Source code for pygame_menu._widgetmanager


Easy widget add/remove to Menus.

__all__ = ['WidgetManager']

from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
import re
import textwrap
import time
import webbrowser

import pygame

import pygame_menu
import as _events

from pygame_menu._base import Base
from pygame_menu.locals import CURSOR_HAND, INPUT_TEXT, ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, \
from pygame_menu.font import assert_font
from pygame_menu._scrollarea import get_scrollbars_from_position
from pygame_menu.utils import assert_vector, assert_color, assert_cursor, is_callable, \
    uuid4, parse_padding, assert_position_vector, warn

from pygame_menu.widgets.core.widget import Widget, check_widget_mouseleave
from pygame_menu.widgets.widget.colorinput import ColorInputColorType, ColorInputHexFormatType
from pygame_menu.widgets.widget.dropselect_multiple import DropSelectMultipleSFormatType, \
from pygame_menu.widgets.widget.progressbar import ProgressBarTextFormatType
from pygame_menu.widgets.widget.rangeslider import RangeSliderRangeValueType, \
    RangeSliderValueType, RangeSliderValueFormatType
from pygame_menu.widgets.widget.selector import SelectorStyleType, SELECTOR_STYLE_CLASSIC

from pygame_menu._types import Any, Union, Callable, Dict, Optional, CallbackType, \
    PaddingInstance, NumberType, Vector2NumberType, List, Tuple, NumberInstance, \
    Tuple3IntType, Tuple2IntType

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
[docs]class WidgetManager(Base): """ Add/Remove widgets to the Menu. :param menu: Menu reference """ _menu: 'pygame_menu.Menu' def __init__(self, menu: 'pygame_menu.Menu') -> None: super(WidgetManager, self).__init__(object_id=menu.get_id() + '+widget-manager') self._menu = menu @property def _theme(self) -> 'pygame_menu.Theme': """ Return menu theme. :return: Menu theme reference """ return self._menu.get_theme() def _add_submenu(self, menu: 'pygame_menu.Menu', hook: 'Widget') -> None: """ Adds a submenu. Requires the menu instance and the widget that adds the sub-menu. :param menu: Menu reference :param hook: Widget hook :return: None """ assert isinstance(menu, pygame_menu.Menu) assert menu != self._menu, 'submenu cannot point to menu itself' assert isinstance(hook, Widget) if menu not in self._menu._submenus.keys(): self._menu._submenus[menu] = [] assert hook not in self._menu._submenus[menu], \ f'widget {hook.get_class_id()} already hooks submenu {menu.get_class_id()}' self._menu._submenus[menu].append(hook) hook._menu_hook = menu def _filter_widget_attributes(self, kwargs: Dict) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return the valid widgets attributes from a dictionary. The valid (key, value) are removed from the initial dictionary. :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments (input attributes) :return: Dictionary of valid attributes """ attributes = {} # align align = kwargs.pop('align', self._theme.widget_alignment) assert isinstance(align, str) attributes['align'] = align # background_color background_is_color = False background_color = kwargs.pop('background_color', self._theme.widget_background_color) if background_color is not None: if isinstance(background_color, pygame_menu.BaseImage): pass else: background_color = assert_color(background_color) background_is_color = True attributes['background_color'] = background_color # background_inflate background_inflate = kwargs.pop('background_inflate', self._theme.widget_background_inflate) if background_inflate == 0: background_inflate = (0, 0) assert_vector(background_inflate, 2, int) assert background_inflate[0] >= 0 and background_inflate[1] >= 0, \ 'both background inflate components must be equal or greater than zero' attributes['background_inflate'] = background_inflate # border_color border_color = kwargs.pop('border_color', self._theme.widget_border_color) if border_color is not None: border_color = assert_color(border_color) attributes['border_color'] = border_color # border_inflate border_inflate = kwargs.pop('border_inflate', self._theme.widget_border_inflate) if border_inflate == 0: border_inflate = (0, 0) assert_vector(border_inflate, 2, int) assert isinstance(border_inflate[0], int) and border_inflate[0] >= 0 assert isinstance(border_inflate[1], int) and border_inflate[1] >= 0 attributes['border_inflate'] = border_inflate # border_position border_position = kwargs.pop('border_position', self._theme.widget_border_position) assert_position_vector(border_position) attributes['border_position'] = border_position # border_width border_width = kwargs.pop('border_width', self._theme.widget_border_width) assert isinstance(border_width, int) and border_width >= 0 attributes['border_width'] = border_width # cursor cursor = kwargs.pop('cursor', self._theme.widget_cursor) assert_cursor(cursor) attributes['cursor'] = cursor # floating status float_ = kwargs.pop('float', False) assert isinstance(float_, bool) attributes['float'] = float_ float_origin_position = kwargs.pop('float_origin_position', False) assert isinstance(float_origin_position, bool) attributes['float_origin_position'] = float_origin_position # font_antialias attributes['font_antialias'] = self._theme.widget_font_antialias # font_background_color font_background_color = kwargs.pop('font_background_color', self._theme.widget_font_background_color) if font_background_color is None and \ self._theme.widget_font_background_color_from_menu and \ not background_is_color: if not isinstance(self._theme.background_color, pygame_menu.BaseImage): font_background_color = assert_color(self._theme.background_color) attributes['font_background_color'] = font_background_color # font_color font_color = kwargs.pop('font_color', self._theme.widget_font_color) attributes['font_color'] = assert_color(font_color) # font_name font_name = kwargs.pop('font_name', self._theme.widget_font) assert_font(font_name) attributes['font_name'] = str(font_name) # font_shadow font_shadow = kwargs.pop('font_shadow', self._theme.widget_font_shadow) assert isinstance(font_shadow, bool) attributes['font_shadow'] = font_shadow # font_shadow_color font_shadow_color = kwargs.pop('font_shadow_color', self._theme.widget_font_shadow_color) attributes['font_shadow_color'] = assert_color(font_shadow_color) # font_shadow_offset font_shadow_offset = kwargs.pop('font_shadow_offset', self._theme.widget_font_shadow_offset) assert isinstance(font_shadow_offset, int) attributes['font_shadow_offset'] = font_shadow_offset # font_shadow_position font_shadow_position = kwargs.pop('font_shadow_position', self._theme.widget_font_shadow_position) assert isinstance(font_shadow_position, str) attributes['font_shadow_position'] = font_shadow_position # font_size font_size = kwargs.pop('font_size', self._theme.widget_font_size) assert isinstance(font_size, int) assert font_size > 0, 'font size must be greater than zero' attributes['font_size'] = font_size # margin margin = kwargs.pop('margin', self._theme.widget_margin) if margin == 0: margin = (0, 0) assert_vector(margin, 2) attributes['margin'] = margin # padding padding = kwargs.pop('padding', self._theme.widget_padding) assert isinstance(padding, PaddingInstance) attributes['padding'] = padding # readonly_color readonly_color = kwargs.pop('readonly_color', self._theme.readonly_color) attributes['readonly_color'] = assert_color(readonly_color) # readonly_selected_color readonly_selected_color = kwargs.pop('readonly_selected_color', self._theme.readonly_selected_color) attributes['readonly_selected_color'] = assert_color(readonly_selected_color) # selection_color selection_color = kwargs.pop('selection_color', self._theme.selection_color) attributes['selection_color'] = assert_color(selection_color) # selection_effect selection_effect = kwargs.pop('selection_effect', self._theme.widget_selection_effect) if selection_effect is None: selection_effect = pygame_menu.widgets.NoneSelection() else: selection_effect = selection_effect.copy() assert isinstance(selection_effect, pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection) selection_effect.set_color(attributes['selection_color']) attributes['selection_effect'] = selection_effect # tab_size attributes['tab_size'] = kwargs.pop('tab_size', self._theme.widget_tab_size) return attributes def _configure_widget(self, widget: 'Widget', **kwargs) -> None: """ Update the given widget with the parameters defined at the Menu level. This method does not add widget to Menu. :param widget: Widget object :param kwargs: Optional keywords arguments :return: None """ assert isinstance(widget, Widget) widget.set_alignment( align=kwargs['align'] ) widget.set_background_color( color=kwargs['background_color'], inflate=kwargs['background_inflate'] ) widget.set_border( color=kwargs['border_color'], inflate=kwargs['border_inflate'], position=kwargs['border_position'], width=kwargs['border_width'] ) widget.set_controls( joystick=self._menu._joystick, keyboard=self._menu._keyboard, mouse=self._menu._mouse, touchscreen=self._menu._touchscreen ) widget.set_cursor( cursor=kwargs['cursor'] ) widget.set_float( float_status=kwargs['float'], origin_position=kwargs['float_origin_position'] ) widget.set_font( antialias=kwargs['font_antialias'], background_color=kwargs['font_background_color'], color=kwargs['font_color'], font=kwargs['font_name'], font_size=kwargs['font_size'], readonly_color=kwargs['readonly_color'], readonly_selected_color=kwargs['readonly_selected_color'], selected_color=kwargs['selection_color'] ) widget.set_font_shadow( color=kwargs['font_shadow_color'], enabled=kwargs['font_shadow'], offset=kwargs['font_shadow_offset'], position=kwargs['font_shadow_position'] ) widget.set_margin( x=kwargs['margin'][0], y=kwargs['margin'][1] ) widget.set_padding( padding=kwargs['padding'] ) widget.set_selection_effect( selection=kwargs['selection_effect'] ) widget.set_tab_size( tab_size=kwargs['tab_size'] ) if self._theme.widget_background_inflate_to_selection: widget.background_inflate_to_selection_effect() widget._update__repr___(self) widget._keyboard_ignore_nonphysical = self._menu._keyboard_ignore_nonphysical widget.configured = True widget._configure() @staticmethod def _check_kwargs(kwargs: Dict) -> None: """ Check kwargs after widget addition. It should be empty. Raises ``ValueError``. :param kwargs: Kwargs dict :return: None """ for invalid_keyword in kwargs.keys(): raise ValueError(f'widget addition optional parameter kwargs.{invalid_keyword} is not valid') def _append_widget(self, widget: 'Widget') -> None: """ Add a widget to the list of widgets. :param widget: Widget object :return: None """ assert isinstance(widget, Widget) if widget.get_menu() is None: widget.set_menu(self._menu) assert widget.get_menu() == self._menu, \ 'widget cannot have a different instance of menu' self._menu._check_id_duplicated(widget.get_id()) if widget.get_scrollarea() is None: widget.set_scrollarea(self._menu.get_scrollarea()) # Unselect # Append to lists self._menu._widgets.append(widget) # Update selection index if self._menu._index < 0 and widget.is_selectable: self._menu._index = len(self._menu._widgets) - 1 # Force menu rendering, this checks if the menu overflows or has sizing # errors; if added on execution time forces the update of the surface self._menu._widgets_surface = None try: self._menu._render() except (, self._menu.remove_widget(widget) raise self._menu.render() # Sort frame widgets, as render position changes frame position/frame if len(self._menu._update_frames) > 0: self._menu._update_frames[0]._sort_menu_update_frames() # Update widgets check_widget_mouseleave() # Call event widget._append_to_menu()
[docs] def configure_defaults_widget(self, widget: 'Widget') -> None: """ Apply default menu settings to widget. This method does not add widget to the Menu. :param widget: Widget to be configured :return: None """ self._configure_widget(widget, **self._filter_widget_attributes({}))
[docs] def button( self, title: Any, action: Optional[Union['pygame_menu.Menu', '_events.MenuAction', Callable, int]] = None, *args, **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.Button': """ Adds a button to the Menu. The arguments and unknown keyword arguments are passed to the action, if it's a callable object: .. code-block:: python action(*args) If ``accept_kwargs=True`` then the ``**kwargs`` are also unpacked on action call: .. code-block:: python action(*args, **kwargs) If ``onselect`` is defined, the callback is executed as follows, where ``selected`` is a boolean representing the selected status: .. code-block:: python onselect(selected, widget, menu) kwargs (Optional) - ``accept_kwargs`` (bool) – Button action accepts ``**kwargs`` if it's a callable object (function-type), ``False`` by default - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``back_count`` (int) – Number of menus to go back if action is :py:data:`` event, default is ``1`` - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``button_id`` (str) – Widget ID - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the widget if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``font_background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Widget font background color - ``font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget font color - ``font_name`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Widget font path - ``font_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Font shadow color - ``font_shadow_offset`` (int) – Font shadow offset in px - ``font_shadow_position`` (str) – Font shadow position, see locals for position - ``font_shadow`` (bool) – Font shadow is enabled or disabled - ``font_size`` (int) – Font size of the widget - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``onselect`` (callable, None) – Callback executed when selecting the widget - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``readonly_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode - ``readonly_selected_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode and is selected - ``selection_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the selected widget; only affects the font color - ``selection_effect`` (:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection`) – Widget selection effect - ``tab_size`` (int) – Width of a tab character - ``underline_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Color of the underline. If ``None`` use the same color of the text - ``underline_offset`` (int) – Vertical offset in px. ``2`` by default - ``underline_width`` (int) – Underline width in px. ``2`` by default - ``underline`` (bool) – Enables text underline, using a properly placed decoration. ``False`` by default .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: Using ``action=None`` is the same as using ````. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. .. warning:: Be careful with kwargs collision. Consider that all optional documented kwargs keys are removed from the object. :param title: Title of the button :param action: Action of the button, can be a Menu, an event, or a function :param args: Additional arguments used by a function :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.Button` """ total_back = kwargs.pop('back_count', 1) assert isinstance(total_back, int) and 1 <= total_back # Get ID button_id = kwargs.pop('button_id', '') assert isinstance(button_id, str), 'id must be a string' # Accept kwargs accept_kwargs = kwargs.pop('accept_kwargs', False) assert isinstance(accept_kwargs, bool) # Onselect callback onselect = kwargs.pop('onselect', None) # Filter widget attributes to avoid passing them to the callbacks attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) # Button underline underline = kwargs.pop('underline', False) underline_color = kwargs.pop('underline_color', attributes['font_color']) underline_offset = kwargs.pop('underline_offset', 1) underline_width = kwargs.pop('underline_width', 1) # Change action if certain events if action == _events.PYGAME_QUIT or action == _events.PYGAME_WINDOWCLOSE: action = _events.EXIT elif action is None: action = _events.NONE # If element is a Menu if isinstance(action, type(self._menu)): # Check for recursive if action == self._menu or action.in_submenu(self._menu, recursive=True): raise ValueError( f'{action.get_class_id()} title "{action.get_title()}" is ' f'already on submenu structure, recursive menus lead to ' f'unexpected behaviours. For returning to previous menu' f'use event defining an optional ' f'back_count number of menus to return from, default is 1' ) widget = pygame_menu.widgets.Button(title, button_id, self._menu._open, action) widget.to_menu = True # If element is a MenuAction elif action == _events.BACK: # Back to Menu widget = pygame_menu.widgets.Button(title, button_id, self._menu.reset, total_back) elif action == _events.CLOSE: # Close Menu widget = pygame_menu.widgets.Button(title, button_id, self._menu._close) elif action == _events.EXIT: # Exit program widget = pygame_menu.widgets.Button(title, button_id, self._menu._exit) elif action == _events.NONE: # None action widget = pygame_menu.widgets.Button(title, button_id) elif action == _events.RESET: # Back to Top Menu widget = pygame_menu.widgets.Button(title, button_id, self._menu.full_reset) # If element is a function or callable elif is_callable(action): if not accept_kwargs: widget = pygame_menu.widgets.Button(title, button_id, action, *args) else: widget = pygame_menu.widgets.Button(title, button_id, action, *args, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('action must be a Menu, a MenuAction (event), a ' 'function (callable), or None') # Configure and add the button if not accept_kwargs: try: self._check_kwargs(kwargs) except ValueError: warn('button cannot accept kwargs. If you want to use kwargs ' 'options set accept_kwargs=True') raise self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) if underline: widget.add_underline(underline_color, underline_offset, underline_width) widget.set_selection_callback(onselect) self._append_widget(widget) # Add to submenu if widget.to_menu: self._add_submenu(action, widget) return widget
[docs] def color_input( self, title: Union[str, Any], color_type: ColorInputColorType, color_id: str = '', default: Union[str, Tuple3IntType] = '', hex_format: ColorInputHexFormatType = pygame_menu.widgets.COLORINPUT_HEX_FORMAT_NONE, input_separator: str = ',', input_underline: str = '_', onchange: CallbackType = None, onreturn: CallbackType = None, onselect: Optional[Callable[[bool, 'Widget', 'pygame_menu.Menu'], Any]] = None, **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.ColorInput': """ Add a color widget with RGB or HEX format to the Menu. Includes a preview box that renders the given color. The callbacks (if defined) receive the current value and all unknown keyword arguments, where ``current_color=widget.get_value()``: .. code-block:: python onchange(current_color, **kwargs) onreturn(current_color, **kwargs) If ``onselect`` is defined, the callback is executed as follows, where ``selected`` is a boolean representing the selected status: .. code-block:: python onselect(selected, widget, menu) kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the widget if the mouse is placed over - ``dynamic_width`` (bool) – If ``True`` the widget width changes if the pre-visualization color box is active or not - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``font_background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Widget font background color - ``font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget font color - ``font_name`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Widget font path - ``font_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Font shadow color - ``font_shadow_offset`` (int) – Font shadow offset in px - ``font_shadow_position`` (str) – Font shadow position, see locals for position - ``font_shadow`` (bool) – Font shadow is enabled or disabled - ``font_size`` (int) – Font size of the widget - ``input_underline_vmargin`` (int) – Vertical margin of underline in px - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``maxwidth_dynamically_update`` (bool) - Dynamically update maxwidth depending on char size. ``True`` by default - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``previsualization_margin`` (int) – Pre-visualization left margin from text input in px. Default is ``0`` - ``previsualization_width`` (int, float) – Pre-visualization width as a factor of the height. Default is ``3`` - ``readonly_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode - ``readonly_selected_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode and is selected - ``repeat_keys_initial_ms`` (int, float) - Time in ms before keys are repeated when held in ms. ``400`` by default - ``repeat_keys_interval_ms`` (int, float) - Interval between key press repetition when held in ms. ``50`` by default - ``repeat_mouse_interval_ms`` (int, float) - Interval between mouse events when held in ms. ``400`` by default - ``selection_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the selected widget; only affects the font color - ``selection_effect`` (:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection`) – Widget selection effect - ``tab_size`` (int) – Width of a tab character .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. .. warning:: Be careful with kwargs collision. Consider that all optional documented kwargs keys are removed from the object. :param title: Title of the color input :param color_type: Type of the color input :param color_id: ID of the color input :param default: Default value to display, if RGB type it must be a tuple ``(r, g, b)``, if HEX must be a string ``"#XXXXXX"`` :param hex_format: Hex format string mode :param input_separator: Divisor between RGB channels, not valid in HEX format :param input_underline: Underline character :param onchange: Callback executed when changing the values of the color text :param onreturn: Callback executed when pressing return on the color input :param onselect: Callback executed when selecting the widget :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.ColorInput` """ assert isinstance(default, (str, tuple)) # Filter widget attributes to avoid passing them to the callbacks attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) dynamic_width = kwargs.pop('dynamic_width', True) input_underline_vmargin = kwargs.pop('input_underline_vmargin', 0) prev_margin = kwargs.pop('previsualization_margin', 10) prev_width = kwargs.pop('previsualization_width', 3) widget = pygame_menu.widgets.ColorInput( color_type=color_type, colorinput_id=color_id, cursor_color=self._theme.cursor_color, cursor_switch_ms=self._theme.cursor_switch_ms, dynamic_width=dynamic_width, hex_format=hex_format, input_separator=input_separator, input_underline=input_underline, input_underline_vmargin=input_underline_vmargin, onchange=onchange, onreturn=onreturn, onselect=onselect, prev_margin=prev_margin, prev_width_factor=prev_width, title=title, **kwargs ) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) self._append_widget(widget) widget.set_default_value(default) return widget
[docs] def image( self, image_path: Union[str, 'Path', 'pygame_menu.BaseImage', 'BytesIO'], angle: NumberType = 0, image_id: str = '', onselect: Optional[Callable[[bool, 'Widget', 'pygame_menu.Menu'], Any]] = None, scale: Vector2NumberType = (1, 1), scale_smooth: bool = True, selectable: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.Image': """ Add a simple image to the Menu. If ``onselect`` is defined, the callback is executed as follows, where ``selected`` is a boolean representing the selected status: .. code-block:: python onselect(selected, widget, menu) kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the widget if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``selection_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the selected widget; only affects the font color - ``selection_effect`` (:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection`) – Widget selection effect. Applied only if ``selectable`` is ``True`` .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. :param image_path: Path of the image (file) or a BaseImage object. If BaseImage object is provided the angle and scale are ignored :param angle: Angle of the image in degrees (clockwise) :param image_id: ID of the image :param onselect: Callback executed when selecting the widget; only executed if ``selectable`` is ``True`` :param scale: Scale of the image on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) :param scale_smooth: Scale is smoothed :param selectable: Image accepts user selection :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.Image` """ assert isinstance(selectable, bool) # Remove invalid keys from kwargs for key in list(kwargs.keys()): if key not in ('align', 'background_color', 'background_inflate', 'border_color', 'border_inflate', 'border_width', 'cursor', 'margin', 'padding', 'selection_color', 'selection_effect', 'border_position', 'float', 'float_origin_position'): kwargs.pop(key, None) # Filter widget attributes to avoid passing them to the callbacks attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) widget = pygame_menu.widgets.Image( angle=angle, image_id=image_id, image_path=image_path, onselect=onselect, scale=scale, scale_smooth=scale_smooth ) widget.is_selectable = selectable self._check_kwargs(kwargs) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) self._append_widget(widget) return widget
[docs] def surface( self, surface: 'pygame.Surface', surface_id: str = '', onselect: Optional[Callable[[bool, 'Widget', 'pygame_menu.Menu'], Any]] = None, selectable: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.SurfaceWidget': """ Add a surface widget to the Menu. If ``onselect`` is defined, the callback is executed as follows, where ``selected`` is a boolean representing the selected status: .. code-block:: python onselect(selected, widget, menu) kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the widget if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``selection_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the selected widget; only affects the font color - ``selection_effect`` (:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection`) – Widget selection effect. Applied only if ``selectable`` is ``True`` .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. :param surface: Pygame surface object :param surface_id: Surface ID :param onselect: Callback executed when selecting the widget; only executed if ``selectable`` is ``True`` :param selectable: Surface accepts user selection :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.SurfaceWidget` """ assert isinstance(selectable, bool) # Remove invalid keys from kwargs for key in list(kwargs.keys()): if key not in ('align', 'background_color', 'background_inflate', 'border_color', 'border_inflate', 'border_width', 'cursor', 'margin', 'padding', 'selection_color', 'selection_effect', 'border_position', 'float', 'float_origin_position'): kwargs.pop(key, None) # Filter widget attributes to avoid passing them to the callbacks attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) widget = pygame_menu.widgets.SurfaceWidget( surface=surface, surface_id=surface_id, onselect=onselect ) widget.is_selectable = selectable self._check_kwargs(kwargs) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) self._append_widget(widget) return widget
[docs] def clock( self, clock_format: str = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', clock_id: str = '', onselect: Optional[Callable[[bool, 'Widget', 'pygame_menu.Menu'], Any]] = None, selectable: bool = False, title_format: str = '{0}', **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.Label': """ Add a clock label to the Menu. This creates a Label with a text generator that request a string from ``time.strftime`` module using ``clock_format``. Commonly used format codes: - **%Y** – Year with century as a decimal number - **%m** – Month as a decimal number [01, 12] - **%d** – Day of the month as a decimal number [01, 31] - **%H** – Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00, 23] - **%M** – Minute as a decimal number [00, 59] - **%S** – Second as a decimal number [00, 61] - **%z** – Time zone offset from UTC - **%a** – Locale's abbreviated weekday name - **%A** – Locale's full weekday name - **%b** – Locale's abbreviated month name - **%B** – Locale's full month name - **%c** – Locale's appropriate date and time representation - **%I** – Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [01, 12] - **%p** – Locale's equivalent of either AM or PM If ``onselect`` is defined, the callback is executed as follows, where ``selected`` is a boolean representing the selected status: .. code-block:: python onselect(selected, widget, menu) kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the widget if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``font_background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Widget font background color - ``font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget font color - ``font_name`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Widget font path - ``font_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Font shadow color - ``font_shadow_offset`` (int) – Font shadow offset in px - ``font_shadow_position`` (str) – Font shadow position, see locals for position - ``font_shadow`` (bool) – Font shadow is enabled or disabled - ``font_size`` (int) – Font size of the widget - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``selection_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the selected widget; only affects the font color - ``selection_effect`` (:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection`) – Widget selection effect. Applied only if ``selectable`` is ``True`` - ``tab_size`` (int) – Width of a tab character - ``underline_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Color of the underline. If ``None`` use the same color of the text - ``underline_offset`` (int) – Vertical offset in px. ``2`` by default - ``underline_width`` (int) – Underline width in px. ``2`` by default - ``underline`` (bool) – Enables text underline, using a properly placed decoration. ``False`` by default .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. :param clock_format: Format of clock used by ``time.strftime`` :param clock_id: ID of the clock :param onselect: Callback executed when selecting the widget; only executed if ``selectable`` is ``True`` :param selectable: Label accepts user selection; useful to move along the Menu using label selection :param title_format: Title format which accepts ``{0}`` as the string from ``time.strftime``, for example, ``'My Clock {0}'`` can be a title format :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.Label` """ label = self.label( title='', label_id=clock_id, onselect=onselect, selectable=selectable, **kwargs ) assert isinstance(title_format, str) and '{0}' in title_format assert not isinstance(label, list) label.set_title_generator(lambda: title_format.format(time.strftime(clock_format))) label.update([]) return label
[docs] def label( self, title: Any, label_id: str = '', max_char: int = 0, onselect: Optional[Callable[[bool, 'Widget', 'pygame_menu.Menu'], Any]] = None, selectable: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> Union['pygame_menu.widgets.Label', List['pygame_menu.widgets.Label']]: """ Add a simple text to the Menu. If ``onselect`` is defined, the callback is executed as follows, where ``selected`` is a boolean representing the selected status: .. code-block:: python onselect(selected, widget, menu) kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the widget if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``font_background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Widget font background color - ``font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget font color - ``font_name`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Widget font path - ``font_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Font shadow color - ``font_shadow_offset`` (int) – Font shadow offset in px - ``font_shadow_position`` (str) – Font shadow position, see locals for position - ``font_shadow`` (bool) – Font shadow is enabled or disabled - ``font_size`` (int) – Font size of the widget - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``selection_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the selected widget; only affects the font color - ``selection_effect`` (:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection`) – Widget selection effect. Applied only if ``selectable`` is ``True`` - ``tab_size`` (int) – Width of a tab character - ``underline_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Color of the underline. If ``None`` use the same color of the text - ``underline_offset`` (int) – Vertical offset in px. ``2`` by default - ``underline_width`` (int) – Underline width in px. ``2`` by default - ``underline`` (bool) – Enables text underline, using a properly placed decoration. ``False`` by default .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. :param title: Text to be displayed :param label_id: ID of the label :param max_char: Split the title in several labels if the string length exceeds ``max_char``; ``0``: don't split, ``-1``: split to Menu width :param onselect: Callback executed when selecting the widget; only executed if ``selectable`` is ``True`` :param selectable: Label accepts user selection; useful to move along the Menu using label selection :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object, or List of widgets if the text overflows :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.Label`, :py:class:`typing.List` [:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.Label`] """ assert isinstance(label_id, str) assert isinstance(max_char, int) assert isinstance(selectable, bool) assert max_char >= -1 title = str(title) if len(label_id) == 0: label_id = uuid4() # If newline detected, split in two new lines if '\n' in title: title = title.split('\n') widgets = [] for t in title: wig = self.label( title=t, label_id=label_id + '+' + str(len(widgets) + 1), max_char=max_char, onselect=onselect, selectable=selectable, **kwargs ) if isinstance(wig, list): for w in wig: widgets.append(w) else: widgets.append(wig) return widgets # Wrap text to Menu width (imply additional calls to render functions) if max_char < 0: dummy_attrs = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs.copy()) dummy = pygame_menu.widgets.Label(title=title) self._configure_widget(dummy, **dummy_attrs) max_char = int(1.0 * self._menu.get_width(inner=True) * len(title) / dummy.get_width()) # If no overflow if len(title) <= max_char or max_char == 0: attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) # Filter additional parameters underline = kwargs.pop('underline', False) underline_color = kwargs.pop('underline_color', attributes['font_color']) underline_offset = kwargs.pop('underline_offset', 1) underline_width = kwargs.pop('underline_width', 1) widget = pygame_menu.widgets.Label( label_id=label_id, onselect=onselect, title=title ) widget.is_selectable = selectable self._check_kwargs(kwargs) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) if underline: widget.add_underline(underline_color, underline_offset, underline_width) self._append_widget(widget) else: self._menu._check_id_duplicated(label_id) # Before adding + LEN widget = [] for line in textwrap.wrap(title, max_char): widget.append( self.label( title=line, label_id=label_id + '+' + str(len(widget) + 1), max_char=max_char, onselect=onselect, selectable=selectable, **kwargs ) ) return widget
[docs] def url( self, href: str, title: str = '', **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.Button': """ Adds a Button url to the Menu. Clicking the widget will open the link. If ``title`` is defined, the link will not be written. For example: ``href='', title=''`` will write the link, but ``href='', title='Google'`` will write 'Google' and opens '' if clicked. If ``onselect`` is defined, the callback is executed as follows, where ``selected`` is a boolean representing the selected status: .. code-block:: python onselect(selected, widget, menu) kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the widget if the mouse is placed over. By default is ``HAND`` - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``font_background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Widget font background color - ``font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget font color. If not defined, uses ``theme.widget_url_color`` - ``font_name`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Widget font path - ``font_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Font shadow color - ``font_shadow_offset`` (int) – Font shadow offset in px - ``font_shadow_position`` (str) – Font shadow position, see locals for position - ``font_shadow`` (bool) – Font shadow is enabled or disabled - ``font_size`` (int) – Font size of the widget - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``selection_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the selected widget; only affects the font color - ``selection_effect`` (:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection`) – Widget selection effect - ``tab_size`` (int) – Width of a tab character - ``underline_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Color of the underline. If ``None`` use the same color of the text - ``underline_offset`` (int) – Vertical offset in px. ``2`` by default - ``underline_width`` (int) – Underline width in px. ``2`` by default - ``underline`` (bool) – Enables text underline, using a properly placed decoration. ``True`` by default .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. :param href: Link to open :param title: Alternative title of the link :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object, or List of widgets if the text overflows :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.Button` """ # Validate link assert isinstance(href, str) and len(href) > 0 regex = re.compile( r'^(?:http|ftp)s?://' # http:// or https:// r'(?:(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2,6}\.?|[A-Z0-9-]{2,}\.?)|' # domain... r'localhost|' # localhost... r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' # ...or ip r'(?::\d+)?' # optional port r'(?:/?|[/?]\S+)$', re.IGNORECASE) assert re.match(regex, href) is not None, 'invalid link format' # Configure kwargs if 'cursor' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['cursor'] = CURSOR_HAND if 'font_color' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['font_color'] = self._theme.widget_url_color if 'selection_color' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['selection_color'] = self._theme.widget_url_color if 'selection_effect' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['selection_effect'] = pygame_menu.widgets.NoneSelection() if 'underline' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['underline'] = True # Return new button return self.button(title if title != '' else href, lambda:, **kwargs)
[docs] def selector( self, title: Any, items: Union[List[Tuple[Any, ...]], List[str]], default: int = 0, onchange: CallbackType = None, onreturn: CallbackType = None, onselect: Optional[Callable[[bool, 'Widget', 'pygame_menu.Menu'], Any]] = None, selector_id: str = '', style: SelectorStyleType = SELECTOR_STYLE_CLASSIC, **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.Selector': """ Add a selector to the Menu: several items and two functions that are executed when changing the selector (left/right) and pressing return button on the selected item. The items of the selector are like: .. code-block:: python items = [('Item1', a, b, c...), ('Item2', d, e, f...)] The callbacks receive the current selected item, its index in the list, the associated arguments, and all unknown keyword arguments, where ``selected_item=widget.get_value()`` and ``selected_index=widget.get_index()``: .. code-block:: python onchange((selected_item, selected_index), a, b, c..., **kwargs) onreturn((selected_item, selected_index), a, b, c..., **kwargs) For example, if ``selected_index=0`` then ``selected_item=('Item1', a, b, c...)``. If ``onselect`` is defined, the callback is executed as follows, where ``selected`` is a boolean representing the selected status: .. code-block:: python onselect(selected, widget, menu) kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the widget if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``font_background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Widget font background color - ``font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget font color - ``font_name`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Widget font path - ``font_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Font shadow color - ``font_shadow_offset`` (int) – Font shadow offset in px - ``font_shadow_position`` (str) – Font shadow position, see locals for position - ``font_shadow`` (bool) – Font shadow is enabled or disabled - ``font_size`` (int) – Font size of the widget - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``readonly_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode - ``readonly_selected_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode and is selected - ``selection_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the selected widget; only affects the font color - ``selection_effect`` (:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection`) – Widget selection effect - ``style_fancy_arrow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Arrow color of fancy style - ``style_fancy_arrow_margin`` (tuple, list) – Margin of arrows on x-axis and y-axis in px; format: (left, right, vertical) - ``style_fancy_bgcolor`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Background color of fancy style - ``style_fancy_bordercolor`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Border color of fancy style - ``style_fancy_borderwidth`` (int) – Border width of fancy style; ``1`` by default - ``style_fancy_box_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Box inflate of fancy style on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``style_fancy_box_margin`` (tuple, list) – Box margin on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in fancy style from title in px - ``tab_size`` (int) – Width of a tab character .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. .. warning:: Be careful with kwargs collision. Consider that all optional documented kwargs keys are removed from the object. :param title: Title of the selector :param items: Item list of the selector; format ``[('Item1', a, b, c...), ('Item2', d, e, f...)]`` :param default: Index of default item to display :param onchange: Callback executed when when changing the selector :param onreturn: Callback executed when pressing return button :param onselect: Callback executed when selecting the widget :param selector_id: ID of the selector :param style: Selector style (visual) :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.Selector` """ # Filter widget attributes to avoid passing them to the callbacks attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) # Get fancy style attributes style_fancy_arrow_color = kwargs.pop('style_fancy_arrow_color', self._theme.widget_box_arrow_color) style_fancy_arrow_margin = kwargs.pop('style_fancy_arrow_margin', self._theme.widget_box_arrow_margin) style_fancy_bgcolor = kwargs.pop('style_fancy_bgcolor', self._theme.widget_box_background_color) style_fancy_bordercolor = kwargs.pop('style_fancy_bordercolor', self._theme.widget_box_border_color) style_fancy_borderwidth = kwargs.pop('style_fancy_borderwidth', self._theme.widget_box_border_width) style_fancy_box_inflate = kwargs.pop('style_fancy_box_inflate', self._theme.widget_box_inflate) style_fancy_box_margin = kwargs.pop('style_fancy_box_margin', self._theme.widget_box_margin) widget = pygame_menu.widgets.Selector( default=default, items=items, onchange=onchange, onreturn=onreturn, onselect=onselect, selector_id=selector_id, style=style, style_fancy_arrow_color=style_fancy_arrow_color, style_fancy_arrow_margin=style_fancy_arrow_margin, style_fancy_bgcolor=style_fancy_bgcolor, style_fancy_bordercolor=style_fancy_bordercolor, style_fancy_borderwidth=style_fancy_borderwidth, style_fancy_box_inflate=style_fancy_box_inflate, style_fancy_box_margin=style_fancy_box_margin, title=title, **kwargs ) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) self._append_widget(widget) return widget
[docs] def dropselect( self, title: Any, items: Union[List[Tuple[Any, ...]], List[str]], default: Optional[int] = None, dropselect_id: str = '', onchange: CallbackType = None, onreturn: CallbackType = None, onselect: Optional[Callable[[bool, 'Widget', 'pygame_menu.Menu'], Any]] = None, open_middle: bool = False, placeholder: str = 'Select an option', placeholder_add_to_selection_box: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.DropSelect': """ Add a dropselect to the Menu: Drop select is a selector within a Frame. This drops a vertical frame if requested. Drop select can contain selectable items (options), but only one can be selected. The items of the DropSelect are: .. code-block:: python items = [('Item1', a, b, c...), ('Item2', d, e, f...)] The callbacks receive the current selected item, its index in the list, the associated arguments, and all unknown keyword arguments, where ``selected_item=widget.get_value()`` and ``selected_index=widget.get_index()``: .. code-block:: python onchange((selected_item, selected_index), a, b, c..., **kwargs) onreturn((selected_item, selected_index), a, b, c..., **kwargs) For example, if ``selected_index=0`` then ``selected_item=('Item1', a, b, c...)``. If ``onselect`` is defined, the callback is executed as follows, where ``selected`` is a boolean representing the selected status: .. code-block:: python onselect(selected, widget, menu) kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the widget if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``font_background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Widget font background color - ``font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget font color - ``font_name`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Widget font path - ``font_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Font shadow color - ``font_shadow_offset`` (int) – Font shadow offset in px - ``font_shadow_position`` (str) – Font shadow position, see locals for position - ``font_shadow`` (bool) – Font shadow is enabled or disabled - ``font_size`` (int) – Font size of the widget - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``readonly_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode - ``readonly_selected_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode and is selected - ``selection_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the selected widget; only affects the font color - ``selection_effect`` (:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection`) – Widget selection effect - ``tab_size`` (int) – Width of a tab character kwargs for modifying selection box/option style (Optional) - ``scrollbar_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Scrollbar color - ``scrollbar_cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the scrollbars if the mouse is placed over - ``scrollbar_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the shadow of each scrollbar - ``scrollbar_shadow_offset`` (int) – Offset of the scrollbar shadow in px - ``scrollbar_shadow_position`` (str) – Position of the scrollbar shadow. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``scrollbar_shadow`` (bool) – Indicate if a shadow is drawn on each scrollbar - ``scrollbar_slider_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the sliders - ``scrollbar_slider_hover_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the slider if hovered or clicked - ``scrollbar_slider_pad`` (int, float) – Space between slider and scrollbars borders in px - ``scrollbar_thick`` (int) – Scrollbar thickness in px - ``scrollbars`` (str) – Scrollbar position. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``selection_box_arrow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Selection box arrow color - ``selection_box_arrow_margin`` (tuple) – Selection box arrow margin (left, right, vertical) in px - ``selection_box_bgcolor`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Selection box background color - ``selection_box_border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Selection box border color - ``selection_box_border_width`` (int) – Selection box border width - ``selection_box_height`` (int) – Selection box height, counted as how many options are packed before showing scroll - ``selection_box_inflate`` (tuple) – Selection box inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``selection_box_margin`` (tuple, list) – Selection box on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) margin from title in px - ``selection_box_text_margin`` (int) – Selection box text margin (left) in px - ``selection_box_width`` (int) – Selection box width in px. If ``0`` compute automatically to fit placeholder - ``selection_infinite`` (bool) – If ``True`` selection can rotate through bottom/top - ``selection_option_border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Option border color - ``selection_option_border_width`` (int) – Option border width - ``selection_option_font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Option font color - ``selection_option_font_size`` (int, None) – Option font size. If ``None`` use the 75% of the widget font size - ``selection_option_font`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Option font. If ``None`` use the same font as the widget - ``selection_option_padding`` (int, float, tuple, list ) – Selection padding. See padding styling - ``selection_option_selected_bgcolor`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Selected option background color - ``selection_option_selected_font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Selected option font color .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. .. warning:: Be careful with kwargs collision. Consider that all optional documented kwargs keys are removed from the object. :param title: Drop select title :param items: Item list of the drop select; format ``[('Item1', a, b, c...), ('Item2', d, e, f...)]`` :param default: Index of default item to display. If ``None`` no item is selected :param dropselect_id: ID of the dropselect :param onchange: Callback when changing the drop select item :param onreturn: Callback when pressing return on the selected item :param onselect: Function when selecting the widget :param open_middle: If ``True`` the selection box is opened in the middle of the menu :param placeholder: Text shown if no option is selected yet :param placeholder_add_to_selection_box: If ``True`` adds the placeholder button to the selection box :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.DropSelect` """ # Filter widget attributes to avoid passing them to the callbacks attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) # Get selection box properties selection_box_arrow_color = kwargs.pop('selection_box_arrow_color', self._theme.widget_box_arrow_color) selection_box_arrow_margin = kwargs.pop('selection_box_arrow_margin', self._theme.widget_box_arrow_margin) selection_box_bgcolor = kwargs.pop('selection_box_bgcolor', self._theme.widget_box_background_color) selection_box_border_color = kwargs.pop('selection_box_border_color', self._theme.widget_box_border_color) selection_box_border_width = kwargs.pop('selection_box_border_width', self._theme.widget_box_border_width) selection_box_height = kwargs.pop('selection_box_height', 3) selection_box_inflate = kwargs.pop('selection_box_inflate', self._theme.widget_border_inflate) selection_box_margin = kwargs.pop('selection_box_margin', self._theme.widget_box_margin) selection_box_text_margin = kwargs.pop('selection_box_text_margin', self._theme.widget_box_arrow_margin[0]) selection_box_width = kwargs.pop('selection_box_width', 0) selection_infinite = kwargs.pop('selection_infinite', False) selection_option_border_color = kwargs.pop('selection_option_border_color', self._theme.scrollbar_color) selection_option_border_width = kwargs.pop('selection_option_border_width', self._theme.widget_box_border_width) # selection_option_cursor = kwargs.pop('selection_option_cursor', None) selection_option_font = kwargs.pop('selection_option_font', None) selection_option_font_color = kwargs.pop('selection_option_font_color', (0, 0, 0)) selection_option_font_size = kwargs.pop('selection_option_font_size', None) selection_option_padding = kwargs.pop('selection_option_padding', (2, 5)) selection_option_selected_bgcolor = kwargs.pop('selection_option_selected_bgcolor', (188, 227, 244)) selection_option_selected_font_color = kwargs.pop('selection_option_selected_font_color', (0, 0, 0)) # Get selection box scrollbar properties scrollbar_color = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_color', self._theme.scrollbar_color) scrollbar_cursor = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_cursor', self._theme.scrollbar_cursor) scrollbar_shadow_color = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow_color', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow_color) scrollbar_shadow_offset = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow_offset', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow_offset) scrollbar_shadow_position = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow_position', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow_position) scrollbar_shadow = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow) scrollbar_slider_color = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_slider_color', self._theme.scrollbar_slider_color) scrollbar_slider_hover_color = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_slider_hover_color', self._theme.scrollbar_slider_hover_color) scrollbar_slider_pad = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_slider_pad', self._theme.scrollbar_slider_pad) scrollbar_thick = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_thick', self._theme.scrollbar_thick) scrollbars = kwargs.pop('scrollbars', self._theme.scrollarea_position) widget = pygame_menu.widgets.DropSelect( default=default, dropselect_id=dropselect_id, items=items, onchange=onchange, onreturn=onreturn, onselect=onselect, open_middle=open_middle, placeholder=placeholder, placeholder_add_to_selection_box=placeholder_add_to_selection_box, scrollbar_color=scrollbar_color, scrollbar_cursor=scrollbar_cursor, scrollbar_shadow=scrollbar_shadow, scrollbar_shadow_color=scrollbar_shadow_color, scrollbar_shadow_offset=scrollbar_shadow_offset, scrollbar_shadow_position=scrollbar_shadow_position, scrollbar_slider_color=scrollbar_slider_color, scrollbar_slider_hover_color=scrollbar_slider_hover_color, scrollbar_slider_pad=scrollbar_slider_pad, scrollbar_thick=scrollbar_thick, scrollbars=scrollbars, selection_box_arrow_color=selection_box_arrow_color, selection_box_arrow_margin=selection_box_arrow_margin, selection_box_bgcolor=selection_box_bgcolor, selection_box_border_color=selection_box_border_color, selection_box_border_width=selection_box_border_width, selection_box_height=selection_box_height, selection_box_inflate=selection_box_inflate, selection_box_margin=selection_box_margin, selection_box_text_margin=selection_box_text_margin, selection_box_width=selection_box_width, selection_infinite=selection_infinite, selection_option_border_color=selection_option_border_color, selection_option_border_width=selection_option_border_width, # selection_option_cursor=selection_option_cursor, selection_option_font=selection_option_font, selection_option_font_color=selection_option_font_color, selection_option_font_size=selection_option_font_size, selection_option_padding=selection_option_padding, selection_option_selected_bgcolor=selection_option_selected_bgcolor, selection_option_selected_font_color=selection_option_selected_font_color, title=title, **kwargs ) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) self._append_widget(widget) return widget
[docs] def dropselect_multiple( self, title: Any, items: Union[List[Tuple[Any, ...]], List[str]], default: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None, dropselect_multiple_id: str = '', max_selected: int = 0, onchange: CallbackType = None, onreturn: CallbackType = None, onselect: Optional[Callable[[bool, 'Widget', 'pygame_menu.Menu'], Any]] = None, open_middle: bool = False, placeholder: str = 'Select an option', placeholder_add_to_selection_box: bool = True, placeholder_selected: str = '{0} selected', selection_placeholder_format: DropSelectMultipleSFormatType = DROPSELECT_MULTIPLE_SFORMAT_TOTAL, **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.DropSelectMultiple': """ Add a dropselect multiple to the Menu: Drop select multiple is a drop select which can select many options at the same time. This drops a vertical frame if requested. The items of the DropSelectMultiple are: .. code-block:: python items = [('Item1', a, b, c...), ('Item2', d, e, f...), ('Item3', g, h, i...)] The callbacks receive the current selected items (tuple) and the indices (tuple), where ``selected_item=widget.get_value()`` and ``selected_index=widget.get_index()``: .. code-block:: python onchange((selected_item, selected_index), **kwargs) onreturn((selected_item, selected_index), **kwargs) For example, if ``selected_index=[0, 2]`` then ``selected_item=[('Item1', a, b, c...), ('Item3', g, h, i...)]``. If ``onselect`` is defined, the callback is executed as follows, where ``selected`` is a boolean representing the selected status: .. code-block:: python onselect(selected, widget, menu) kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the widget if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``font_background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Widget font background color - ``font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget font color - ``font_name`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Widget font path - ``font_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Font shadow color - ``font_shadow_offset`` (int) – Font shadow offset in px - ``font_shadow_position`` (str) – Font shadow position, see locals for position - ``font_shadow`` (bool) – Font shadow is enabled or disabled - ``font_size`` (int) – Font size of the widget - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``readonly_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode - ``readonly_selected_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode and is selected - ``selection_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the selected widget; only affects the font color - ``selection_effect`` (:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection`) – Widget selection effect - ``tab_size`` (int) – Width of a tab character kwargs for modifying selection box/option style (Optional) - ``scrollbar_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Scrollbar color - ``scrollbar_cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the scrollbars if the mouse is placed over - ``scrollbar_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the shadow of each scrollbar - ``scrollbar_shadow_offset`` (int) – Offset of the scrollbar shadow in px - ``scrollbar_shadow_position`` (str) – Position of the scrollbar shadow. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``scrollbar_shadow`` (bool) – Indicate if a shadow is drawn on each scrollbar - ``scrollbar_slider_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the sliders - ``scrollbar_slider_hover_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the slider if hovered or clicked - ``scrollbar_slider_pad`` (int, float) – Space between slider and scrollbars borders in px - ``scrollbar_thick`` (int) – Scrollbar thickness in px - ``scrollbars`` (str) – Scrollbar position. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``selection_box_arrow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Selection box arrow color - ``selection_box_arrow_margin`` (tuple) – Selection box arrow margin (left, right, vertical) in px - ``selection_box_bgcolor`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Selection box background color - ``selection_box_border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Selection box border color - ``selection_box_border_width`` (int) – Selection box border width - ``selection_box_height`` (int) – Selection box height, counted as how many options are packed before showing scroll - ``selection_box_inflate`` (tuple) – Selection box inflate on x-axis and y-axis in px - ``selection_box_margin`` (tuple, list) – Selection box on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) margin from title in px - ``selection_box_text_margin`` (int) – Selection box text margin (left) in px - ``selection_box_width`` (int) – Selection box width in px. If ``0`` compute automatically to fit placeholder - ``selection_infinite`` (bool) – If ``True`` selection can rotate through bottom/top - ``selection_option_active_bgcolor`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Active option(s) background color; active options is the currently active (by user) - ``selection_option_active_font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Active option(s) font color - ``selection_option_border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Option border color - ``selection_option_border_width`` (int) – Option border width - ``selection_option_font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Option font color - ``selection_option_font_size`` (int, None) – Option font size. If ``None`` use the 75% of the widget font size - ``selection_option_font`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Option font. If ``None`` use the same font as the widget - ``selection_option_padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Selection padding. See padding styling - ``selection_option_selected_bgcolor`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Selected option background color - ``selection_option_selected_box_border`` (int) – Box border width in px - ``selection_option_selected_box_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Box color - ``selection_option_selected_box_height`` (int, float) – Height of the selection box relative to the options height - ``selection_option_selected_box_margin`` (tuple, list) – Option box margin (left, right, vertical) in px - ``selection_option_selected_box`` (bool) – Draws a box in the selected option(s) - ``selection_option_selected_font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Selected option font color .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. .. warning:: Be careful with kwargs collision. Consider that all optional documented kwargs keys are removed from the object. :param title: Drop select title :param items: Item list of the drop select; format ``[('Item1', a, b, c...), ('Item2', d, e, f...)]`` :param default: Index(es) of default item(s) to display. If ``None`` no item is selected :param dropselect_multiple_id: ID of the dropselect multiple :param max_selected: Max items to be selected. If ``0`` there's no limit :param onchange: Callback when changing the drop select item :param onreturn: Callback when pressing return on the selected item :param onselect: Function when selecting the widget :param open_middle: If ``True`` the selection box is opened in the middle of the menu :param placeholder: Text shown if no option is selected yet :param placeholder_add_to_selection_box: If ``True`` adds the placeholder button to the selection box :param placeholder_selected: Text shown if option is selected. Accepts the number of selected options :param selection_placeholder_format: Format of the string replaced in ``placeholder_selected``. Can be a predefined string type ("total", "comma-list", "hyphen-list", or any other string which will join the list) or a function that receives the list of selected items and returns a string :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.DropSelectMultiple` """ # Filter widget attributes to avoid passing them to the callbacks attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) # Get selection box properties selection_box_arrow_color = kwargs.pop('selection_box_arrow_color', self._theme.widget_box_arrow_color) selection_box_arrow_margin = kwargs.pop('selection_box_arrow_margin', self._theme.widget_box_arrow_margin) selection_box_bgcolor = kwargs.pop('selection_box_bgcolor', self._theme.widget_box_background_color) selection_box_border_color = kwargs.pop('selection_box_border_color', self._theme.widget_box_border_color) selection_box_border_width = kwargs.pop('selection_box_border_width', self._theme.widget_box_border_width) selection_box_height = kwargs.pop('selection_box_height', 3) selection_box_inflate = kwargs.pop('selection_box_inflate', self._theme.widget_border_inflate) selection_box_margin = kwargs.pop('selection_box_margin', self._theme.widget_box_margin) selection_box_text_margin = kwargs.pop('selection_box_text_margin', self._theme.widget_box_arrow_margin[0]) selection_box_width = kwargs.pop('selection_box_width', 0) selection_infinite = kwargs.pop('selection_infinite', False) selection_option_active_bgcolor = kwargs.pop('selection_option_active_bgcolor', (188, 227, 244)) selection_option_active_font_color = kwargs.pop('selection_option_active_font_color', (0, 0, 0)) selection_option_border_color = kwargs.pop('selection_option_border_color', self._theme.scrollbar_color) selection_option_border_width = kwargs.pop('selection_option_border_width', self._theme.widget_box_border_width) # selection_option_cursor = kwargs.pop('selection_option_cursor', None) selection_option_font = kwargs.pop('selection_option_font', None) selection_option_font_color = kwargs.pop('selection_option_font_color', (0, 0, 0)) selection_option_font_size = kwargs.pop('selection_option_font_size', None) selection_option_padding = kwargs.pop('selection_option_padding', (2, 5)) selection_option_selected_bgcolor = kwargs.pop('selection_option_selected_bgcolor', (142, 247, 141)) selection_option_selected_box = kwargs.pop('selection_option_selected_box', True) selection_option_selected_box_border = kwargs.pop('selection_option_selected_box_border', self._theme.widget_box_border_width) selection_option_selected_box_color = kwargs.pop('selection_option_selected_box_color', self._theme.widget_box_arrow_color) selection_option_selected_box_height = kwargs.pop('selection_option_selected_box_height', 0.5) selection_option_selected_box_margin = kwargs.pop('selection_option_selected_box_margin', (0, self._theme.widget_box_arrow_margin[1], self._theme.widget_box_arrow_margin[2])) selection_option_selected_font_color = kwargs.pop('selection_option_selected_font_color', (0, 0, 0)) # Get selection box scrollbar properties scrollbar_color = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_color', self._theme.scrollbar_color) scrollbar_cursor = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_cursor', self._theme.scrollbar_cursor) scrollbar_shadow_color = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow_color', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow_color) scrollbar_shadow_offset = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow_offset', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow_offset) scrollbar_shadow_position = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow_position', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow_position) scrollbar_shadow = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow) scrollbar_slider_color = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_slider_color', self._theme.scrollbar_slider_color) scrollbar_slider_hover_color = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_slider_hover_color', self._theme.scrollbar_slider_hover_color) scrollbar_slider_pad = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_slider_pad', self._theme.scrollbar_slider_pad) scrollbar_thick = kwargs.pop('scrollbar_thick', self._theme.scrollbar_thick) scrollbars = kwargs.pop('scrollbars', self._theme.scrollarea_position) widget = pygame_menu.widgets.DropSelectMultiple( default=default, dropselect_id=dropselect_multiple_id, items=items, max_selected=max_selected, onchange=onchange, onreturn=onreturn, onselect=onselect, open_middle=open_middle, placeholder=placeholder, placeholder_add_to_selection_box=placeholder_add_to_selection_box, placeholder_selected=placeholder_selected, scrollbar_color=scrollbar_color, scrollbar_cursor=scrollbar_cursor, scrollbar_shadow=scrollbar_shadow, scrollbar_shadow_color=scrollbar_shadow_color, scrollbar_shadow_offset=scrollbar_shadow_offset, scrollbar_shadow_position=scrollbar_shadow_position, scrollbar_slider_color=scrollbar_slider_color, scrollbar_slider_hover_color=scrollbar_slider_hover_color, scrollbar_slider_pad=scrollbar_slider_pad, scrollbar_thick=scrollbar_thick, scrollbars=scrollbars, selection_box_arrow_color=selection_box_arrow_color, selection_box_arrow_margin=selection_box_arrow_margin, selection_box_bgcolor=selection_box_bgcolor, selection_box_border_color=selection_box_border_color, selection_box_border_width=selection_box_border_width, selection_box_height=selection_box_height, selection_box_inflate=selection_box_inflate, selection_box_margin=selection_box_margin, selection_box_text_margin=selection_box_text_margin, selection_box_width=selection_box_width, selection_infinite=selection_infinite, selection_option_active_bgcolor=selection_option_active_bgcolor, selection_option_active_font_color=selection_option_active_font_color, selection_option_border_color=selection_option_border_color, selection_option_border_width=selection_option_border_width, # selection_option_cursor=selection_option_cursor, selection_option_font=selection_option_font, selection_option_font_color=selection_option_font_color, selection_option_font_size=selection_option_font_size, selection_option_padding=selection_option_padding, selection_option_selected_bgcolor=selection_option_selected_bgcolor, selection_option_selected_box=selection_option_selected_box, selection_option_selected_box_border=selection_option_selected_box_border, selection_option_selected_box_color=selection_option_selected_box_color, selection_option_selected_box_height=selection_option_selected_box_height, selection_option_selected_box_margin=selection_option_selected_box_margin, selection_option_selected_font_color=selection_option_selected_font_color, selection_placeholder_format=selection_placeholder_format, title=title, **kwargs ) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) self._append_widget(widget) return widget
[docs] def toggle_switch( self, title: Any, default: Union[int, bool] = 0, onchange: CallbackType = None, onselect: Optional[Callable[[bool, 'Widget', 'pygame_menu.Menu'], Any]] = None, toggleswitch_id: str = '', single_click: bool = True, state_text: Tuple[str, ...] = ('Off', 'On'), state_values: Tuple[Any, ...] = (False, True), width: int = 150, **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.ToggleSwitch': """ Add a toggle switch to the Menu: It can switch between two states. If user changes the status of the callback, ``onchange`` is fired: .. code-block:: python onchange(current_state_value, **kwargs) If ``onselect`` is defined, the callback is executed as follows, where ``selected`` is a boolean representing the selected status: .. code-block:: python onselect(selected, widget, menu) kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the widget if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``font_background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Widget font background color - ``font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget font color - ``font_name`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Widget font path - ``font_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Font shadow color - ``font_shadow_offset`` (int) – Font shadow offset in px - ``font_shadow_position`` (str) – Font shadow position, see locals for position - ``font_shadow`` (bool) – Font shadow is enabled or disabled - ``font_size`` (int) – Font size of the widget - ``infinite`` (bool) – The state can rotate. ``False`` by default - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``readonly_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode - ``readonly_selected_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode and is selected - ``selection_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the selected widget; only affects the font color - ``selection_effect`` (:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection`) – Widget selection effect - ``single_click_dir`` (bool) - Direction of the change if only 1 click is pressed. ``True`` for left direction (default), ``False`` for right - ``slider_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the slider - ``slider_height_factor`` (int, float) - Height of the slider (factor of the switch height). ``1`` by default - ``slider_thickness`` (int) – Slider thickness in px. ``20`` px by default - ``slider_vmargin`` (int, float) - Vertical margin of the slider (factor of the switch height). ``0`` by default - ``state_color`` (tuple) – 2-item color tuple for each state - ``state_text_font`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`, None) - Font of the state text. If ``None`` uses the widget font. ``None`` by default - ``state_text_font_color`` (tuple) – 2-item color tuple for each font state text color - ``state_text_font_size`` (str, None) – Font size of the state text. If ``None`` uses the widget font size - ``state_text_position`` (tuple) - Position of the state text respect to the switch rect. ``(0.5, 0.5)`` by default - ``switch_border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Switch border color - ``switch_border_width`` (int) – Switch border width - ``switch_height`` (int, float) – Height factor respect to the title font size height - ``switch_margin`` (tuple, list) – Switch on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) margin respect to the title of the widget in px - ``tab_size`` (int) – Width of a tab character .. note:: This method only handles two states. If you need more states (for example 3, or 4), prefer using :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.ToggleSwitch` and add it as a generic widget. .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. .. warning:: Be careful with kwargs collision. Consider that all optional documented kwargs keys are removed from the object. :param title: Title of the toggle switch :param default: Default state index of the switch; it can be ``0 (False)`` or ``1 (True)`` :param onchange: Callback executed when when changing the state of the toggle switch :param onselect: Callback executed when selecting the widget :param toggleswitch_id: Widget ID :param single_click: Changes the state of the switch with 1 click instead of finding the closest position :param state_text: Text of each state :param state_values: Value of each state of the switch :param width: Width of the switch box in px :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.ToggleSwitch` """ if isinstance(default, (int, bool)): assert 0 <= default <= 1, 'default value can be 0 or 1' else: raise ValueError( f'invalid value type, default can be 0, False, 1, or True, but' f'received "{default}"' ) # Filter widget attributes to avoid passing them to the callbacks attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) infinite = kwargs.pop('infinite', False) slider_color = kwargs.pop('slider_color', self._theme.widget_box_background_color) slider_thickness = kwargs.pop('slider_thickness', self._theme.scrollbar_thick) state_color = kwargs.pop('state_color', ((178, 178, 178), (117, 185, 54))) state_text_font_color = kwargs.pop('state_text_font_color', (self._theme.widget_box_background_color, self._theme.widget_box_background_color)) state_text_font_size = kwargs.pop('state_text_font_size', None) switch_border_color = kwargs.pop('switch_border_color', self._theme.widget_box_border_color) switch_border_width = kwargs.pop('switch_border_width', self._theme.widget_box_border_width) switch_height = kwargs.pop('switch_height', 1) switch_margin = kwargs.pop('switch_margin', self._theme.widget_box_margin) widget = pygame_menu.widgets.ToggleSwitch( default_state=default, infinite=infinite, onchange=onchange, onselect=onselect, single_click=single_click, single_click_dir=kwargs.pop('single_click_dir', True), slider_color=slider_color, slider_thickness=slider_thickness, state_color=state_color, state_text=state_text, state_text_font_color=state_text_font_color, state_text_font_size=state_text_font_size, state_values=state_values, switch_border_color=switch_border_color, switch_border_width=switch_border_width, switch_height=switch_height, switch_margin=switch_margin, title=title, state_width=int(width), toggleswitch_id=toggleswitch_id, **kwargs ) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) self._append_widget(widget) return widget
[docs] def text_input( self, title: Any, default: Union[str, int, float] = '', copy_paste_enable: bool = True, cursor_selection_enable: bool = True, cursor_size: Optional[Tuple2IntType] = None, input_type: str = INPUT_TEXT, input_underline: str = '', input_underline_len: int = 0, maxchar: int = 0, maxwidth: int = 0, onchange: CallbackType = None, onreturn: CallbackType = None, onselect: Optional[Callable[[bool, 'Widget', 'pygame_menu.Menu'], Any]] = None, password: bool = False, textinput_id: str = '', valid_chars: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.TextInput': """ Add a text input to the Menu: free text area and two functions that execute when changing the text and pressing return button on the element. The callbacks receive the current value and all unknown keyword arguments, where ``current_text=widget.get_value``: .. code-block:: python onchange(current_text, **kwargs) onreturn(current_text, **kwargs) If ``onselect`` is defined, the callback is executed as follows, where ``selected`` is a boolean representing the selected status: .. code-block:: python onselect(selected, widget, menu) kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the widget if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``font_background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Widget font background color - ``font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget font color - ``font_name`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Widget font path - ``font_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Font shadow color - ``font_shadow_offset`` (int) – Font shadow offset in px - ``font_shadow_position`` (str) – Font shadow position, see locals for position - ``font_shadow`` (bool) – Font shadow is enabled or disabled - ``font_size`` (int) – Font size of the widget - ``history`` (int) - Maximum number of editions stored. If ``0`` the feature is disabled. ``50`` by default - ``input_underline_vmargin`` (int) – Vertical margin of underline in px - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``maxwidth_dynamically_update`` (bool) - Dynamically update maxwidth depending on char size. ``True`` by default - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``password_char`` (str) - Character used by password type. ``"*"`` by default - ``readonly_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode - ``readonly_selected_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode and is selected - ``repeat_keys_initial_ms`` (int, float) - Time in ms before keys are repeated when held in ms. ``400`` by default - ``repeat_keys_interval_ms`` (int, float) - Interval between key press repetition when held in ms. ``50`` by default - ``repeat_mouse_interval_ms`` (int, float) - Interval between mouse events when held in ms. ``400`` by default - ``selection_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the selected widget; only affects the font color - ``selection_effect`` (:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection`) – Widget selection effect - ``tab_size`` (int) – Width of a tab character - ``text_ellipsis`` (str) - Ellipsis text when overflow occurs (input length exceeds maxwidth). ``"..."`` by default .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. .. warning:: Be careful with kwargs collision. Consider that all optional documented kwargs keys are removed from the object. :param title: Title of the text input :param default: Default value to display :param copy_paste_enable: Enable text copy, paste and cut :param cursor_selection_enable: Enable text selection on input :param cursor_size: Size of the cursor (width, height) in px. If ``None`` uses the default sizing :param input_type: Data type of the input. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :param input_underline: Underline character :param input_underline_len: Total of characters to be drawn under the input. If ``0`` this number is computed automatically to fit the font :param maxchar: Maximum length of string, if 0 there's no limit :param maxwidth: Maximum size of the text widget (in number of chars), if ``0`` there's no limit :param onchange: Callback executed when changing the text input :param onreturn: Callback executed when pressing return on the text input :param onselect: Callback executed when selecting the widget :param password: Text input is a password :param textinput_id: ID of the text input :param valid_chars: List of authorized chars. ``None`` if all chars are valid :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.TextInput` """ assert isinstance(default, (str, NumberInstance)) # Filter widget attributes to avoid passing them to the callbacks attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) input_underline_vmargin = kwargs.pop('input_underline_vmargin', 0) # If password is active no default value should exist if password and default != '': raise ValueError('default value must be empty if the input is a password') widget = pygame_menu.widgets.TextInput( copy_paste_enable=copy_paste_enable, cursor_color=self._theme.cursor_color, cursor_selection_color=self._theme.cursor_selection_color, cursor_selection_enable=cursor_selection_enable, cursor_size=cursor_size, cursor_switch_ms=self._theme.cursor_switch_ms, input_type=input_type, input_underline=input_underline, input_underline_len=input_underline_len, input_underline_vmargin=input_underline_vmargin, maxchar=maxchar, maxwidth=maxwidth, onchange=onchange, onreturn=onreturn, onselect=onselect, password=password, textinput_id=textinput_id, title=title, valid_chars=valid_chars, **kwargs ) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) self._append_widget(widget) widget.set_default_value(default) return widget
def _frame( self, width: NumberType, height: NumberType, orientation: str, frame_id: str = '', **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.Frame': """ Adds a frame to the Menu. :param width: Frame width in px :param height: Frame height in px :param orientation: Frame orientation, horizontal or vertical. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :param frame_id: ID of the frame :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.Frame` """ # Remove invalid keys from kwargs for key in list(kwargs.keys()): if key not in ('align', 'background_color', 'background_inflate', 'border_color', 'border_inflate', 'border_width', 'cursor', 'margin', 'padding', 'max_height', 'max_width', 'scrollbar_color', 'scrollbar_cursor', 'scrollbar_shadow_color', 'scrollbar_shadow_offset', 'scrollbar_shadow_position', 'scrollbar_shadow', 'scrollbar_slider_color', 'scrollbar_slider_pad', 'scrollbar_thick', 'scrollbars', 'scrollarea_color', 'border_position', 'scrollbar_slider_hover_color', 'tab_size', 'float', 'float_origin_position'): kwargs.pop(key, None) attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) pad = parse_padding(attributes['padding']) # top, right, bottom, left pad_h = pad[1] + pad[3] pad_v = pad[0] + pad[2] assert width > pad_h, \ f'frame width ({width}) cannot be lower than horizontal padding size ({pad_h})' assert height > pad_v, \ f'frame height ({height}) cannot be lower than vertical padding size ({pad_v})' widget = pygame_menu.widgets.Frame( width=width - pad_h, height=height - pad_v, orientation=orientation, frame_id=frame_id ) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) widget.make_scrollarea( max_height=kwargs.pop('max_height', height) - pad_v, max_width=kwargs.pop('max_width', width) - pad_h, scrollarea_color=kwargs.pop('scrollarea_color', None), scrollbar_color=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_color', self._theme.scrollbar_color), scrollbar_cursor=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_cursor', self._theme.scrollbar_cursor), scrollbar_shadow=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow), scrollbar_shadow_color=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow_color', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow_color), scrollbar_shadow_offset=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow_offset', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow_offset), scrollbar_shadow_position=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_shadow_position', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow_position), scrollbar_slider_color=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_slider_color', self._theme.scrollbar_slider_color), scrollbar_slider_hover_color=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_slider_hover_color', self._theme.scrollbar_slider_hover_color), scrollbar_slider_pad=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_slider_pad', self._theme.scrollbar_slider_pad), scrollbar_thick=kwargs.pop('scrollbar_thick', self._theme.scrollbar_thick), scrollbars=get_scrollbars_from_position( kwargs.pop('scrollbars', self._theme.scrollarea_position)) ) self._append_widget(widget) self._check_kwargs(kwargs) return widget
[docs] def frame_h( self, width: NumberType, height: NumberType, frame_id: str = '', **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.Frame': """ Adds a horizontal frame to the Menu. Frame is a widget container that packs many widgets within. All contained widgets have a floating position, and use only 1 position in column/row layout. .. code-block:: python frame.pack(W1, alignment=ALIGN_LEFT, vertical_position=POSITION_NORTH) frame.pack(W2, alignment=ALIGN_LEFT, vertical_position=POSITION_CENTER) frame.pack(W3, alignment=ALIGN_LEFT, vertical_position=POSITION_SOUTH) ... ---------------- |W1 | | W2 ... | | W3 | ---------------- kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the frame if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``max_height`` (int) – Max height in px. If this value is lower than the frame ``height`` a scrollbar will appear on vertical axis. ``None`` by default (same height) - ``max_width`` (int) – Max width in px. If this value is lower than the frame ``width`` a scrollbar will appear on horizontal axis. ``None`` by default (same width) - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``scrollarea_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`,None) – Scroll area color. If ``None`` area is transparent - ``scrollbar_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Scrollbar color - ``scrollbar_cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the scrollbars if the mouse is placed over - ``scrollbar_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the shadow of each scrollbar - ``scrollbar_shadow_offset`` (int) – Offset of the scrollbar shadow in px - ``scrollbar_shadow_position`` (str) – Position of the scrollbar shadow. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``scrollbar_shadow`` (bool) – Indicate if a shadow is drawn on each scrollbar - ``scrollbar_slider_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the sliders - ``scrollbar_slider_hover_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the slider if hovered or clicked - ``scrollbar_slider_pad`` (int, float) – Space between slider and scrollbars borders in px - ``scrollbar_thick`` (int) – Scrollbar thickness in px - ``scrollbars`` (str) – Scrollbar position. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: If horizontal frame contains a scrollarea (setting ``max_height`` or ``max_width`` less than size) padding will be set at zero. .. note:: Packing applies a virtual translation to the widget, previous translation is not modified. .. note:: Widget floating is also considered within frames. If a widget is floating, it does not add any size to the respective positioning. .. note:: The Frame size created with this method does consider the padding. Thus, if Frame is created with ``width=100``, ``height=200`` and ``padding=25`` the final internal size is ``width=50`` and ``height=150``. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. :param width: Frame width in px :param height: Frame height in px :param frame_id: ID of the horizontal frame :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.Frame` """ return self._frame(width, height, ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, frame_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def frame_v( self, width: NumberType, height: NumberType, frame_id: str = '', **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.Frame': """ Adds a vertical frame to the Menu. Frame is a widget container that packs many widgets within. All contained widgets have a floating position, and use only 1 position in column/row layout. .. code-block:: python frame.pack(W1, alignment=ALIGN_LEFT) frame.pack(W2, alignment=ALIGN_CENTER) frame.pack(W3, alignment=ALIGN_RIGHT) ... -------- |W1 | | W2 | | W3| | ... | -------- kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the frame if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``max_height`` (int) – Max height in px. If this value is lower than the frame ``height`` a scrollbar will appear on vertical axis. ``None`` by default (same height) - ``max_width`` (int) – Max width in px. If this value is lower than the frame ``width`` a scrollbar will appear on horizontal axis. ``None`` by default (same width) - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``scrollarea_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`,None) – Scroll area color. If ``None`` area is transparent - ``scrollbar_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Scrollbar color - ``scrollbar_cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the scrollbars if the mouse is placed over - ``scrollbar_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the shadow of each scrollbar - ``scrollbar_shadow_offset`` (int) – Offset of the scrollbar shadow in px - ``scrollbar_shadow_position`` (str) – Position of the scrollbar shadow. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``scrollbar_shadow`` (bool) – Indicate if a shadow is drawn on each scrollbar - ``scrollbar_slider_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the sliders - ``scrollbar_slider_hover_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the slider if hovered or clicked - ``scrollbar_slider_pad`` (int, float) – Space between slider and scrollbars borders in px - ``scrollbar_thick`` (int) – Scrollbar thickness in px - ``scrollbars`` (str) – Scrollbar position. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: If vertical frame contains a scrollarea (setting ``max_height`` or ``max_width`` less than size) padding will be set at zero. .. note:: Packing applies a virtual translation to the widget, previous translation is not modified. .. note:: Widget floating is also considered within frames. If a widget is floating, it does not add any size to the respective positioning. .. note:: The Frame size created with this method does consider the padding. Thus, if Frame is created with ``width=100``, ``height=200`` and ``padding=25`` the final internal size is ``width=50`` and ``height=150``. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. :param width: Frame width in px :param height: Frame height in px :param frame_id: ID of the vertical frame :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.Frame` """ return self._frame(width, height, ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, frame_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def table( self, table_id: str = '', **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.Table': """ Adds a Table to the Menu. A table is a frame which can pack widgets in a structured way. kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the frame if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``font_background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Widget font background color - ``font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget font color - ``font_name`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Widget font path - ``font_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Font shadow color - ``font_shadow_offset`` (int) – Font shadow offset in px - ``font_shadow_position`` (str) – Font shadow position, see locals for position - ``font_shadow`` (bool) – Font shadow is enabled or disabled - ``font_size`` (int) – Font size of the widget - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``max_height`` (int) – Max height in px. If lower than the frame height a scrollbar will appear on vertical axis. ``None`` by default (same height) - ``max_width`` (int) – Max width in px. If lower than the frame width a scrollbar will appear on horizontal axis. ``None`` by default (same width) - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. :param table_id: ID of the table :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.Table` """ attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) widget = pygame_menu.widgets.Table( table_id=table_id ) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) self._append_widget(widget) self._check_kwargs(kwargs) return widget
def _horizontal_margin( self, margin: NumberType, margin_id: str = '' ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.HMargin': """ Adds a horizontal margin to the Menu. Only useful in frames. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. :param margin: Horizontal margin in px :param margin_id: ID of the horizontal margin :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.HMargin` """ assert isinstance(margin, NumberInstance) assert margin > 0, \ 'zero margin is not valid, prefer adding a NoneWidget menu.add.none_widget()' attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes({}) widget = pygame_menu.widgets.HMargin(margin, widget_id=margin_id) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) self._append_widget(widget) return widget
[docs] def vertical_margin( self, margin: NumberType, margin_id: str = '' ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.VMargin': """ Adds a vertical margin to the Menu. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. :param margin: Vertical margin in px :param margin_id: ID of the vertical margin :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.VMargin` """ assert isinstance(margin, NumberInstance) assert margin > 0, 'negative or zero margin is not valid' attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes({}) widget = pygame_menu.widgets.VMargin(margin, widget_id=margin_id) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) self._append_widget(widget) return widget
[docs] def none_widget( self, widget_id: str = '' ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.NoneWidget': """ Add a none widget to the Menu. .. note:: This widget is useful to fill column/rows layout without compromising any visuals. Also it can be used to store information or even to add a ``draw_callback`` function to it for being called on each Menu draw. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. :param widget_id: Widget ID :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.NoneWidget` """ attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes({}) widget = pygame_menu.widgets.NoneWidget(widget_id=widget_id) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) self._append_widget(widget) return widget
[docs] def range_slider( self, title: str, default: RangeSliderValueType, range_values: RangeSliderRangeValueType, increment: Optional[NumberType] = None, onchange: CallbackType = None, onreturn: CallbackType = None, onselect: Optional[Callable[[bool, 'Widget', 'pygame_menu.Menu'], Any]] = None, rangeslider_id: str = '', value_format: RangeSliderValueFormatType = lambda x: str(round(x, 3)), width: int = 150, **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.RangeSlider': """ Add a range slider to the Menu: Offers 1 or 2 sliders for defining a unique value or a range of numeric ones. If the state of the widget changes the ``onchange`` callback is called. The state can change by pressing LEFT/RIGHT, or by mouse/touch events. .. code-block:: python onchange(range_value, **kwargs) If pressing return key on the widget: .. code-block:: python onreturn(range_value, **kwargs) If ``onselect`` is defined, the callback is executed as follows, where ``selected`` is a boolean representing the selected status: .. code-block:: python onselect(selected, widget, menu) kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the widget if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``font_background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Widget font background color - ``font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget font color - ``font_name`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Widget font path - ``font_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Font shadow color - ``font_shadow_offset`` (int) – Font shadow offset in px - ``font_shadow_position`` (str) – Font shadow position, see locals for position - ``font_shadow`` (bool) – Font shadow is enabled or disabled - ``font_size`` (int) – Font size of the widget - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``range_box_color_readonly`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) - Color of the range box if widget in readonly state - ``range_box_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) - Color of the range box between the sliders - ``range_box_enabled`` (bool) - Enables a range box between two sliders - ``range_box_height_factor`` (int, float) - Height of the range box (factor of the range title height) - ``range_box_single_slider`` (bool) - Enables range box if there's only 1 slider instead of 2 - ``range_line_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) - Color of the range line - ``range_line_height`` (int) - Height of the range line in px - ``range_margin`` (tuple, list) - Range margin on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) from title in px - ``range_text_value_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) - Color of the range values text - ``range_text_value_enabled`` (bool) - Enables the range values text - ``range_text_value_font_height`` (int, float) - Height factor of the range value font (factor of the range title height) - ``range_text_value_font`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) - Font of the ranges value. If ``None`` the same font as the widget is used - ``range_text_value_margin_f`` (int, float) - Margin of the range text values (factor of the range title height) - ``range_text_value_position`` (str) - Position of the range text values, can be NORTH or SOUTH. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``range_text_value_tick_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) - Color of the range text value tick - ``range_text_value_tick_enabled`` (bool) - Range text value tick enabled - ``range_text_value_tick_hfactor`` (bool) Height factor of the range text value tick (factor of the range title height) - ``range_text_value_tick_number`` (int) - Number of range value text, the values are placed uniformly distributed - ``range_text_value_tick_thick`` (int) - Thickness of the range text value tick in px - ``readonly_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode - ``readonly_selected_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode and is selected - ``repeat_keys_initial_ms`` (int) - Time in ms before keys are repeated when held in ms. ``400`` by default - ``repeat_keys_interval_ms`` (int) - Interval between key press repetition when held in ms. ``50`` by default - ``selection_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the selected widget; only affects the font color - ``selection_effect`` (:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection`) – Widget selection effect - ``slider_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) - Slider color - ``slider_height_factor`` (int, float) - Height of the slider (factor of the range title height) - ``slider_sel_highlight_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) - Color of the selected slider highlight box effect - ``slider_sel_highlight_enabled`` (bool) - Selected slider is highlighted - ``slider_sel_highlight_thick`` (int) - Thickness of the selected slider highlight - ``slider_selected_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) - Selected slider color - ``slider_text_value_bgcolor`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) - Background color of the value text on each slider - ``slider_text_value_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) - Color of value text on each slider - ``slider_text_value_enabled`` (bool) - Enables a value text on each slider - ``slider_text_value_font_height`` (int, float) - Height factor of the slider font (factor of the range title height) - ``slider_text_value_font`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) - Font of the slider value. If ``None`` the same font as the widget is used - ``slider_text_value_margin_f`` (int, float) - Margin of the slider text values (factor of the range title height) - ``slider_text_value_padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Padding of the slider text values - ``slider_text_value_position`` (str) - Position of the slider text values, can be NORTH or SOUTH. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``slider_text_value_triangle`` (bool) - Draws a triangle between slider text value and slider - ``slider_thickness`` (int) - Slider thickness in px - ``slider_vmargin`` (int, float) - Vertical margin of the slider (factor of the range title height) - ``tab_size`` (int) – Width of a tab character .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. .. warning:: Be careful with kwargs collision. Consider that all optional documented kwargs keys are removed from the object. :param title: Title of the range slider :param default: Default range value, can accept a number or a tuple/list of 2 elements (min, max). If a single number is provided the rangeslider only accepts 1 value, if 2 are provided, the range is enabled (2 values) :param range_values: Tuple/list of 2 elements of min/max values of the range slider. Also range can accept a list of numbers, in which case the values of the range slider will be discrete. List must be sorted :param increment: Increment of the value if using left/right keys; used only if the range values are not discrete :param onchange: Callback executed when when changing the value of the range slider :param onreturn: Callback executed when pressing return on the range slider :param onselect: Callback executed when selecting the widget :param rangeslider_id: ID of the range slider :param value_format: Function that format the value and returns a string that is used in the range and slider text :param width: Width of the range in px :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.RangeSlider` """ assert_vector(range_values, 0) if len(range_values) == 2: assert isinstance(increment, NumberInstance), \ 'increment must be defined if the range values are not discrete' else: if increment is None: increment = 1 # Filter widget attributes to avoid passing them to the callbacks attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) range_margin = kwargs.pop('range_margin', self._theme.widget_box_margin) range_line_color = kwargs.pop('range_line_color', self._theme.widget_font_color) range_text_value_color = kwargs.pop('range_text_value_color', self._theme.widget_font_color) range_text_value_font_height = kwargs.pop('range_text_value_font_height', 0.6) range_text_value_tick_hfactor = kwargs.pop('range_text_value_tick_hfactor', 0.5) slider_text_value_font_height = kwargs.pop('slider_text_value_font_height', 0.6) widget = pygame_menu.widgets.RangeSlider( title=title, rangeslider_id=rangeslider_id, default_value=default, range_values=range_values, range_width=width, increment=increment, onchange=onchange, onreturn=onreturn, onselect=onselect, range_line_color=range_line_color, range_margin=range_margin, range_text_value_color=range_text_value_color, range_text_value_font_height=range_text_value_font_height, range_text_value_tick_hfactor=range_text_value_tick_hfactor, slider_text_value_font_height=slider_text_value_font_height, value_format=value_format, **kwargs ) self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) self._append_widget(widget) return widget
[docs] def progress_bar( self, title: Any, default: NumberType = 0, onselect: CallbackType = None, progressbar_id: str = '', progress_text_format: ProgressBarTextFormatType = lambda x: str(round(x, 1)), selectable: bool = False, width: int = 150, **kwargs ) -> 'pygame_menu.widgets.ProgressBar': """ Add a progress bar, which offers a bar that accepts a percentage from ``0`` to ``100``. If ``onselect`` is defined, the callback is executed as follows, where ``selected`` is a boolean representing the selected status: .. code-block:: python onselect(selected, widget, menu) kwargs (Optional) - ``align`` (str) – Widget `alignment <>`_ - ``background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`) – Color of the background. ``None`` for no-color - ``background_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Inflate background on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget border color. ``None`` for no-color - ``border_inflate`` (tuple, list) – Widget border inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px - ``border_position`` (str, tuple, list) – Widget border positioning. It can be a single position, or a tuple/list of positions. Only are accepted: north, south, east, and west. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``border_width`` (int) – Border width in px. If ``0`` disables the border - ``box_background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Background color of the box - ``box_border_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Border color of the box - ``box_border_width`` (int) - Border width of the box in px - ``box_margin`` (tuple, list) - Box margin on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) respect to the title of the widget in px - ``box_progress_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Box progress color - ``box_progress_padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Box progress padding - ``cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the widget if the mouse is placed over - ``float`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget don't contributes width/height to the Menu widget positioning computation, and don't add one unit to the rows - ``float_origin_position`` (bool) - If ``True`` the widget position is set to the top-left position of the Menu if the widget is floating - ``font_background_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`, None) – Widget font background color - ``font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Widget font color - ``font_name`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Widget font path - ``font_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Font shadow color - ``font_shadow_offset`` (int) – Font shadow offset in px - ``font_shadow_position`` (str) – Font shadow position, see locals for position - ``font_shadow`` (bool) – Font shadow is enabled or disabled - ``font_size`` (int) – Font size of the widget - ``margin`` (tuple, list) – Widget (left, bottom) margin in px - ``padding`` (int, float, tuple, list) – Widget padding according to CSS rules. General shape: (top, right, bottom, left) - ``progress_text_align`` (str) - Align of the progress text, can be CENTER, LEFT or RIGHT. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``progress_text_enabled`` (bool) - Enables the progress text over box - ``progress_text_font_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Progress font color. If ``None`` uses the same as the widget font - ``progress_text_font_hfactor`` (int, float) - Height factor of the font height relative to the widget font height - ``progress_text_font`` (str, :py:class:`pathlib.Path`, :py:class:`pygame.font.Font`) – Progress font. If ``None`` uses the same as the widget font - ``progress_text_margin`` (tuple, list) - Margin of the progress box on x-axis and y-axis in px - ``progress_text_placeholder`` (str) - Placeholder of the progress text, which considers as format the output of ``progress_text_format``. ``"{0} %"`` by default - ``readonly_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode - ``readonly_selected_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the widget if readonly mode and is selected - ``selection_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the selected widget; only affects the font color - ``selection_effect`` (:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection`) – Widget selection effect - ``tab_size`` (int) – Width of a tab character .. note:: All theme-related optional kwargs use the default Menu theme if not defined. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. .. warning:: Be careful with kwargs collision. Consider that all optional documented kwargs keys are removed from the object. :param title: Title of the progress bar :param default: Default value of the progressbar, from ``0`` to ``100`` :param onselect: Callback executed when selecting the widget :param progressbar_id: ID of the progress bar :param progress_text_format: Format function of the progress text, which considers as input the progress value (0-100) :param selectable: Progress bar accepts user selection :param width: Progress bar width in px :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.ProgressBar` """ assert isinstance(selectable, bool) # Filter widget attributes to avoid passing them to the callbacks attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs) box_background_color = kwargs.pop('box_background_color', self._theme.widget_box_background_color) box_border_color = kwargs.pop('box_border_color', self._theme.widget_box_border_color) box_border_width = kwargs.pop('box_border_width', self._theme.widget_box_border_width) box_margin = kwargs.pop('box_margin', self._theme.widget_box_margin) box_progress_color = kwargs.pop('box_progress_color', (53, 172, 78)) progress_text_font_color = kwargs.pop('progress_text_font_color', self._theme.widget_font_color) widget = pygame_menu.widgets.ProgressBar( title=title, progressbar_id=progressbar_id, default=default, width=width, onselect=onselect, box_background_color=box_background_color, box_border_color=box_border_color, box_border_width=box_border_width, box_margin=box_margin, box_progress_color=box_progress_color, progress_text_font_color=progress_text_font_color, progress_text_format=progress_text_format, **kwargs ) widget.is_selectable = selectable self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes) self._append_widget(widget) return widget
[docs] def generic_widget( self, widget: 'Widget', configure_defaults: bool = False ) -> 'Widget': """ Add generic widget to the Menu. .. note:: The widget should be fully configured by the user: font, padding, etc. .. note:: This is applied only to the base Menu (not the currently displayed, stored in ``_current`` pointer); for such behaviour apply to :py:meth:`` object. .. warning:: Unintended behaviours may happen while using this method, use only with caution; specially while creating nested submenus with buttons. :param widget: Widget to be added :param configure_defaults: Apply defaults widget configuration (for example, theme) :return: The added widget object :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.Widget` """ assert isinstance(widget, Widget) if widget.get_menu() is not None: raise ValueError('widget to be added is already appended to another Menu') # Raise warning if adding button with Menu if isinstance(widget, pygame_menu.widgets.Button) and widget.to_menu: warn( 'prefer adding submenus using add_button method instead, ' 'unintended behaviours may occur' ) # Configure widget if configure_defaults: self.configure_defaults_widget(widget) self._append_widget(widget) return widget