval_ms: Interval between key press repetition when held in ms :param repeat_mouse_interval_ms: Interval between mouse events when held in ms :param text_ellipsis: Ellipsis text when overflow occurs (input length exceeds maxwidth) :param valid_chars: List of chars that are valid, ``None`` if all chars are valid :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments """ _absolute_origin: Tuple2IntType _alt_x_enabled: bool _apply_widget_update_callback: bool # Used in ColorInput _block_copy_paste: bool _clock: 'pygame.time.Clock' _copy_paste_enabled: bool _current_underline_string: str # Testing _cursor_color: ColorType _cursor_ms_counter: NumberType # Stores the ms between cursor switch _cursor_offset: NumberType _cursor_position: int _cursor_render: bool _cursor_size: Optional[Tuple2IntType] # Size defined by user _cursor_surface: Optional['pygame.Surface'] _cursor_surface_pos: List[int] _cursor_switch_ms: NumberType _cursor_visible: bool _ellipsis: str _ellipsis_size: NumberType _history: List[str] _history_cursor: List[int] _history_index: int _history_renderbox: List[List[int]] _ignore_keys: Tuple[int, ...] _input_string: str _input_type: str _input_underline: str _input_underline_len: int _input_underline_size: NumberType _input_underline_vmargin: int _key_is_pressed: bool _keychar_size: Dict[str, NumberType] _keyrepeat_counters: Dict[int, List[int]] _keyrepeat_initial_interval_ms: NumberType _keyrepeat_interval_ms: NumberType _keyrepeat_mouse_interval_ms: NumberType _keyrepeat_mouse_ms: NumberType _last_char: str _last_container_width: int _last_key: int _last_selection_render: List[int] _maxchar: int _maxwidth: int _maxwidth_base: int _maxwidth_update: bool _maxwidthsize: NumberType _mouse_is_pressed: bool _password: bool _password_char: str _renderbox: List[int] _selection_active: bool _selection_box: List[int] _selection_color: ColorType _selection_enabled: bool _selection_mouse_first_position: int _selection_position: List[int] _selection_surface: Optional['pygame.Surface'] _title_size: NumberType _valid_chars: Optional[List[str]] def __init__( self, title: Any, textinput_id: str = '', copy_paste_enable: bool = True, cursor_color: ColorInputType = (0, 0, 0), cursor_selection_color: ColorInputType = (30, 30, 30, 100), cursor_selection_enable: bool = True, cursor_size: Optional[Tuple2IntType] = None, cursor_switch_ms: NumberType = 500, history: int = 50, input_type: str = INPUT_TEXT, input_underline: str = '', input_underline_len: int = 0, input_underline_vmargin: int = 0, maxchar: int = 0, maxwidth: int = 0, maxwidth_dynamically_update: bool = True, onchange: CallbackType = None, onreturn: CallbackType = None, onselect: CallbackType = None, password: bool = False, password_char: str = '*', repeat_keys_initial_ms: NumberType = 400, repeat_keys_interval_ms: NumberType = 50, repeat_mouse_interval_ms: NumberType = 400, text_ellipsis: str = '...', valid_chars: Optional[List[str]] = None, *args, **kwargs ) -> None: assert isinstance(copy_paste_enable, bool) assert isinstance(cursor_selection_enable, bool) assert isinstance(cursor_size, (type(None), tuple)) assert isinstance(cursor_switch_ms, NumberInstance) assert isinstance(history, int) assert isinstance(input_type, str) assert isinstance(input_underline, str) assert isinstance(input_underline_len, int) assert isinstance(input_underline_vmargin, int) assert isinstance(maxchar, int) assert isinstance(maxwidth, int) assert isinstance(password, bool) assert isinstance(password_char, str) assert isinstance(repeat_keys_initial_ms, NumberInstance) assert isinstance(repeat_keys_interval_ms, NumberInstance) assert isinstance(repeat_mouse_interval_ms, NumberInstance) assert isinstance(text_ellipsis, str) assert isinstance(textinput_id, str) assert isinstance(valid_chars, (type(None), list)) assert history >= 0, \ 'history must be equal or greater than zero' assert maxchar >= 0, \ 'maxchar must be equal or greater than zero' assert maxwidth >= 0, \ 'maxwidth must be equal or greater than zero' assert len(password_char) == 1, \ 'password char must be a character' assert input_underline_len >= 0, \ 'input underline length must be equal or greater than zero' assert cursor_switch_ms > 0, \ 'cursor switch in milliseconds must be greater than zero' assert repeat_keys_initial_ms > 0, \ 'ms cannot be lower or equal than zero' assert repeat_keys_interval_ms > 0, \ 'ms cannot be lower or equal than zero' assert repeat_mouse_interval_ms > 0, \ 'ms cannot be lower or equal than zero' cursor_color = assert_color(cursor_color) cursor_selection_color = assert_color(cursor_selection_color) if pygame.vernum[0] >= 2: # pygame 1.9.3 don't have vernum.major assert len(cursor_selection_color) == 4, \ 'cursor selection color alpha must be defined' assert cursor_selection_color[3] != 255, \ 'cursor selection color alpha cannot be opaque' if cursor_size is not None: assert_vector(cursor_size, 2, int) assert cursor_size[0] > 0, \ 'cursor size width must be greater than zero' assert cursor_size[1] > 0, \ 'cursor size height must be greater than zero' super(TextInput, self).__init__( args=args, kwargs=kwargs, onchange=onchange, onreturn=onreturn, onselect=onselect, title=title, widget_id=textinput_id ) self._input_string = '' self._ignore_keys = ( # Ignore keys on keyrepeat event ctrl.KEY_MOVE_DOWN, ctrl.KEY_MOVE_UP, ctrl.KEY_TAB, pygame.K_CAPSLOCK, pygame.K_END, pygame.K_ESCAPE, pygame.K_HOME, pygame.K_LCTRL, pygame.K_LSHIFT, pygame.K_NUMLOCK, pygame.K_RCTRL, pygame.K_RETURN, pygame.K_RSHIFT ) # Vars to make keydown repeat after user pressed a key for some time: self._block_copy_paste = False # Blocks event self._key_is_pressed = False self._keyrepeat_counters = {} # {event.key: (counter_int, event.unicode)} (look for "***") self._keyrepeat_initial_interval_ms = repeat_keys_initial_ms self._keyrepeat_interval_ms = repeat_keys_interval_ms self._last_key = 0 # Mouse handling self._keyrepeat_mouse_ms = 0 self._keyrepeat_mouse_interval_ms = repeat_mouse_interval_ms self._mouse_is_pressed = False # Render box (overflow) self._ellipsis = text_ellipsis self._ellipsis_size = 0 self._renderbox = [0, 0, 0] # Left/Right/Inner, int # Things cursor: self._clock = pygame.time.Clock() self._cursor_color = cursor_color self._cursor_ms_counter = 0 self._cursor_offset = -1.0 self._cursor_position = 0 # Inside text self._cursor_render = True # If True cursor must be rendered self._cursor_surface = None self._cursor_surface_pos = [0, 0] # Position (x,y) of surface self._cursor_size = cursor_size self._cursor_switch_ms = cursor_switch_ms self._cursor_visible = False # Switches every self._cursor_switch_ms ms # History of editions self._history = [] self._history_cursor = [] self._history_renderbox = [] self._history_index = 0 # Index at which the new editions are added self._max_history = history # Text selection self._last_selection_render = [0, 0] # Position, int self._selection_active = False self._selection_box = [0, 0] # [from, to], int self._selection_color = cursor_selection_color self._selection_enabled = cursor_selection_enable # Touch emulates a mouse, so this is used by both touch and mouse self._selection_mouse_first_position = -1 self._selection_position = [0, 0] # x,y (float) self._selection_surface = None # List of valid chars if valid_chars is not None: for ch in range(len(valid_chars)): _char = str(valid_chars[ch]) valid_chars[ch] = _char assert isinstance(_char, str), \ f'element "{_char}" of valid_chars must be a string' assert len(_char) == 1, \ f'element "{_char}" of valid_chars must be character' assert len(valid_chars) > 0, \ 'valid_chars list must contain at least 1 element' self._valid_chars = valid_chars # Callbacks self._apply_widget_update_callback = True # Other self._accept_events = True self._alt_x_enabled = True self._copy_paste_enabled = copy_paste_enable self._current_underline_string = '' self._input_type = input_type self._input_underline = input_underline self._input_underline_len = input_underline_len self._input_underline_size = 0 self._input_underline_vmargin = input_underline_vmargin self._keychar_size = {'': 0} self._last_char = '' self._last_container_width = 0 self._maxchar = maxchar self._maxwidth = maxwidth # This value will be changed depending on how many chars are printed self._maxwidth_base = maxwidth self._maxwidth_update = maxwidth_dynamically_update self._maxwidthsize = 0 # Updated in _apply_font() self._password = password self._password_char = password_char self._title_size = 0 def _apply_font(self) -> None: self._ellipsis_size = self._font.size(self._ellipsis)[0] self._title_size = self._font.size(self._title)[0] # Generate the underline surface self._input_underline_size = self._font.size(self._input_underline * 3)[0] / 3 # Size of maxwidth if not zero max_char = 'O' if self._password: max_char = self._password_char max_char_size = self._font_render_string(max_char * self._maxwidth_base).get_size() self._maxwidthsize = max_char_size[0] # Update password char size if self._password: password_size = self._font_render_string(self._password_char).get_size()[0] if password_size == 0: raise ValueError( 'password character is not valid, the size of the font is zero, ' 'use another character or change the font') self._keychar_size[self._password_char] = password_size
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """ Clear the current text. """ self._input_string = '' self._cursor_position = 0 self._renderbox = [0, 0, 0] self._delete() self.change()
[docs] def get_value(self) -> str: """ Return the value of the text. :return: Text inside the widget """ value = '' if self._input_type == INPUT_TEXT: value = self._input_string # Without filters elif self._input_type == INPUT_FLOAT: try: value = float(self._input_string) except ValueError: value = 0 elif self._input_type == INPUT_INT: try: value = int(float(self._input_string)) except ValueError: value = 0 return value
def scale(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'TextInput': raise WidgetTransformationNotImplemented() def resize(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'TextInput': raise WidgetTransformationNotImplemented() def set_max_width(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'TextInput': raise WidgetTransformationNotImplemented() def set_max_height(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'TextInput': raise WidgetTransformationNotImplemented() def rotate(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'TextInput': raise WidgetTransformationNotImplemented()
[docs] def flip(self, x: bool, y: bool) -> 'TextInput': # Actually flip on x-axis is disabled super(TextInput, self).flip(False, y) return self
def _draw(self, surface: 'pygame.Surface') -> None: # Draw selection surface if pygame.vernum[0] >= 2: # pygame 1.9.3 don't have vernum.major surface.blit(self._surface, (self._rect.x, self._rect.y)) # Draw string if self._selection_surface is not None: # Draw selection surface.blit(self._selection_surface, (self._selection_position[0], self._selection_position[1])) else: if self._selection_surface is not None: # Draw selection surface.blit(self._selection_surface, (self._selection_position[0], self._selection_position[1])) surface.blit(self._surface, (self._rect.x, self._rect.y)) # Draw string # Draw cursor if self._selected and self._cursor_surface and \ (self._cursor_visible or self._key_is_pressed) and \ not self.readonly: x = self._rect.x + self._cursor_surface_pos[0] if self._flip[0]: # Flip on x-axis (bug) x = self._surface.get_width() - x y = self._rect.y + self._cursor_surface_pos[1] surface.blit(self._cursor_surface, (x, y)) def _render(self) -> Optional[bool]: string = self._title + self._get_input_string() # Render string max_cont_width = self._get_max_container_width() if max_cont_width != 0: self._last_container_width = max_cont_width if not self._render_hash_changed( string, self._selected, self._cursor_render, self._cursor_position, self._selection_enabled,, self._visible, self.readonly, self._last_container_width, self._selection_box[0], self._menu, self._selection_box[1], self._last_selection_render[0], self._padding, self._last_selection_render[1], self._renderbox[0], self._renderbox[1], self._renderbox[2], self._cursor_visible, self._title_size, self._selection_effect.get_width()): return True # Apply underline if exists self._surface = self._render_string_underline(string, self.get_font_color_status()) self._apply_transforms() # Render the cursor self._render_cursor() # Render the selection box if text is selected self._render_selection_box() # Update last rendered self._last_rendered_string = string # Update the size of the render self._rect.width, self._rect.height = self._surface.get_size() # Force Menu update self.force_menu_surface_update() def _render_selection_box(self, force: bool = False) -> None: """ Render selected text. :param force: Force update """ if not self._selection_enabled: return if self._selection_active and \ (self._last_selection_render[0] != self._selection_box[0] or self._last_selection_render[1] != self._selection_box[1]) or force: # If there's no limit pos = [0, 0] if self._maxwidth == 0: pos[0] = self._selection_box[0] pos[1] = self._selection_box[1] else: pos[0] = max(self._selection_box[0], self._renderbox[0]) pos[1] = min(self._selection_box[1], self._renderbox[1]) # Find coordinates of each position string = self._get_input_string_filtered() string_init = string[self._renderbox[0]:pos[0]] string_final = string[self._renderbox[0]:pos[1]] x1 = self._cursor_offset + self._font.size(self._title + string_init)[0] x2 = self._cursor_offset + self._font.size(self._title + string_final)[0] + 1 self._last_selection_render[0] = self._selection_box[0] self._last_selection_render[1] = self._selection_box[1] x = x2 - x1 if x <= 1: self._selection_surface = None return y = self._font.size(self._title)[1] # Add ellipsis delta = self._ellipsis_size if self._ellipsis_left_and_right(): # If Left+Right ellipsis delta *= 1 elif self._ellipsis_right(): # Right ellipsis delta *= 0 elif self._ellipsis_left(): # Left ellipsis delta *= 1 else: delta *= 0 x1 += delta x2 += delta # Apply scale factor (experimental) x *= self._scale_factor[0] y *= self._scale_factor[1] x1 *= self._scale_factor[0] # Create surface and fill self._selection_surface = make_surface(x, y, fill_color=self._selection_color) self._selection_position[0] = x1 + self._rect.x self._selection_position[1] = self._rect.y # Fill cursor if self._cursor_surface: self._cursor_surface.fill(self._cursor_color) def _get_max_container_width(self) -> int: """ Return the maximum textarea container width. It can be the column width, menu width or frame width if horizontal. :return: Container width """ menu = self._menu frame = self.get_frame() if menu is None: return 0 try: # noinspection PyProtectedMember max_width = menu._column_widths[self.get_col_row_index()[0]] except IndexError: max_width = menu.get_width(inner=True) # Textarea within frame if frame is not None: if frame.horizontal: raise RuntimeError( 'horizontal frame cannot contain variable width sizing textinput ' '(requested by input underline). Set input_underline_len variable ' 'to avoid this Exception' ) max_width = frame.get_width() return max_width - self._padding[1] - self._padding[3] def _render_string_underline(self, string: str, color: ColorInputType) -> 'pygame.Surface': """ Render underline string surface. :param string: String to render :param color: Color of the string to render :return: New surface """ color = assert_color(color) # Create surface with no underline (just text) surface = self._render_string(string, color) # If underline is not enabled if self._input_underline_size == 0: return surface current_rect = surface.get_rect() # Compute initial char guess if self._input_underline_len != 0: # User defined the amount of underline chars to use char = self._input_underline_len else: # Compute available width and propose the maximum chars needed (fill all width) # Calculate total available space # |---------------------------------------------------| # |MENU | # | <---- space-between-title ---> | # | .===TITLE====|=THE INPUT OF USER===========. | # | self._rect.x title posx2 | # | | # |---------------------------------------------------| posx2 = max(self._get_max_container_width() - self._input_underline_size * 1.75, current_rect.width) delta_ch = posx2 - self._title_size - self._selection_effect.get_width() char = math.ceil(delta_ch / self._input_underline_size) for i in range(10): # Find the best guess for fw = self._font_render_string(self._input_underline * int(char), color).get_width() char += 1 if fw >= delta_ch: break # If char limit if self._maxchar != 0 or self._maxwidth_base != 0: max_chars = max(self._maxchar, self._maxwidth_base) base_char = 'O' if self._password: base_char = self._password_char max_size = self._font_render_string(base_char * max_chars) max_size = max_size.get_size()[0] maxchar_char = math.ceil((max_size + self._ellipsis_size) / self._input_underline_size) char = min(char, maxchar_char) underline_string = self._input_underline * max(int(char), 0) # Render char self._current_underline_string = underline_string underline = self._font_render_string(underline_string, color, use_background_color=False) # Create a new surface new_width = max(self._title_size + underline.get_size()[0], current_rect.width) new_surface = make_surface( new_width, current_rect.height + 3 + self._input_underline_vmargin, alpha=True ) # Compute underline vmargin by its height uvm = 5 # underline vertical margin if underline.get_height() <= 15: uvm = 4 if underline.get_height() <= 7: uvm = 3 # Blit current surface new_surface.blit(surface, (0, 0)) new_surface.blit(underline, (self._title_size, uvm + self._input_underline_vmargin)) # Return new surface return new_surface def _render_cursor(self) -> None: """ Cursor is rendered and stored. """ # Cursor should not be rendered if not self._cursor_render: return # Cursor surface does not exist if self._cursor_surface is None: if self._rect.height == 0: # If Menu has not been initialized this error can occur return if self._cursor_size is not None: self._cursor_surface = make_surface(*self._cursor_size) else: self._cursor_surface = make_surface(self._font_size / 20 + 1, self._rect.height - 2) self._cursor_surface.fill(self._cursor_color) # Get string string = self._get_input_string_filtered() # Calculate x position if self._maxwidth == 0: # If no limit is provided cursor_x_pos = self._cursor_offset + self._font.size(self._title + string[:self._cursor_position])[0] else: # Calculate position depending on renderbox string = string[self._renderbox[0]:(self._renderbox[0] + self._renderbox[2])] cursor_x_pos = self._cursor_offset + self._font.size(self._title + string)[0] # Add ellipsis delta = self._ellipsis_size if self._ellipsis_left_and_right(): # If Left+Right ellipsis delta *= 1 elif self._ellipsis_right(): # Right ellipsis delta *= 0 elif self._ellipsis_left(): # Left ellipsis delta *= 1 else: delta *= 0 cursor_x_pos += delta if self._cursor_position > 0 or (self._title and self._cursor_position == 0): # Without this, the cursor is invisible when self._cursor_position > 0: cursor_x_pos -= self._cursor_surface.get_width() # Calculate y position cursor_y_pos = 0 # Move x position cursor_x_pos += 2 # Store position, apply scale factor (experimental) self._cursor_surface_pos[0] = int(cursor_x_pos) * self._scale_factor[0] self._cursor_surface_pos[1] = int(cursor_y_pos) * self._scale_factor[1] self._cursor_render = False def _ellipsis_left(self) -> bool: """ Return ``True`` if left ellipsis is active. :return: Boolean """ return self._renderbox[0] != 0 and self._maxwidth != 0 def _ellipsis_right(self) -> bool: """ Return ``True`` if right ellipsis is active. :return: Boolean """ return self._renderbox[1] != len(self._input_string) and self._maxwidth != 0 def _ellipsis_left_and_right(self) -> bool: """ Return ``True`` if left and right ellipsis are active. :return: Boolean """ return self._ellipsis_left() and self._ellipsis_right() def _get_input_string_filtered(self) -> str: """ Return the input string where all filters have been applied. :return: Filtered string """ string = self._input_string # Apply password if self._password: string = self._password_char * len(string) return string def _get_input_string(self, add_ellipsis: bool = True) -> str: """ Return the input string, apply overflow if enabled. :param add_ellipsis: Adds ellipsis text :return: String """ string = self._get_input_string_filtered() if self._maxwidth != 0 and len(string) > self._maxwidth: text = string[self._renderbox[0]:self._renderbox[1]] if add_ellipsis: if self._ellipsis_right(): text += self._ellipsis if self._ellipsis_left(): text = self._ellipsis + text return text else: return string def _update_renderbox( self, left: int = 0, right: int = 0, addition: bool = False, end: bool = False, start: bool = False, update_maxwidth: bool = True ) -> None: """ Update renderbox position. :param left: Left update :param right: Right update :param addition: Update if text addition/deletion :param end: Move cursor to end :param start: Move cursor to start :param update_maxwidth: Update maxwidth limit depending on the chars written """ self._cursor_render = True if self._maxwidth == 0: return len_string = len(self._input_string) prev_renderbox = self._renderbox.copy() # Move cursor to end if end: self._renderbox[0] = max(0, len_string - self._maxwidth) self._renderbox[1] = len_string self._renderbox[2] = min(len_string, self._maxwidth) return # Move cursor to start if start: self._renderbox[0] = 0 self._renderbox[1] = min(len_string, self._maxwidth) self._renderbox[2] = 0 return # Check limits if left < 0 and len_string == 0: return # If no overflow if len_string <= self._maxwidth: if right < 0 and self._renderbox[2] == len_string: # If del at the end of string return if left < 0 and self._renderbox[2] == 0: # If cursor is at beginning return self._renderbox[0] = 0 # To catch unexpected errors if addition: # left/right are ignored if left < 0: self._renderbox[1] += left self._renderbox[1] += right if right < 0: self._renderbox[2] -= right # If text is typed increase inner position if self._renderbox[0] == prev_renderbox[0]: self._renderbox[2] += left self._renderbox[2] += right else: if addition: # If text is added # If press del at the end of string if right < 0 and self._renderbox[2] == self._maxwidth: return # If backspace at beginning of string if left < 0 and self._renderbox[2] == 0: return # If user deletes something and it is in the end if right < 0: # del if self._ellipsis_left(): if (self._renderbox[1] - 1) == len_string: # At the end self._renderbox[2] -= right # If the user writes, move renderbox if right > 0: # If cursor is at the end push box if self._renderbox[2] == self._maxwidth: self._renderbox[0] += right self._renderbox[1] += right self._renderbox[2] += right if left < 0: # If cursor is at the beginning if self._renderbox[0] == 0: self._renderbox[2] += left self._renderbox[0] += left self._renderbox[1] += left if not addition: # Move inner (left/right) self._renderbox[2] += right self._renderbox[2] += left # If user pushes after limit the renderbox moves if self._renderbox[2] < 0: self._renderbox[0] += left self._renderbox[1] += left elif self._renderbox[2] > self._maxwidth: self._renderbox[0] += right self._renderbox[1] += right else: update_maxwidth = False # If cursor is at limit if self._renderbox[1] > len_string or self._renderbox[0] < 0: if self._renderbox[2] != self._maxwidth - 1: update_maxwidth = False # Apply string limits self._renderbox[1] = max(self._maxwidth, min(self._renderbox[1], len_string)) self._renderbox[0] = self._renderbox[1] - self._maxwidth # Apply limits self._renderbox[0] = max(0, self._renderbox[0]) self._renderbox[1] = min(max(0, self._renderbox[1]), len_string) self._renderbox[2] = max(0, min(self._renderbox[2], min(self._maxwidth, len_string))) if update_maxwidth: self._update_maxlimit_renderbox() def _update_maxlimit_renderbox(self) -> None: """ Update renderbox based on how many characters have been written on input. """ if not self._maxwidth_update: return sign = 0 # Sign of search while True: curr_string = self._get_input_string(False) # Already filtered lcs = len(curr_string) if lcs > 0: accum_size = 0 if self._ellipsis_left(): accum_size += self._ellipsis_size + 5 biggest = 0 for char in curr_string: char_size = self._get_char_size(char) accum_size += char_size biggest = max(biggest, char_size) if self._ellipsis_right(): accum_size += self._ellipsis_size if accum_size < self._maxwidthsize - biggest: # Increase if sign < 0: break sign = 1 if self._renderbox[0] != 0: self._renderbox[0] -= 1 else: break self._maxwidth += 1 self._renderbox[2] += 1 elif accum_size > self._maxwidthsize: if sign > 0: break sign = -1 if self._renderbox[2] == 0: self._renderbox[1] -= 1 else: self._renderbox[0] += 1 # self._renderbox[1] += 1 self._renderbox[2] -= 1 self._maxwidth -= 1 else: break else: self._maxwidth = self._maxwidth_base # Return to normal break def _update_cursor_mouse(self, mouse_x: int) -> None: """ Updates cursor position after mouse click or touch action in text. :param mouse_x: Mouse distance relative to surface """ string = self._get_input_string() if string == '': # If string is empty cursor is not updated return self.force_menu_surface_cache_update() # Find the accumulated char size that gives the position of cursor cursor_pos = 0 for i in range(len(string)): curr_char = string[i] if i < len(string) - 1 else 0 curr_char_size = 0 if curr_char == 0 else self._font.size(curr_char)[0] if self._font.size(self._title + string[0:i])[0] + curr_char_size / 2 < mouse_x: cursor_pos += 1 else: break # If text have ellipsis if self._maxwidth != 0 and len(self._input_string) > self._maxwidth: if self._ellipsis_left(): cursor_pos -= len(self._ellipsis) # Check if user clicked on ellipsis if cursor_pos < 0 or cursor_pos > self._maxwidth: if cursor_pos < 0: self._renderbox[2] = 0 self._move_cursor_left() if cursor_pos > self._maxwidth: self._renderbox[2] = self._maxwidth self._move_cursor_right() return # User clicked on text, update cursor cursor_pos = max(0, min(self._maxwidth, cursor_pos)) self._cursor_position = self._renderbox[0] + cursor_pos self._renderbox[2] = cursor_pos self._update_maxlimit_renderbox() # Text does not have ellipsis, inferred position is correct else: self._cursor_position = cursor_pos if self._maxwidth != 0: # Update renderbox self._cursor_position += self._renderbox[0] self._renderbox[2] = cursor_pos self._update_maxlimit_renderbox() if self._selection_mouse_first_position == -1: if self._selection_active: # Unselect and select again self._unselect_text() self._selection_mouse_first_position = self._cursor_position else: a = self._selection_mouse_first_position b = self._cursor_position self._selection_box[0] = min(a, b) self._selection_box[1] = max(a, b) self._render_selection_box(True) self._cursor_render = True def _check_mouse_collide_input(self, pos: Tuple2NumberType) -> bool: """ Check mouse collision. .. note:: If this method returns ``True`` the cursor must be updated. :param pos: Position :return: Cursor update status """ rect = self.get_rect(to_real_position=True, apply_padding=False) if rect.collidepoint(*pos): # Check if mouse collides left or right as percentage, use only X coordinate mouse_x, _ = pos topleft, _ = rect.topleft self._update_cursor_mouse(mouse_x - topleft) return True # Prevents double click def _check_touch_collide_input(self, pos: Tuple2NumberType) -> bool: """ Check touchscreen collision. .. note:: If this method returns ``True`` the cursor must be updated. :param pos: Position :return: Cursor update status """ rect = self.get_rect(to_real_position=True, apply_padding=False) if rect.collidepoint(*pos): # Check if touchscreen collides left or right as percentage, use only X coordinate touch_x, _ = pos topleft, _ = rect.topleft self._update_cursor_mouse(touch_x - topleft) return True # Prevents double click
[docs] def set_value(self, text: Any) -> None: """ Set the value of the text. :param text: New text of the widget """ if self._password and text != '': raise ValueError('value cannot be set in password type') if self._check_input_type(text): default_text = str(text) # Filter valid chars if self._valid_chars is not None: default_valid = '' for ch in default_text: if ch in self._valid_chars: default_valid += ch default_text = default_valid # Apply maxchar len_text = len(default_text) if 0 < self._maxchar < len_text: default_text = default_text[len_text - self._maxchar:len_text] self._input_string = default_text for i in range(len(default_text) + 1): self._move_cursor_right() self._update_renderbox(right=1, addition=True) self._update_input_string(default_text) else: raise ValueError(f'value "{text}" type is not correct according to input_type') self._update_renderbox() # Updates cursor self._render() # Renders the selection box
def _check_input_size(self) -> bool: """ Check input size. :return: ``True`` if the input must be limited """ if self._maxchar == 0: return False return self._maxchar <= len(self._input_string) def _check_input_type(self, string: Any) -> bool: """ Check if input type is valid. :param string: String to validate :return: ``True`` if the input type is valid """ if string == '': # Empty is valid return True if self._input_type == INPUT_TEXT: return True conv = None if self._input_type == INPUT_FLOAT: conv = float elif self._input_type == INPUT_INT: conv = int if string == '-': return True if conv is None: return False try: conv(string) return True except ValueError: return False def _move_cursor_left(self) -> None: """ Move cursor to left position. """ # Subtract one from cursor_pos, but do not go below zero: self._cursor_position = max(self._cursor_position - 1, 0) self._update_renderbox(left=-1) def _move_cursor_right(self) -> None: """ Move cursor to right position. """ # Add one to cursor_pos, but do not exceed len(input_string) self._cursor_position = min(self._cursor_position + 1, len(self._input_string)) self._update_renderbox(right=1) def _blur(self) -> None: # self._key_is_pressed = False self._mouse_is_pressed = False self._keyrepeat_mouse_ms = 0 self._cursor_ms_counter = 0 self._cursor_visible = False self._unselect_text() # self._history_index = len(self._history) - 1 def _focus(self) -> None: self._cursor_ms_counter = 0 self._cursor_visible = True self._cursor_render = True def _unselect_text(self) -> bool: """ Unselect text. :return: ``True`` if the selected text was removed in the method call """ removed = self._selection_surface is not None if not removed: return False self._selection_box[0] = 0 self._selection_box[1] = 0 self._selection_surface = None if self._cursor_surface is not None: self._cursor_surface.fill(self._cursor_color) self._selection_active = False self.force_menu_surface_cache_update() return True def _get_selected_text(self) -> str: """ Return the selected text. :return: Text """ return self._input_string[self._selection_box[0]:self._selection_box[1]] def _update_input_string(self, new_string: str, update_history: bool = True) -> None: """ Update input string with a new string, store changes into history. :param new_string: New string of text input :param update_history: Updates history """ assert isinstance(new_string, str) assert isinstance(update_history, bool) l_history = len(self._history) # If last edition is different from the new one -> updates the history if update_history and \ ((l_history > 0 and self._history[ l_history - 1] != new_string) or l_history == 0) and self._max_history > 0: # If index is not at last add the current status as new if self._history_index != l_history: last_string = self._history[self._history_index] self._history_index = len(self._history) self._update_input_string(last_string) # Add new status to history self._history.insert(self._history_index, new_string) self._history_cursor.insert(self._history_index, self._cursor_position) self._history_renderbox.insert(self._history_index, [self._renderbox[0], self._renderbox[1], self._renderbox[2]]) if len(self._history) > self._max_history: self._history.pop(0) self._history_cursor.pop(0) self._history_renderbox.pop(0) self._history_index = len(self._history) # This can be changed with undo/redo # Updates string self._input_string = new_string def _copy(self) -> bool: """ Copy text from clipboard. :return: ``True`` if copied """ if self._block_copy_paste: # Prevents multiple executions of event return False if self._password: # Password cannot be copied return False try: if self._selection_surface: # If text is selected copy(self._get_selected_text()) else: # Copy all text copy(self._input_string) except PyperclipException: pass self._block_copy_paste = True return True def _cut(self) -> bool: """ Cut operation. :return: ``True`` if cut """ if not self._copy_paste_enabled: # Ignore cut return False self._copy() # This is a safe operation, all checks have been passed # If text is selected if self._selection_surface: self._remove_selection() return True return False def _get_char_size(self, char) -> int: """ Return the widget char size in pixels. :param char: Char :return: Char size in px """ if char in self._keychar_size.keys(): return self._keychar_size[char] self._keychar_size[char] = self._font_render_string(char).get_size()[0] return self._keychar_size[char] def _paste(self) -> bool: """ Paste text from clipboard. :return: ``True`` if pasted """ if self._block_copy_paste: # Prevents multiple executions of event return False # If text is selected if self._selection_surface: self._remove_selection() # Paste text in cursor try: text = paste() except PyperclipException: return False text = text.strip() for i in ['\n', '\r']: text = text.replace(i, '') # Delete escape chars escapes = ''.join([chr(char) for char in range(1, 32)]) text = text.translate(escapes) if text == '': return False # Remove invalid chars if self._valid_chars is not None: valid_text = '' for ch in text: if ch in self._valid_chars: valid_text += ch text = valid_text if text == '': return False # Cut string (if limit does exist) text_end = len(text) if self._maxchar != 0: char_limit = self._maxchar - len(self._input_string) text_end = min(char_limit, text_end) if text_end <= 0: # If there's no more space, returns self._sound.play_event_error() return False new_string = self._input_string[0:self._cursor_position] \ + text[0:text_end] \ + self._input_string[self._cursor_position:len(self._input_string)] # If string is valid if self._check_input_type(new_string): # Update char size for char in new_string: if char not in self._keychar_size: # This updates the self._keychar_size variable self._get_char_size(char) self._sound.play_key_add() self._input_string = new_string # For a purpose of computing render_box for i in range(len(text)): # Move cursor self._move_cursor_right() self._update_input_string(new_string) self.change() self._update_maxlimit_renderbox() self._block_copy_paste = True else: self._sound.play_event_error() return False return True def _update_from_history(self) -> None: """ Update all from history. """ self._input_string = self._history[self._history_index] self._renderbox[0] = self._history_renderbox[self._history_index][0] self._renderbox[1] = self._history_renderbox[self._history_index][1] self._renderbox[2] = self._history_renderbox[self._history_index][2] self._cursor_position = self._history_cursor[self._history_index] self._cursor_render = True def _undo(self) -> bool: """ Undo operation. :return: ``True`` if undo """ if self._history_index == 0: # There's no back history return False if self._history_index == len(self._history): # If the actual is the last self._history_index -= 1 self._history_index = max(0, self._history_index - 1) self._update_from_history() return True def _redo(self) -> bool: """ Redo operation. :return: ``True`` if redo """ if self._history_index == len(self._history) - 1: # There's no forward history return False self._history_index = min(len(self._history) - 1, self._history_index + 1) self._update_from_history() return True def _remove_selection(self) -> None: """ Remove text from selection. """ removed = self._selection_box[1] - self._selection_box[0] left = False if self._selection_box[0] == self._cursor_position: left = True for i in range(removed): if left: self._delete(update_history=i == removed - 1) else: self._backspace(update_history=i == removed - 1) # Destroy selection self._unselect_text() def _backspace(self, update_history=True) -> None: """ Backspace event. :param update_history: Updates history on deletion """ new_string = ( self._input_string[:max(self._cursor_position - 1, 0)] + self._input_string[self._cursor_position:] ) self._update_input_string(new_string, update_history=update_history) self._update_renderbox(left=-1, addition=True) # Subtract one from cursor_pos, but do not go below zero: self._cursor_position = max(self._cursor_position - 1, 0) def _delete(self, update_history: bool = True) -> None: """ Delete event. :param update_history: Updates history on deletion """ new_string = ( self._input_string[:self._cursor_position] + self._input_string[self._cursor_position + 1:] ) self._update_input_string(new_string, update_history=update_history) self._update_renderbox(right=-1, addition=True) def _select_all(self) -> None: """ Select all text. """ if not self._selection_enabled: return self._selection_box[0] = 0 self._selection_box[1] = len(self._input_string) self._cursor_position = self._selection_box[1] for i in range(len(self._input_string)): self._move_cursor_right() self._render_selection_box(True) self._selection_active = False def _push_key_input(self, keychar: str, sounds: bool = True) -> bool: """ Insert a key in the cursor position. :param keychar: Char to be inserted :param sounds: Use widget sounds :return: If ``False`` the event loop breaks """ # If selected text if self._selection_surface: self._remove_selection() # Check input exceeded the limit returns if self._check_input_size(): if sounds: self._sound.play_event_error() return False # If no special key is pressed, add unicode of key to input_string new_string = ( self._input_string[:self._cursor_position] + keychar + self._input_string[self._cursor_position:] ) # If unwanted escape sequences event_escaped = repr(keychar) if '\\r' in event_escaped: return False # Check if char is valid if self._valid_chars is not None and keychar not in self._valid_chars: if sounds: self._sound.play_event_error() return False # If data is valid if self._check_input_type(new_string): l_key = len(keychar) if l_key > 0: # Update char size if keychar not in self._keychar_size.keys(): self._get_char_size(keychar) # This updates keychar size data self._last_char = keychar # Update string if sounds: self._sound.play_key_add() self._cursor_position += 1 # Some are empty, e.g. K_UP self._input_string = new_string # Only here this is changed (due to renderbox update) self._update_input_string(new_string) # Update the string and the history self._update_renderbox(right=1, addition=True) self.change() return True else: if sounds: self._sound.play_event_error() return False
[docs] def update(self, events: EventVectorType) -> bool: if self._apply_widget_update_callback: self.apply_update_callbacks(events) self._clock.tick(60) # Check mouse pressed # noinspection PyArgumentList mouse_left, mouse_middle, mouse_right = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() self._mouse_is_pressed = (mouse_left or mouse_right or mouse_middle) and self._mouse_enabled rect = self.get_rect(to_real_position=True) if self.readonly or not self.is_visible(): self._readonly_check_mouseover(events, rect) return False # Get time clock time_clock = self._clock.get_time() # Update cursor switch self._cursor_ms_counter += time_clock if self._cursor_ms_counter >= self._cursor_switch_ms: self._cursor_ms_counter %= self._cursor_switch_ms self._cursor_visible = not self._cursor_visible self.force_menu_surface_cache_update() updated = False events = self._merge_events(events) # Extend events with custom events for event in events: # Check mouse over self._check_mouseover(event, rect) # User press a key if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and self._keyboard_enabled: # Check if any key is pressed, if True the event is invalid if self._ignores_keyboard_nonphysical() and not check_key_pressed_valid(event): continue self._cursor_visible = True # So the user sees where he writes self._key_is_pressed = True self._last_key = event.key # If None exist, create counter for that key: if event.key not in self._keyrepeat_counters and \ event.key not in self._ignore_keys and \ 'unicode' in event.dict: self._keyrepeat_counters[event.key] = [0, event.unicode] # User press ctrl+something if pygame.key.get_mods() in CTRL_KMOD: # If test, disable CTRL if 'test' in event.dict and event.dict['test']: # noinspection PyArgumentList pygame.key.set_mods(pygame.KMOD_NONE) # Ctrl+C copy if event.key == pygame.K_c: if not self._copy_paste_enabled: self._sound.play_event_error() break = True copy_status = self._copy() if not copy_status: self._sound.play_event_error() updated = updated or copy_status break # Ctrl+V paste elif event.key == pygame.K_v: if not self._copy_paste_enabled: self._sound.play_event_error() break = True updated = updated or self._paste() break # Ctrl+Z undo elif event.key == pygame.K_z: if self._max_history == 0: self._sound.play_event_error() break = True self._sound.play_key_del() updated = updated or self._undo() break # Ctrl+Y redo elif event.key == pygame.K_y: if self._max_history == 0: self._sound.play_event_error() break = True self._sound.play_key_add() updated = updated or self._redo() break # Ctrl+X cut elif event.key == pygame.K_x: if not self._copy_paste_enabled: self._sound.play_event_error() break = True self._sound.play_key_del() updated = updated or self._cut() break # Ctrl+A select all elif event.key == pygame.K_a: if not self._selection_enabled: self._sound.play_event_error() break = True self._select_all() updated = True break # Command not found, returns else: break # User press alt+x get the unicode char from string if pygame.key.get_mods() in (pygame.KMOD_ALT, pygame.KMOD_LALT) and \ event.key == pygame.K_x and self._alt_x_enabled: # Get the last hex value last_space = self._input_string.rfind(' ') if last_space == -1: # space not found, try 0x last_space = self._input_string.rfind('0x') if last_space == -1: # 0x not found, try 0X last_space = self._input_string.rfind('0x') if last_space == -1: # Finally, find the subsequence of valid hex chars last_space = 0 for j in range(len(self._input_string)): if self._input_string[j].lower() not in \ ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'): last_space = j + 1 if last_space >= len(self._input_string): last_space = -1 if last_space >= 0: try: unicode_hex = self._input_string[last_space:] if unicode_hex.lower() == '0x': continue unicode_int = int(unicode_hex, 16) # Remove the code for _ in range(len(unicode_hex)): self._backspace() if not self._push_key_input(chr(unicode_int)): break = True updated = True continue except (ValueError, OverflowError): pass # Backspace button, delete text from right if self._ctrl.back(event, self): # Play sound if self._cursor_position == 0: self._sound.play_event_error() else: self._sound.play_key_del() # If text is selected if self._selection_surface: self._remove_selection() updated = True break self._backspace() self.change() = True updated = True # Delete button, delete text from left elif self._ctrl.delete(event, self): # Play sound if self._cursor_position == len(self._input_string): self._sound.play_event_error() else: self._sound.play_key_del() updated = True # If text is selected if self._selection_surface: self._remove_selection() break self._delete() self.change() = True # Right arrow elif self._ctrl.right(event, self): # Play sound if self._cursor_position == len(self._input_string): self._sound.play_event_error() else: self._sound.play_key_add() # Update selection box if self._selection_active: if self._cursor_position == self._selection_box[1]: if self._selection_box[0] == self._selection_box[1]: self._selection_box[1] = self._selection_box[0] + 1 else: self._selection_box[1] = min(len(self._input_string), self._selection_box[1] + 1) else: self._selection_box[0] = min(self._selection_box[1], self._selection_box[0] + 1) else: if self._unselect_text(): break # Move cursor self._move_cursor_right() = True updated = True # Left arrow elif self._ctrl.left(event, self): # Play sound if self._cursor_position == 0: self._sound.play_event_error() else: self._sound.play_key_add() # Update selection box if self._selection_active: if self._cursor_position == self._selection_box[0]: self._selection_box[0] = max(0, self._selection_box[0] - 1) else: if self._selection_box[1] - self._selection_box[0] == 1: self._selection_box[1] = self._selection_box[0] else: self._selection_box[1] = max(self._selection_box[0], self._selection_box[1] - 1) else: if self._unselect_text(): break # Move cursor self._move_cursor_left() = True updated = True # Up arrow elif self._ctrl.move_up(event, self): = False # Down arrow elif self._ctrl.move_down(event, self): = False # End elif self._ctrl.end(event, self): self._sound.play_key_add() self._cursor_position = len(self._input_string) self._update_renderbox(end=True) self._unselect_text() = True updated = True # Home elif self._ctrl.home(event, self): self._sound.play_key_add() self._cursor_position = 0 self._update_renderbox(start=True) self._unselect_text() = True updated = True # Tab elif, self): for _ in range(self._tab_size): self._push_key_input(' ') updated = True = True # Enter elif self._ctrl.apply(event, self): self._sound.play_open_menu() self.apply() self._unselect_text() updated = True = not # Escape elif self._ctrl.escape(event, self): if self._get_selected_text(): self._unselect_text() updated = True elif # Disable active status on the widget = False updated = True # Press lshift, rshift -> selection elif event.key == pygame.K_LSHIFT or event.key == pygame.K_RSHIFT: if not self._selection_active: self._selection_active = True self._selection_box[0] = self._cursor_position self._selection_box[1] = self._cursor_position = True break # Any other key, add as input elif event.key not in self._ignore_keys and hasattr(event, 'unicode'): if event.unicode == ' ' and event.key != 32: if self._verbose: warn( f'{self.get_class_id()} received "{event.unicode}" ' f'unicode but key is different than 32 ({event.key}), ' f'check if event has defined the proper unicode char' ) break # Error in char, not valid or string limit exceeds if not self._push_key_input(event.unicode): break = True updated = True # User releases a key elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP and self._keyboard_enabled: # Because KEYUP doesn't include event.unicode, this dict is stored # in such a weird way if event.key in self._keyrepeat_counters: del self._keyrepeat_counters[event.key] # If selection keys are released, stop selection elif event.key == pygame.K_LSHIFT or event.key == pygame.K_RSHIFT: self._selection_active = False # Release inputs self._block_copy_paste = False self._key_is_pressed = False # User releases the mouse button or finger; don't consider the mouse # wheel (button 4 & 5) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and self._mouse_enabled and \ event.button in (1, 2, 3) or \ event.type == FINGERUP and self._touchscreen_enabled and self._menu is not None: event_pos = get_finger_pos(self._menu, event) if rect.collidepoint(*event_pos) and \ self.get_selected_time() > 1.5 * self._keyrepeat_mouse_interval_ms: self._selection_active = False self._check_mouse_collide_input(event_pos) self._cursor_ms_counter = 0 self._cursor_visible = True # User press the mouse button or finger; don't consider the mouse # wheel (button 4 & 5) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and self._mouse_enabled and \ event.button in (1, 2, 3) or \ event.type == FINGERDOWN and self._touchscreen_enabled: if self.get_selected_time() > self._keyrepeat_mouse_interval_ms or hasattr(event, 'test'): if self._selection_active: self._unselect_text() self._cursor_ms_counter = 0 self._cursor_visible = True self._selection_active = True if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self._selection_mouse_first_position = -1 = True # Update mouse self._keyrepeat_mouse_ms += time_clock if self._keyrepeat_mouse_ms > self._keyrepeat_mouse_interval_ms: # self._keyrepeat_mouse_ms = 0 if mouse_left: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() self._check_mouse_collide_input((pos[0], pos[1])) # Update key counters: for key in self._keyrepeat_counters: self._keyrepeat_counters[key][0] += time_clock # Update clock # Generate new key events if enough time has passed: if self._keyrepeat_counters[key][0] >= self._keyrepeat_initial_interval_ms: self._keyrepeat_counters[key][0] = \ self._keyrepeat_initial_interval_ms - self._keyrepeat_interval_ms event_key, event_unicode = key, self._keyrepeat_counters[key][1] self._add_event( pygame.event.Event( pygame.KEYDOWN, key=event_key, unicode=event_unicode) ) return updated
class TextInputManager(AbstractWidgetManager, ABC): """ TextInput manager. """ def text_input( self, title: Any, default: Union[str, int, float] = '', copy_paste_enable: bool = True, cursor_selection_enable: bool = True, cursor_size: Optional[Tuple2IntType] = None, input_type: str = INPUT_TEXT, input_underline: str = '', input_underline_len: int = 0, maxchar: int = 0, maxwidth: int = 0, onchange: CallbackType = None, onreturn: CallbackType = None, onselect: Optional[Callable[[bool, 'Widget', 'pygame_menu.Menu'], Any]] = None, password: bool = False, textinput_id: str = '', valid_chars: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.TextInput': """ Add a text input to the Menu: free text area and two functions that execute when changing the text and pressing return (apply) on the element. The callbacks receive the current value and all unknown keyword arguments, where ``current_text=widget.get_value``: .. code-block:: python onchange(current_text, **kwargs) onreturn(current_text, **kwargs) If ``onselect`` is defined, the callback is executed as follows, where ``selected`` is a boolean representing the selected status: .. code-block:: python onselect(selected, widget, menu) kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the widget if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contribute width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``font_background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Widget font background color - ``font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget font color - ``font_name`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Widget font path - ``font_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Font shadow color - ``font_shadow_offset`` (int) – Font shadow offset in px - ``font_shadow_position`` (str) – Font shadow position, see locals for position - ``font_shadow`` (bool) – Font shadow is enabled or disabled - ``font_size`` (int) – Font size of the widget - ``history`` (int) - Maximum number of editions stored. If ``0`` the feature is disabled. ``50`` by default - ``input_underline_vmargin`` (int) – Vertical margin of underline in px - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``maxwidth_dynamically_update`` (bool) - Dynamically update maxwidth depending on char size. ``True`` by default - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``password_char`` (str) - Character used by password type. ``"*"`` by default - ``readonly_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode - ``readonly_selected_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode and is selected - ``repeat_keys_initial_ms`` (int, float) - Time in ms before keys are repeated when held in ms. ``400`` by default - ``repeat_keys_interval_ms`` (int, float) - Interval between key press repetition when held in ms. ``50`` by default - ``repeat_mouse_interval_ms`` (int, float) - Interval between mouse events when held in ms. ``400`` by default - ``selection_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the selected widget; only affects the font color - ``selection_effect`` (:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection`) – Widget selection effect - ``shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget shadow - ``shadow_radius`` (int) - Border radius of the shadow - ``shadow_type`` (str) - Shadow type, it can be ``'rectangular'`` or ``'ellipse'`` - ``shadow_width`` (int) - Width of the shadow. If ``0`` the shadow is disabled - ``tab_size`` (int) – Width of a tab character - ``text_ellipsis`` (str) - Ellipsis text when overflow occurs (input length exceeds maxwidth). ``"..."`` by default .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. .. warning:: Be careful with kwargs collision. Consider that all optional documented kwargs keys are removed from the object. :param title: Title of the text input :param default: Default value to display :param copy_paste_enable: Enable text copy, paste and cut :param cursor_selection_enable: Enable text selection on input :param cursor_size: Size of the cursor (width, height) in px. If ``None`` uses the default sizing :param input_type: Data type of the input. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :param input_underline: Underline character :param input_underline_len: Total of characters to be drawn under the input. If ``0`` this number is computed automatically to fit the font :param maxchar: Maximum length of string, if 0 there's no limit :param maxwidth: Maximum size of the text widget (in number of chars), if ``0`` there's no limit :param onchange: Callback executed when changing the text input :param onreturn: Callback executed when pressing return (apply) on the text input :param onselect: Callback executed when selecting the widget :param password: Text input is a password :param textinput_id: ID of the text input :param valid_chars: List of authorized chars. ``None`` if all chars are valid :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.TextInput` """ assert isinstance(default, (str, NumberInstance)) # Filter widget attributes to avoid passing them to the callbacks attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) input_underline_vmargin = kwargs.pop('input_underline_vmargin', 0) # If password is active no default value should exist if password and default != '': raise ValueError('default value must be empty if the input is a password') widget = pygame_menu.widgets.TextInput( copy_paste_enable=copy_paste_enable, cursor_color=self._theme.cursor_color, cursor_selection_color=self._theme.cursor_selection_color, cursor_selection_enable=cursor_selection_enable, cursor_size=cursor_size, cursor_switch_ms=self._theme.cursor_switch_ms, input_type=input_type, input_underline=input_underline, input_underline_len=input_underline_len, input_underline_vmargin=input_underline_vmargin, maxchar=maxchar, maxwidth=maxwidth, onchange=onchange, onreturn=onreturn, onselect=onselect, password=password, textinput_id=textinput_id, title=title, valid_chars=valid_chars, **kwargs ) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) self._append_widget(widget) widget.set_default_value(default) return widget