Source code for pygame_menu.widgets.widget.image


Image widget class, adds a simple image.

__all__ = ['Image']

from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path

import pygame

from pygame_menu.baseimage import BaseImage
from pygame_menu.utils import assert_vector
from pygame_menu.widgets.core.widget import Widget

from pygame_menu._types import Union, NumberType, CallbackType, Tuple2NumberType, \
    Optional, NumberInstance, EventVectorType

# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
[docs]class Image(Widget): """ Image widget. .. note:: Image accepts all transformations. :param image_path: Path of the image, BytesIO object, or :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage` object. If :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage` object is provided drawing mode is not considered :param image_id: Image ID :param angle: Angle of the image in degrees (clockwise) :param onselect: Function when selecting the widget :param scale: Scale of the image on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px :param scale_smooth: Scale is smoothed """ _image: 'BaseImage' def __init__( self, image_path: Union[str, 'BaseImage', 'Path', 'BytesIO'], angle: NumberType = 0, image_id: str = '', onselect: CallbackType = None, scale: Tuple2NumberType = (1, 1), scale_smooth: bool = True ) -> None: assert isinstance(image_path, (str, Path, BaseImage, BytesIO)) assert isinstance(image_id, str) assert isinstance(angle, NumberInstance) assert isinstance(scale_smooth, bool) assert_vector(scale, 2) super(Image, self).__init__( onselect=onselect, widget_id=image_id ) if isinstance(image_path, BaseImage): self._image = image_path else: self._image = BaseImage(image_path) self._image.rotate(angle) self._image.scale(scale[0], scale[1], smooth=scale_smooth) def set_title(self, title: str) -> 'Image': return self
[docs] def get_image(self) -> 'BaseImage': """ Gets the :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage` object from widget. :return: Widget image """ return self._image
[docs] def get_angle(self) -> NumberType: """ Return the image angle. :return: Angle in degrees """ return self._image.get_angle()
[docs] def set_image(self, image: 'BaseImage') -> None: """ Set the :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage` object from widget. :param image: Image object :return: None """ self._image = image self._surface = None self._render()
def _apply_font(self) -> None: pass def _update_surface(self) -> 'Image': """ Updates surface and renders. :return: Self reference """ self._surface = None self._render() return self
[docs] def scale(self, width: NumberType, height: NumberType, smooth: bool = False) -> 'Image': self._image.scale(width, height, smooth) return self._update_surface()
[docs] def resize(self, width: NumberType, height: NumberType, smooth: bool = False) -> 'Image': self._image.resize(width, height, smooth) self._surface = None return self._update_surface()
[docs] def set_max_width(self, width: Optional[NumberType], scale_height: NumberType = False, smooth: bool = True) -> 'Image': if width is not None and self._image.get_width() > width: sx = width / self._image.get_width() height = self._image.get_height() if scale_height: height *= sx self._image.resize(width, height, smooth) return self._update_surface() return self
[docs] def set_max_height(self, height: Optional[NumberType], scale_width: NumberType = False, smooth: bool = True) -> 'Image': if height is not None and self._image.get_height() > height: sy = height / self._image.get_height() width = self._image.get_width() if scale_width: width *= sy self._image.resize(width, height, smooth) return self._update_surface() return self
[docs] def rotate(self, angle: NumberType) -> 'Image': self._image.rotate(angle) return self._update_surface()
[docs] def flip(self, x: bool, y: bool) -> 'Image': assert isinstance(x, bool) assert isinstance(y, bool) self._flip = (x, y) if x or y: self._image.flip(x, y) return self._update_surface() return self
def _draw(self, surface: 'pygame.Surface') -> None: surface.blit(self._surface, self._rect.topleft) def _render(self) -> Optional[bool]: if self._surface is not None: return True self._surface = self._image.get_surface(new=False) self._rect.width, self._rect.height = self._surface.get_size() if not self._render_hash_changed(self._visible): return True self.force_menu_surface_update() def update(self, events: EventVectorType) -> bool: self.apply_update_callbacks(events) for event in events: if self._check_mouseover(event): break return False