Source code for pygame_menu.widgets.widget.button


Button class, manage elements and adds entries to Menu.

__all__ = ['Button']

import pygame
import pygame_menu
import pygame_menu.controls as ctrl

from pygame_menu.locals import FINGERUP
from pygame_menu.utils import is_callable, assert_color, get_finger_pos
from pygame_menu.widgets.core.widget import Widget

from pygame_menu._types import Any, CallbackType, Callable, Union, List, Tuple, \
    Optional, ColorType, ColorInputType, EventVectorType

# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring
[docs]class Button(Widget): """ Button widget. The arguments and unknown keyword arguments are passed to the ``onreturn`` function: .. code-block:: python onreturn(*args, **kwargs) .. note:: Button accepts all transformations. :param title: Button title :param button_id: Button ID :param onreturn: Callback when pressing the button :param args: Optional arguments for callbacks :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments """ _last_underline: List[Union[str, Optional[Tuple[ColorType, int, int]]]] # deco id, (color, offset, width) to_menu: bool def __init__( self, title: Any, button_id: str = '', onreturn: CallbackType = None, *args, **kwargs ) -> None: super(Button, self).__init__( args=args, kwargs=kwargs, onreturn=onreturn, title=title, widget_id=button_id ) self._accept_events = True self._last_underline = ['', None] self.to_menu = False # True if the button opens a new Menu def _apply_font(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def set_selection_callback( self, callback: Optional[Callable[[bool, 'Widget', 'pygame_menu.Menu'], Any]] ) -> None: """ Update the button selection callback, once button is selected, the callback function is executed as follows: .. code-block:: python callback(selected, widget, menu) :param callback: Callback when selecting the widget, executed in :py:meth:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.widget.Widget.set_selected` :return: None """ if callback is not None: assert is_callable(callback), \ 'callback must be callable (function-type) or None' self._onselect = callback
[docs] def update_callback(self, callback: Callable, *args) -> None: """ Update function triggered by the button; ``callback`` cannot point to a Menu, that behaviour is only valid using :py:meth:`` method. .. note:: If button points to a submenu, and the callback is changed to a function, the submenu will be removed from the parent Menu. Thus preserving the structure. :param callback: Function :param args: Arguments used by the function once triggered :return: None """ assert is_callable(callback), \ 'only callable (function-type) are allowed' # If return is a Menu object, remove it from submenus list if self._menu is not None and self._onreturn is not None and self.to_menu: assert len(self._args) == 1 submenu = self._args[0] # Menu assert self._menu.in_submenu(submenu), \ 'pointed menu is not in submenu list of parent container' # noinspection PyProtectedMember assert self._menu._remove_submenu(submenu, self), \ 'submenu could not be removed' self.to_menu = False self._args = args or [] self._onreturn = callback
[docs] def add_underline( self, color: ColorInputType, offset: int, width: int, force_render: bool = False ) -> 'Button': """ Adds a underline to text. This is added if widget is rendered. :param color: Underline color :param offset: Underline offset :param width: Underline width :param force_render: If ``True`` force widget render after addition :return: Self reference """ color = assert_color(color) assert isinstance(offset, int) assert isinstance(width, int) and width > 0 self._last_underline[1] = (color, offset, width) if force_render: self._force_render() return self
[docs] def remove_underline(self) -> 'Button': """ Remove underline of the button. :return: Self reference """ if self._last_underline[0] != '': self._decorator.remove(self._last_underline[0]) self._last_underline[0] = '' return self
def _draw(self, surface: 'pygame.Surface') -> None: surface.blit(self._surface, self._rect.topleft) def _render(self) -> Optional[bool]: if not self._render_hash_changed( self._selected, self._title, self._visible, self.readonly, self._last_underline[1]): return True # Render surface self._surface = self._render_string(self._title, self.get_font_color_status()) self._apply_transforms() self._rect.width, self._rect.height = self._surface.get_size() # Add underline if enabled self.remove_underline() if self._last_underline[1] is not None: w = self._surface.get_width() h = self._surface.get_height() color, offset, width = self._last_underline[1] if w > 0 and h > 0: self._last_underline[0] = self._decorator.add_line( pos1=(-w / 2, h / 2 + offset), pos2=(w / 2, h / 2 + offset), color=color, width=width ) self.force_menu_surface_update()
[docs] def update(self, events: EventVectorType) -> bool: self.apply_update_callbacks(events) if self.readonly or not self.is_visible(): return False rect = self.get_rect(to_real_position=True) for event in events: # Check mouse over self._check_mouseover(event, rect) # User applies with key if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and self._keyboard_enabled and \ event.key == ctrl.KEY_APPLY or \ event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN and self._joystick_enabled and \ event.button == ctrl.JOY_BUTTON_SELECT: if self.to_menu: self._sound.play_open_menu() else: self._sound.play_key_add() self.apply() return True # User clicks the button; don't consider the mouse wheel (button 4 & 5) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and self._mouse_enabled and \ event.button in (1, 2, 3) or \ event.type == FINGERUP and self._touchscreen_enabled and \ self._menu is not None: if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: self._sound.play_click_mouse() else: self._sound.play_click_touch() event_pos = get_finger_pos(self._menu, event) if rect.collidepoint(*event_pos): self.apply() return True return False