Source code for pygame_menu.widgets.core.selection


Widget selection effect.

__all__ = ['Selection']

import copy
import pygame
import pygame_menu

from pygame_menu.utils import assert_color

from pygame_menu._types import NumberType, ColorType, ColorInputType, Tuple2IntType, \
    Tuple4IntType, NumberInstance, Optional

[docs]class Selection(object): """ Widget selection effect class. .. note:: All selection classes must be copyable. :param margin_left: Left margin :param margin_right: Right margin :param margin_top: Top margin :param margin_bottom: Bottom margin """ color: ColorType margin_bottom: NumberType margin_left: NumberType margin_right: NumberType margin_top: NumberType widget_apply_font_color: bool def __init__( self, margin_left: NumberType, margin_right: NumberType, margin_top: NumberType, margin_bottom: NumberType ) -> None: assert isinstance(margin_left, NumberInstance) assert isinstance(margin_right, NumberInstance) assert isinstance(margin_top, NumberInstance) assert isinstance(margin_bottom, NumberInstance) assert margin_left >= 0, 'left margin of widget selection cannot be negative' assert margin_right >= 0, 'right margin of widget selection cannot be negative' assert margin_top >= 0, 'top margin of widget selection cannot be negative' assert margin_bottom >= 0, 'bottom margin of widget selection cannot be negative' self.color = (0, 0, 0) # Main color of the selection effect self.margin_bottom = margin_bottom self.margin_left = margin_left self.margin_right = margin_right self.margin_top = margin_top self.widget_apply_font_color = True # Widgets apply "selected_color" if selected
[docs] def margin_xy(self, x: NumberType, y: NumberType) -> 'Selection': """ Set margins at left-right / top-bottom. :param x: Left-Right margin in px :param y: Top-Bottom margin in px :return: Self reference """ assert isinstance(x, NumberInstance) and x >= 0 assert isinstance(y, NumberInstance) and y >= 0 self.margin_left = x self.margin_right = x self.margin_top = y self.margin_bottom = y return self
[docs] def zero_margin(self) -> 'Selection': """ Makes selection margin zero. :return: Self reference """ self.margin_top = 0 self.margin_left = 0 self.margin_right = 0 self.margin_bottom = 0 return self
[docs] def copy(self) -> 'Selection': """ Creates a deep copy of the object. :return: Copied selection effect """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
def __copy__(self) -> 'Selection': """ Copy method. :return: Copied selection """ return self.copy()
[docs] def set_color(self, color: ColorInputType) -> 'Selection': """ Set the selection effect color. :param color: Selection color :return: Self reference """ self.color = assert_color(color) return self
[docs] def get_margin(self) -> Tuple4IntType: """ Return the top, left, bottom and right margins of the selection. :return: Tuple of (top, left, bottom, right) margins in px """ return int(self.margin_top), int(self.margin_left), \ int(self.margin_bottom), int(self.margin_right)
[docs] def get_xy_margin(self) -> Tuple2IntType: """ Return the x/y margins of the selection. :return: Margin tuple on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px """ return int(self.margin_left + self.margin_right), \ int(self.margin_top + self.margin_bottom)
[docs] def get_width(self) -> int: """ Return the selection width as sum of left and right margins. :return: Width in px """ _, l, _, r = self.get_margin() return l + r
[docs] def get_height(self) -> int: """ Return the selection height as sum of top and bottom margins. :return: Height in px """ t, _, b, _ = self.get_margin() return t + b
[docs] def inflate( self, rect: 'pygame.Rect', inflate: Optional[Tuple2IntType] = None ) -> 'pygame.Rect': """ Grow or shrink the rectangle size according to margins. :param rect: Rect object :param inflate: Extra border inflate :return: Inflated rect """ if inflate is None: inflate = (0, 0) assert isinstance(rect, pygame.Rect) return pygame.Rect( int(rect.x - self.margin_left - inflate[0] / 2), int(rect.y - self.margin_top - inflate[1] / 2), int(rect.width + self.margin_left + self.margin_right + inflate[0]), int(rect.height + self.margin_top + self.margin_bottom + inflate[1]) )
[docs] def draw(self, surface: 'pygame.Surface', widget: 'pygame_menu.widgets.Widget') -> 'Selection': """ Draw the selection. :param surface: Surface to draw :param widget: Widget object :return: Self reference """ raise NotImplementedError('override is mandatory')