Source code for pygame_menu.widgets.selection.right_arrow


Selector with a right arrow on the item.

__all__ = ['RightArrowSelection']

import pygame
import pygame_menu

from pygame_menu.widgets.selection.arrow_selection import ArrowSelection

from pygame_menu._types import Tuple2IntType, NumberType, NumberInstance

[docs]class RightArrowSelection(ArrowSelection): """ Widget selection right arrow class. Creates an arrow to the right of the selected Menu item. :param arrow_size: Size of arrow on x-axis and y-axis (width, height) in px :param arrow_left_margin: Distance from the arrow to the widget (px) :param arrow_vertical_offset: Vertical offset of the arrow (px) :param blink_ms: Milliseconds between each blink; if ``0`` blinking is disabled """ _arrow_left_margin: int def __init__( self, arrow_size: Tuple2IntType = (10, 15), arrow_left_margin: int = 3, arrow_vertical_offset: int = 0, blink_ms: NumberType = 0 ) -> None: assert isinstance(arrow_left_margin, NumberInstance) assert arrow_left_margin >= 0, 'margin cannot be negative' super(RightArrowSelection, self).__init__( margin_left=0, margin_right=arrow_size[0] + arrow_left_margin, margin_top=0, margin_bottom=0, arrow_vertical_offset=arrow_vertical_offset, blink_ms=blink_ms ) self._arrow_left_margin = arrow_left_margin # noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
[docs] def draw(self, surface: 'pygame.Surface', widget: 'pygame_menu.widgets.Widget') -> 'RightArrowSelection': # /A # widget B # \ C # <------> # margin rect = widget.get_rect() a = (rect.topright[0] + self._arrow_size[0] + self._arrow_left_margin, int(rect.midright[1] - self._arrow_size[1] / 2 + self._arrow_vertical_offset)) b = (rect.midright[0] + self._arrow_left_margin, rect.midright[1] + self._arrow_vertical_offset) c = (rect.bottomright[0] + self._arrow_size[0] + self._arrow_left_margin, int(rect.midright[1] + self._arrow_size[1] / 2 + self._arrow_vertical_offset)) super(RightArrowSelection, self)._draw_arrow(surface, widget, a, b, c) return self