Source code for pygame_menu.widgets.widget.dropselect


Drop select widget. This is similar to HTML selects, it can contain many items
(options) to select. The selection is unique.

The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright 2017-2021 Pablo Pizarro R. @ppizarror

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software
is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


__all__ = ['DropSelect']

import math

import pygame
import pygame_menu

from pygame_menu.controls import KEY_APPLY, KEY_MOVE_DOWN, KEY_MOVE_UP, JOY_BUTTON_SELECT, JOY_LEFT, \
from pygame_menu.font import FontType, get_font, assert_font
from pygame_menu.utils import check_key_pressed_valid, assert_color, assert_vector, make_surface, \
    parse_padding, get_finger_pos, uuid4, assert_cursor
from pygame_menu.widgets.core import Widget
from pygame_menu.widgets.widget.button import Button
from pygame_menu.widgets.widget.frame import Frame
from pygame_menu.widgets.widget.selector import check_selector_items

from pygame_menu._types import Tuple, Union, List, Any, Optional, CallbackType, ColorType, Dict, \
    ColorInputType, Tuple2IntType, Tuple3IntType, PaddingType, PaddingInstance, Tuple4IntType, \
    NumberType, EventVectorType, Tuple2NumberType, CursorInputType, CursorType

# noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring,PyProtectedMember
[docs]class DropSelect(Widget): """ Drop select is a selector within a Frame. This drops a vertical frame if requested. Drop select can contain selectable items (options), only 1 can be selected. The items of the DropSelect are: .. code-block:: python items = [('Item1', a, b, c...), ('Item2', d, e, f...)] The callbacks receive the current selected item, its index in the list, the associated arguments, and all unknown keyword arguments, where ``selected_item=widget.get_value()`` and ``selected_index=widget.get_index()``: .. code-block:: python onchange((selected_item, selected_index), a, b, c..., **kwargs) onreturn((selected_item, selected_index), a, b, c..., **kwargs) For example, if ``selected_index=0`` then ``selected_item=('Item1', a, b, c...)``. .. note:: DropSelect only implements translation. :param title: Drop select title :param items: Items of the drop select :param dropselect_id: ID of the drop select :param default: Index of default item to display :param onchange: Callback when changing the drop select item :param onreturn: Callback when pressing return on the selected item :param onselect: Function when selecting the widget :param open_middle: If ``True`` the selection box is opened in the middle of the menu :param placeholder: Text shown if no option is selected yet :param placeholder_add_to_selection_box: If ``True`` adds the placeholder button to the selection box :param selection_box_arrow_color: Selection box arrow color :param selection_box_arrow_margin: Selection box arrow margin (left, right, vertical) in px :param selection_box_bgcolor: Selection box background color :param selection_box_border_color: Selection box border color :param selection_box_border_width: Selection box border width :param selection_box_height: Selection box height, counted as how many options are packed before showing scroll :param selection_box_inflate: Selection box inflate on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) in px :param selection_box_margin: Selection box on x-axis and y-axis (x, y) margin from title in px :param selection_box_text_margin: Selection box text margin (left) in px :param selection_box_width: Selection box width in px. If ``0`` compute automatically to fit placeholder :param selection_infinite: If ``True`` selection can rotate through bottom/top :param selection_option_border_color: Option border color :param selection_option_border_width: Option border width :param selection_option_cursor: Option cursor. If ``None`` use the same cursor as the widget :param selection_option_font: Option font. If ``None`` use the same font as the widget :param selection_option_font_color: Option font color :param selection_option_font_size: Option font size. If ``None`` use the 100% of the widget font size :param selection_option_padding: Selection padding. See padding styling :param selection_option_selected_bgcolor: Selected option background color :param selection_option_selected_font_color: Selected option font color :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments """ _close_on_apply: bool _drop_frame: Optional['Frame'] _index: int _items: Union[List[Tuple[Any, ...]], List[str]] _open_bottom: bool _open_middle: bool _opened: bool _option_buttons: List['Button'] _option_font: Optional['pygame.font.Font'] _placeholder: str _placeholder_add_to_selection_box: bool _selection_box_arrow_color: ColorType _selection_box_arrow_margin: Tuple3IntType _selection_box_bgcolor: ColorType _selection_box_border_color: ColorType _selection_box_border_width: int _selection_box_height: int _selection_box_inflate: Tuple2IntType _selection_box_margin: Tuple2IntType _selection_box_text_margin: int _selection_box_width: int _selection_infinite: bool _selection_option_border_color: ColorType _selection_option_border_width: int _selection_option_cursor: CursorType _selection_option_font_style: Dict[str, Any] _selection_option_left_space: bool _selection_option_left_space_height_factor: float _selection_option_left_space_margin: Tuple3IntType _selection_option_padding: Tuple4IntType _selection_option_selected_bgcolor: ColorType _theme: Optional['pygame_menu.Theme'] _title_size: Tuple2IntType def __init__( self, title: Any, items: Union[List[Tuple[Any, ...]], List[str]], dropselect_id: str = '', default: int = -1, onchange: CallbackType = None, onreturn: CallbackType = None, onselect: CallbackType = None, open_middle: bool = False, placeholder: str = 'Select an option', placeholder_add_to_selection_box: bool = True, selection_box_arrow_color: ColorInputType = (150, 150, 150), selection_box_arrow_margin: Tuple3IntType = (5, 5, 0), selection_box_bgcolor: ColorInputType = (255, 255, 255), selection_box_border_color: ColorInputType = (150, 150, 150), selection_box_border_width: int = 1, selection_box_height: int = 3, selection_box_inflate: Tuple2IntType = (0, 0), selection_box_margin: Tuple2NumberType = (25, 0), selection_box_text_margin: int = 5, selection_box_width: int = 0, selection_infinite: bool = False, selection_option_border_color: ColorInputType = (220, 220, 220), selection_option_border_width: int = 1, selection_option_cursor: CursorInputType = None, selection_option_font: Optional[FontType] = None, selection_option_font_color: ColorInputType = (0, 0, 0), selection_option_font_size: Optional[int] = None, selection_option_padding: PaddingType = 5, selection_option_selected_bgcolor: ColorInputType = (188, 227, 244), selection_option_selected_font_color: ColorInputType = (0, 0, 0), *args, **kwargs ) -> None: assert isinstance(default, int) assert isinstance(dropselect_id, str) assert isinstance(items, list) assert isinstance(open_middle, bool) assert isinstance(placeholder, str) assert isinstance(placeholder_add_to_selection_box, bool) # Check items list check_selector_items(items) assert default >= -1, \ 'default position must be equal or greater than zero' assert default < len(items), \ 'default position should be lower than number of values' assert isinstance(dropselect_id, str), 'id must be a string' assert isinstance(default, int), 'default must be an integer' # Check styling assert isinstance(selection_box_border_width, int) and selection_box_border_width >= 0 assert isinstance(selection_box_height, int) and selection_box_height >= 1 assert isinstance(selection_box_text_margin, int) and selection_box_text_margin >= 0 assert isinstance(selection_box_width, int) and selection_box_width >= 0 assert isinstance(selection_infinite, bool) assert isinstance(selection_option_border_width, int) and selection_option_border_width >= 0 assert isinstance(selection_option_padding, PaddingInstance) assert_cursor(selection_option_cursor) assert_vector(selection_box_arrow_margin, 3, int) assert_vector(selection_box_inflate, 2, int) assert_vector(selection_box_margin, 2) selection_box_arrow_color = assert_color(selection_box_arrow_color) selection_box_bgcolor = assert_color(selection_box_bgcolor) selection_box_border_color = assert_color(selection_box_border_color) selection_option_border_color = assert_color(selection_option_border_color) selection_option_font_color = assert_color(selection_option_font_color) selection_option_selected_bgcolor = assert_color(selection_option_selected_bgcolor) selection_option_selected_font_color = assert_color(selection_option_selected_font_color) if selection_option_font is not None: assert_font(selection_option_font) if selection_option_font_size is not None: assert isinstance(selection_option_font_size, int) and selection_option_font_size > 0 super(DropSelect, self).__init__( onchange=onchange, onreturn=onreturn, onselect=onselect, title=title, widget_id=dropselect_id, args=args, kwargs=kwargs ) self._close_on_apply = True self._default_value = default self._drop_frame = None self._index = default self._items = items.copy() self._open_bottom = True self._open_middle = open_middle self._placeholder = placeholder self._placeholder_add_to_selection_box = placeholder_add_to_selection_box self._selection_effect_draw_post = False self._theme = None self._title_size = (0, 0) # If True adds a space equals to the height of the option at left, used for # drawing some options (for example, ticks, boxes, etc) self._selection_option_left_space = False self._selection_option_left_space_height_factor = 1 self._selection_option_left_space_margin = (0, 0, 0) # left, right, top # Style self._option_font = None self._selection_box_arrow_color = selection_box_arrow_color self._selection_box_arrow_margin = selection_box_arrow_margin self._selection_box_bgcolor = selection_box_bgcolor self._selection_box_border_color = selection_box_border_color self._selection_box_border_width = selection_box_border_width self._selection_box_height = selection_box_height self._selection_box_inflate = selection_box_inflate self._selection_box_margin = (int(selection_box_margin[0]), int(selection_box_margin[1])) self._selection_box_text_margin = selection_box_text_margin self._selection_box_width = selection_box_width self._selection_infinite = selection_infinite self._selection_option_border_color = selection_option_border_color self._selection_option_border_width = selection_option_border_width self._selection_option_cursor = selection_option_cursor self._selection_option_padding = parse_padding(selection_option_padding) self._selection_option_selected_bgcolor = selection_option_selected_bgcolor self._selection_option_font_style = { 'color': selection_option_font_color, 'color_selected': selection_option_selected_font_color, 'name': selection_option_font, 'size': selection_option_font_size } # Configure public's = False
[docs] def set_theme(self, theme: 'pygame_menu.Theme') -> 'DropSelect': """ Set object theme. :param theme: Theme :return: Self reference """ self._theme = theme return self
[docs] def set_default_value(self, index: int) -> 'DropSelect': self._default_value = index return self
def _apply_font(self) -> None: # Compute title size title_render = self._font.size(self._title) w = int(title_render[0] + self._selection_box_margin[0] - self._selection_box_inflate[0] / 2) h = int(title_render[1] + self._selection_box_inflate[1] / 2 - self._selection_box_border_width) self._title_size = (w, h) # Load option font if self._selection_option_font_style['name'] is None: self._selection_option_font_style['name'] = self._font_name if self._selection_option_font_style['size'] is None: self._selection_option_font_style['size'] = int(self._font_size) self._option_font = get_font(self._selection_option_font_style['name'], self._selection_option_font_style['size']) if self._selection_box_width == 0: f = self._render_option_string(self._placeholder) h = self._render_string(self._title, self.get_font_color_status()).get_height() self._selection_box_width = int(f.get_width() + self._selection_box_arrow_margin[0] + self._selection_box_arrow_margin[1] + h - h / 4 + 2 * self._selection_box_border_width)
[docs] def make_selection_drop(self, **kwargs) -> 'DropSelect': """ Make selection drop box. kwargs (Optional) - ``scrollbar_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Scrollbar color - ``scrollbar_cursor`` (int, :py:class:`pygame.cursors.Cursor`, None) – Cursor of the scrollbars if mouse is placed over. By default is ``None`` - ``scrollbar_shadow_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the shadow of each scrollbar - ``scrollbar_shadow_offset`` (int) – Offset of the scrollbar shadow in px - ``scrollbar_shadow_position`` (str) – Position of the scrollbar shadow. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` - ``scrollbar_shadow`` (bool) – Indicate if a shadow is drawn on each scrollbar - ``scrollbar_slider_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the sliders - ``scrollbar_slider_hover_color`` (tuple, list, str, int, :py:class:`pygame.Color`) – Color of the slider if hovered or clicked - ``scrollbar_slider_pad`` (int, float) – Space between slider and scrollbars borders in px - ``scrollbar_thick`` (int) – Scrollbar thickness in px - ``scrollbars`` (str) – Scrollbar position. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :return: Self reference """ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from pygame_menu._scrollarea import get_scrollbars_from_position if not self.configured: raise RuntimeError('{0} must be configured before creating selection drop' ''.format(self.get_class_id())) if self._theme is None: if self._menu is not None: self.set_theme(self._menu.get_theme()) else: raise RuntimeError('{0} theme must be defined') scrollbar_thickness = kwargs.get('scrollbar_thick', self._theme.scrollbar_thick) # Create options buttons total_height = 0 max_height = 0 frame_width = self._selection_box_width + self._selection_box_inflate[0] self._option_buttons = [] # Add placeholder button if self._placeholder_add_to_selection_box: self._items.insert(0, (self._placeholder, -1)) for opt_id in range(len(self._items)): option = self._items[opt_id] btn = Button(option[0], onreturn=self._click_option, index=opt_id - (1 if self._placeholder_add_to_selection_box else 0), button_id=self._id + '+option-' + uuid4(short=True)) btn.set_background_color( color=self._selection_box_bgcolor ) btn.set_border( width=self._selection_option_border_width, color=self._selection_option_border_color ) btn.set_controls( joystick=False, # Only drop select controls the joystick behaviour mouse=self._mouse_enabled, touchscreen=self._touchscreen_enabled, keyboard=False # Only drop select controls the keyboard behaviour ) btn.set_cursor( # This feature does not work properly cursor=self._selection_option_cursor ) font_c = self._selection_option_font_style['color'] if self._placeholder_add_to_selection_box: font_color = font_c if opt_id != 0 else self._font_readonly_color else: font_color = font_c btn.set_font( antialias=self._font_antialias, background_color=None, color=font_color, font=self._selection_option_font_style['name'], font_size=self._selection_option_font_style['size'], readonly_color=self._font_readonly_color, readonly_selected_color=self._font_readonly_selected_color, selected_color=self._font_selected_color ) btn.set_padding( padding=self._selection_option_padding ) btn.add_self_to_kwargs('btn') btn.set_tab_size(self._tab_size) btn.configured = True btn.set_menu(self._menu) btn._update__repr___(self) self._option_buttons.append(btn) bh = btn.get_height() - self._selection_option_border_width if self._selection_option_left_space and not \ (self._placeholder_add_to_selection_box and opt_id == 0): prev_pad = btn._padding # top, right, bottom, left prev_pad_t: Tuple4IntType = btn._padding_transform dh = int(btn.get_height(apply_padding=False) * self._selection_option_left_space_height_factor) btn.set_attribute('left_space_height', dh) m = self._selection_option_left_space_margin btn._padding = prev_pad[0], prev_pad[1], prev_pad[2], \ prev_pad[3] + dh + m[0] + m[1] btn._padding_transform = prev_pad_t[0], prev_pad_t[1], \ prev_pad_t[2], prev_pad_t[3] + dh + m[0] + m[1] total_height += bh if opt_id + 1 <= self._selection_box_height: max_height += bh max_width = frame_width if total_height != max_height: max_width -= scrollbar_thickness frame_width -= scrollbar_thickness total_height -= self._selection_box_border_width max_height -= self._selection_box_border_width elif total_height > 0: total_height += self._selection_box_border_width max_height += self._selection_box_border_width for btn in self._option_buttons: max_width = max(max_width, btn.get_width() - self._selection_option_border_width) # Update options rect delta width for btn in self._option_buttons: btn._rect_size_delta = (max_width - btn.get_width(), 0) # Pop placeholder if self._placeholder_add_to_selection_box: self._items.pop(0) placeholder_button = self._option_buttons.pop(0) else: placeholder_button = None # Unpack previous frame (if exists) if self._drop_frame is not None: self._drop_frame.set_menu(None) # Create frame self._drop_frame = Frame(max_width, max(total_height, 1), ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, frame_id=self._id + '+frame-' + uuid4(short=True)) self._drop_frame._accepts_title = False self._drop_frame._menu_can_be_none_pack = True self._drop_frame.hide() self._drop_frame.set_background_color( color=self._selection_box_bgcolor ) self._drop_frame.set_border( width=self._selection_box_border_width, color=self._selection_box_border_color ) self._drop_frame.set_scrollarea(self._scrollarea) self._drop_frame.relax() self._drop_frame.configured = True self._drop_frame.set_tab_size(self._tab_size) self._drop_frame._update__repr___(self) if total_height > 0: scrollbar_color = kwargs.get('scrollbar_color', self._theme.scrollbar_color) scrollbars = kwargs.get('scrollbars', self._theme.scrollarea_position) if not kwargs.get('scrollbars_parsed', False): scrollbars = get_scrollbars_from_position(scrollbars) self._drop_frame.make_scrollarea( max_width=frame_width, max_height=max_height, scrollarea_color=self._selection_box_arrow_color, scrollbar_color=scrollbar_color, scrollbar_cursor=kwargs.get('scrollbar_cursor', self._theme.scrollbar_cursor), scrollbar_shadow_color=kwargs.get('scrollbar_shadow_color', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow_color), scrollbar_shadow_offset=kwargs.get('scrollbar_shadow_offset', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow_offset), scrollbar_shadow_position=kwargs.get('scrollbar_shadow_position', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow_position), scrollbar_shadow=kwargs.get('scrollbar_shadow', self._theme.scrollbar_shadow), scrollbar_slider_color=kwargs.get('scrollbar_slider_color', self._theme.scrollbar_slider_color), scrollbar_slider_hover_color=kwargs.get('scrollbar_slider_hover_color', self._theme.scrollbar_slider_hover_color), scrollbar_slider_pad=kwargs.get('scrollbar_slider_pad', self._theme.scrollbar_slider_pad), scrollbar_thick=scrollbar_thickness, scrollbars=scrollbars ) self._drop_frame.set_menu(self._menu) self._drop_frame.set_scrollarea(self._scrollarea) if self._frame is not None: self._drop_frame.set_frame(self._frame) # Set sizing properties if total_height > 0: add_scrollbar = scrollbar_thickness if max_width != frame_width else 0 border_w = self._selection_box_border_width if total_height != max_height else 0 self._drop_frame.set_attribute('height', max_height + add_scrollbar - border_w) self._drop_frame.set_attribute('width', frame_width) else: self._drop_frame.set_attribute('height', 0) self._drop_frame.set_attribute('width', 0) if self._placeholder_add_to_selection_box: placeholder_button.hide() margin_width = self._selection_box_border_width if total_height == max_height else 0 self._drop_frame.set_attribute('extra_margin', margin_width) self._drop_frame.set_attribute('placeholder_button', placeholder_button) # Pack options if self._placeholder_add_to_selection_box: self._drop_frame.pack(placeholder_button) for opt in self._option_buttons: self._drop_frame.pack(opt, margin=(0, -self._selection_option_border_width)) # Update options if index is defined if self._index != -1: self.set_value(self._index) return self
[docs] def on_remove_from_menu(self) -> 'DropSelect': if self._drop_frame is not None: self._drop_frame.set_menu(None) return self
[docs] def hide(self) -> 'DropSelect': super(DropSelect, self).hide() if self._drop_frame is not None: self._drop_frame.hide() return self
[docs] def show(self) -> 'DropSelect': super(DropSelect, self).show() if self._toggle_drop() return self
[docs] def scrollh(self, value: NumberType) -> 'DropSelect': """ Scroll to horizontal value. :param value: Horizontal scroll value, if ``0`` scroll to left; ``1`` scroll to right :return: Self reference """ if self._drop_frame is not None: self._drop_frame.scrollh(value) return self
[docs] def scrollv(self, value: NumberType) -> 'DropSelect': """ Scroll to vertical value. :param value: Vertical scroll value, if ``0`` scroll to top; ``1`` scroll to bottom :return: Self reference """ if self._drop_frame is not None: self._drop_frame.scrollv(value) return self
[docs] def get_scroll_value_percentage(self, orientation: str) -> float: """ Get the scroll value in percentage, if ``0`` the scroll is at top/left, ``1`` bottom/right. .. note:: If ScrollArea does not contain such orientation scroll, or frame is not scrollable, ``-1`` is returned. :param orientation: Orientation. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :return: Value from ``0`` to ``1`` """ if self._drop_frame is not None: return self._drop_frame.get_scroll_value_percentage(orientation) return -1
[docs] def set_scrollarea(self, scrollarea: 'pygame_menu._scrollarea.ScrollArea') -> None: super(DropSelect, self).set_scrollarea(scrollarea) if self._drop_frame is not None: self._drop_frame.set_scrollarea(scrollarea)
[docs] def set_frame(self, frame: 'pygame_menu.widgets.Frame') -> 'DropSelect': super(DropSelect, self).set_frame(frame) if self._drop_frame is not None: self._drop_frame.set_frame(frame) return self
def _click_option(self, index: int, btn: 'Button') -> None: """ Function triggered after option has been selected or clicked. :param index: Option index within list :return: None """ btn.set_attribute('ignore_scroll_to_widget') prev_index = self._index self.set_value(index) if self._index != prev_index and self._index != -1: self.change(*self._items[self._index][1:]) if self._close_on_apply: = False if self._drop_frame is not None: self._drop_frame.hide() btn.remove_attribute('ignore_scroll_to_widget')
[docs] def set_position(self, x: NumberType, y: NumberType) -> 'DropSelect': super(DropSelect, self).set_position(x, y) if self._drop_frame is not None: x = self._rect.x y = self._rect.y if not self._open_middle: if self._open_bottom: self._drop_frame.set_position(x + self._title_size[0], y + self._title_size[1] + self.get_attribute('delta_title_height', 0)) else: self._drop_frame.set_position(x + self._title_size[0], y - self._drop_frame.get_attribute('height') + self._drop_frame.get_attribute('extra_margin')) else: self._drop_frame.set_position(*self._compute_position_middle()) for w in self._option_buttons: w.set_position_relative_to_frame() if self._placeholder_add_to_selection_box: placeholder_button: 'Button' = self._drop_frame.get_attribute('placeholder_button') placeholder_button.set_position_relative_to_frame() self._drop_frame.update_position() return self
[docs] def translate(self, x: NumberType, y: NumberType) -> 'DropSelect': super(DropSelect, self).translate(x, y) if self._drop_frame is not None: self._drop_frame.translate(x, y) return self
[docs] def scale(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'DropSelect': return self
[docs] def resize(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'DropSelect': return self
[docs] def set_max_width(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'DropSelect': return self
[docs] def set_max_height(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'DropSelect': return self
[docs] def rotate(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'DropSelect': return self
[docs] def flip(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'DropSelect': return self
def _draw(self, surface: 'pygame.Surface') -> None: surface.blit(self._surface, self._rect.topleft)
[docs] def draw_after_if_selected(self, surface: Optional['pygame.Surface']) -> 'DropSelect': if self.is_selected() and self._selection_effect_draw_post: self._selection_effect.draw(surface, self) if and self.is_visible(): self._check_drop_maked() if not self._open_middle: self._drop_frame.draw(surface) self.last_surface = surface else: new_surface = self._menu._widgets_surface # Ignore draw if widget is within a frame, if so, the next call made by frame.draw() # with surface=None is performed, but this time drop frame draws over "new_surface". # If widget is not within a frame, this is not necessary as the frame is not drawn over # and the widget is drawn at the end of all widgets if surface == self.last_surface and self.get_frame() is not None: self.last_surface = new_surface return self # Draw drop frame in menu widgets surface assert self._menu is not None, 'middle position need menu reference' self._drop_frame.draw(new_surface) self.last_surface = new_surface return self
def _render_option_string(self, text: str) -> 'pygame.Surface': """ Render option string surface. :param text: Text to render :return: Option string surface """ color = self._selection_option_font_style['color'] if self.readonly or self._index == -1: color = self._font_readonly_color text = text.replace('\t', ' ' * self._tab_size) return self._option_font.render(text, self._font_antialias, color) def _get_current_selected_text(self) -> str: """ Return the current selected text. :return: Text """ if self._index == -1: current_selected = self._placeholder else: current_selected = self.get_value()[0][0] return current_selected def _render(self) -> Optional[bool]: if self._option_font is None: return scroll_v = 0 menu_height = 0 if self._menu is None else self._menu.get_height(widget=True) current_selected = self._get_current_selected_text() if not self._render_hash_changed( current_selected, self._selected, self._visible, self._index, self.readonly,, self._open_bottom, scroll_v, menu_height, self._open_middle, len(self._items), self._rect.x, self._rect.y): return True title = self._render_string(self._title, self.get_font_color_status()) current = self._render_option_string(current_selected) # Compute virtual inflate to be applied to current rect vi = 0 # Virtual inflate if current.get_height() < title.get_height(): vi = (title.get_height() - current.get_height()) / 2 current_rect_bg = current.get_rect() current_rect_bg.x += title.get_width() + self._selection_box_margin[0] current_rect_bg.y += (self._selection_box_inflate[1]) / 2 + vi + self._selection_box_margin[1] current_rect_bg.width = self._selection_box_width current_rect_bg = current_rect_bg.inflate((self._selection_box_inflate[0], self._selection_box_inflate[1] + 2 * vi)) # Compute delta title if height is lower than selection box h = title.get_height() delta_title_height = max(int(math.floor((current_rect_bg.height - h) / 2)), 0) # Create arrows arrow = pygame.Rect( title.get_width() + self._selection_box_margin[0] + self._selection_box_width - h, self._selection_box_arrow_margin[2] + (self._selection_box_inflate[1] + vi / 2) / 2 + delta_title_height + self._selection_box_margin[1], h, h ) w = h + self._selection_box_arrow_margin[1] # Check which direction it should open self._open_bottom = True if self._drop_frame is not None and self._scrollarea is not None and \ not self._open_middle: rect = self._rect.copy() rect.width = self._selection_box_width rect.y += delta_title_height rect.x += self._title_size[0] rect.height += self._drop_frame.get_attribute('height') if rect.width != 0 and rect.height != 0: rect_clipped = self._scrollarea.get_world_rect().clip(rect) if rect.height != rect_clipped.height: self._open_bottom = False if self._drop_frame is not None and self._open_middle and \ self._menu is not None: self._drop_frame.set_scrollarea(self._menu.get_scrollarea()) self._drop_frame._frame = None if not self._menu._mouse_motion_selection: self.force_menu_draw_focus = True else: self.force_menu_draw_focus = False if delta_title_height != 0: self.set_attribute('delta_title_height', math.ceil((current_rect_bg.height - h) / 2) + 2 * self._selection_box_border_width) arrow_up = ( (arrow.right - w + h / 2 - h / 16, arrow.centery - h / 6 - h / 20), (arrow.right - w + h / 2 + h / 4 - h / 16, arrow.centery + h / 4 - h / 20), (arrow.right - w + h - h / 16, arrow.centery - h / 6 - h / 20) ) arrow_down = ( (arrow.right - w + h / 2 - h / 16, arrow.centery + h / 4 - h / 20), (arrow.right - w + h / 2 + h / 4 - h / 16, arrow.centery - h / 6 - h / 20), (arrow.right - w + h - h / 16, arrow.centery + h / 4 - h / 20) ) if not self._open_bottom: if not arrow_right_pos = arrow_down else: arrow_right_pos = arrow_up else: if not arrow_right_pos = arrow_up else: arrow_right_pos = arrow_down self._surface = make_surface(title.get_width() + self._selection_box_margin[0] + self._selection_box_width + self._selection_box_inflate[0] / 2 + self._selection_box_border_width, max(title.get_height() + self._selection_box_inflate[1], current_rect_bg.height)) self._surface.blit(title, (0, self._selection_box_inflate[1] / 2 + delta_title_height)) pygame.draw.rect(self._surface, self._selection_box_bgcolor, current_rect_bg) pygame.draw.rect(self._surface, self._selection_box_border_color, current_rect_bg, self._selection_box_border_width) # Crop current max width cropped_current_w = self._selection_box_width \ - self._selection_box_arrow_margin[0] \ - self._selection_box_arrow_margin[1] \ - h / 2 \ - h / 16 \ - self._selection_box_text_margin assert cropped_current_w > 0, \ 'there is no left space for text width, try increasing selection_box_width size' new_current = make_surface(cropped_current_w, current.get_height()) new_current.blit(current, (0, 0)) # new_current.fill((0, 0, 0)) self._surface.blit(new_current, (title.get_width() + self._selection_box_margin[0] + self._selection_box_text_margin, self._selection_box_inflate[1] / 2 + vi - 1 + self._selection_box_margin[1])) if len(self._items) > 0: pygame.draw.polygon(self._surface, self._selection_box_arrow_color, arrow_right_pos) self._rect.width, self._rect.height = self._surface.get_size() self.force_menu_surface_update()
[docs] def get_index(self) -> int: """ Get selected index. :return: Selected index """ return self._index
[docs] def get_value(self) -> Tuple[Union[Tuple[Any, ...], str], int]: """ Return the current value of the selected index. :return: Value and index as a tuple, (value, index) """ if self._index == -1: raise ValueError('any item has been selected yet as index is -1') return self._items[self._index], self._index
def _down(self) -> None: """ Move current selection down. :return: None """ if self.readonly: return if len(self._items) == 0: return if not return self._toggle_drop() if self._index == -1: self.set_value(len(self._items) - 1) else: if self._selection_infinite: self.set_value((self._index - 1) % len(self._items)) else: prev = self._index new = max(0, self._index - 1) if prev == new: return self.set_value(new) self.change(*self._items[self._index][1:]) self._sound.play_key_add() def _up(self) -> None: """ Move current selection up. :return: None """ if self.readonly: return if len(self._items) == 0: return if not return self._toggle_drop() if self._index == -1: self.set_value(0) else: if self._selection_infinite: self.set_value((self._index + 1) % len(self._items)) else: prev = self._index new = min(self._index + 1, len(self._items) - 1) if prev == new: return self.set_value(new) self.change(*self._items[self._index][1:]) self._sound.play_key_add()
[docs] def set_value(self, item: Union[str, int]) -> None: """ Set the current value of the widget, selecting the item that matches the text if ``item`` is a string, or the index if ``item`` is an integer. This method raises ``ValueError`` if no item found. For example, if widget item list is ``[['a',0],['b',1],['a',2]]``: - *widget*.set_value('a') -> Widget selects the first item (index 0) - *widget*.set_value(2) -> Widget selects the third item (index 2) .. note:: This method does not trigger any event (change). :param item: Item to select, can be a string or an integer :return: None """ assert isinstance(item, (str, int)), 'item must be a string or an integer' if isinstance(item, str): found = False for i in self._items: if i[0] == item: self._index = self._items.index(i) found = True break if not found: raise ValueError('no value "{}" found in drop select'.format(item)) elif isinstance(item, int): assert -1 <= item < len(self._items), \ 'item index must be greater than zero and lower than the number ' \ 'of items on the drop select' self._index = item # Update options background selection for b_ind_x in range(len(self._option_buttons)): btn = self._option_buttons[b_ind_x] if b_ind_x == self._index: btn.set_background_color(self._selection_option_selected_bgcolor) btn.update_font({'color': self._selection_option_font_style['color_selected']}) if not self._drop_frame.has_attribute('ignorescroll'): btn.scroll_to_widget(scroll_parent=False) else: btn.set_background_color(self._selection_box_bgcolor) btn.update_font({'color': self._selection_option_font_style['color']})
[docs] def update_items(self, items: Union[List[Tuple[Any, ...]], List[str]]) -> None: """ Update drop select items. .. note:: If the length of the list is different than the previous one, the new index of the select will be the first item of the list. :param items: New drop select items; format ``[('Item1', a, b, c...), ('Item2', d, e, f...)]`` :return: None """ assert isinstance(items, list) if len(items) > 0: check_selector_items(items) if self._index != -1: selected_item = self._items[self._index] else: selected_item = None self._items = items if selected_item is not None: try: self._index = self._items.index(selected_item) except ValueError: if self._index >= len(self._items): self._index = -1 self._default_value = -1 if self._drop_frame is not None: self._drop_frame.set_menu(None) self._drop_frame = None = False
def _check_drop_maked(self) -> None: """ Checks if drop selection has been maked. :return: None """ if self._drop_frame is None: raise _SelectionDropNotMakedException( 'selection drop has not been maked yet. Call {0}.make_selection_drop()' 'for avoiding this exception'.format(self.get_class_id()) ) def _toggle_drop(self) -> None: """ Open drop selection. :return: None """ self._check_drop_maked() if not self._selected: return if len(self._items) == 0: return = not if if self._drop_frame is not None: self.scroll_to_widget(scroll_parent=False) else: if self._drop_frame is not None: self._drop_frame.hide() if and self._index != -1: self.set_value(self._index) def _compute_position_middle(self, add_offset: bool = True) -> Tuple2IntType: """ Compute box position if position is in the middle. :param add_offset: Adds offset :return: Position """ assert self._menu is not None, \ 'menu cannot be none if the position is in middle (open_middle)' self._check_drop_maked() if add_offset: offx, offy = self._menu.get_scrollarea().get_offsets() else: offx, offy = 0, 0 w, h = self._menu.get_size() h -= self._menu.get_menubar().get_height() bw, bh = self._selection_box_width, self._drop_frame.get_attribute('height') assert w >= bw, \ 'selection box width ({0}) cannot be greater than menu width ({1})' \ ''.format(bw, w) assert h >= bh, \ 'selection box height ({0}) cannot be greater than menu height ({1})' \ ''.format(bh, h) x = (w - bw) / 2 + offx y = (h - bh) / 2 + offy return x, y
[docs] def get_focus_rect(self) -> 'pygame.Rect': self._check_drop_maked() rect = self.get_rect(apply_padding=False, to_real_position=True) if rect.width = self._selection_box_width rect.x += self._title_size[0] rect.height += self._drop_frame.get_attribute('height') \ - self._drop_frame.get_attribute('extra_margin') if not self._open_bottom: rect.y -= self._drop_frame.get_attribute('height') \ - self._drop_frame.get_attribute('extra_margin') if self._open_middle: x, y = self._compute_position_middle(add_offset=False) rect.x = x + self._menu.get_position()[0] rect.y = y + self._menu.get_scrollarea().get_position()[1] rect.height -= self._rect.height else: rect.width -= self._selection_box_border_width return rect
[docs] def update(self, events: EventVectorType) -> bool: self.apply_update_callbacks(events) if self.readonly or not self.is_visible(): return False # Check scroll self._check_drop_maked() updated = self._drop_frame.update(events) if updated: return True for event in events: if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # Check key is valid if not check_key_pressed_valid(event): continue # Check mouse over self._check_mouseover(event) # Events keydown = self._keyboard_enabled and event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN joy_hatmotion = self._joystick_enabled and event.type == pygame.JOYHATMOTION joy_axismotion = self._joystick_enabled and event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION joy_button_down = self._joystick_enabled and event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN # Left button if keydown and event.key == KEY_MOVE_DOWN or \ joy_hatmotion and event.value == JOY_LEFT or \ joy_axismotion and event.axis == JOY_AXIS_X and \ event.value < JOY_DEADZONE: if not continue self._down() updated = True # Right button elif keydown and event.key == KEY_MOVE_UP or \ joy_hatmotion and event.value == JOY_RIGHT or \ joy_axismotion and event.axis == JOY_AXIS_X and \ event.value > -JOY_DEADZONE: if not continue self._up() updated = True # Press enter elif keydown and event.key == KEY_APPLY or \ joy_button_down and event.button == JOY_BUTTON_SELECT: if and self._index >= 0: self._sound.play_key_add() self.apply(*self._items[self._index][1:]) if not ( and (not self._close_on_apply and self._index != -1)): self._toggle_drop() updated = True # Press keys which active the drop but not apply elif keydown and (event.key == pygame.K_TAB): self._toggle_drop() updated = True # Close the selection elif keydown and (event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE or event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE): if self._toggle_drop() updated = True # Click on dropselect; don't consider the mouse wheel (button 4 & 5) elif and ( event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and self._mouse_enabled and event.button in (1, 2, 3) or ( event.type == FINGERDOWN and self._touchscreen_enabled and self._drop_frame is not None and not self._drop_frame.get_scrollarea(inner=True).is_scrolling() and self._menu is not None) ): event_pos = get_finger_pos(self._menu, event) if self._drop_frame.get_rect(apply_padding=False, to_real_position=True ).collidepoint(*event_pos): updated = True # Click on dropselect; don't consider the mouse wheel (button 4 & 5) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and self._mouse_enabled and \ event.button in (1, 2, 3) or \ event.type == FINGERUP and self._touchscreen_enabled and \ self._menu is not None and \ not (self._drop_frame is not None and self._drop_frame.get_scrollarea(inner=True).is_scrolling()): # Check for mouse clicks within if for btn in self._option_buttons: btn.set_attribute('ignore_scroll_to_widget') updated = btn.update(events) try: btn.remove_attribute('ignore_scroll_to_widget') except IndexError: pass if updated: return True # Get event position based on input type event_pos = get_finger_pos(self._menu, event) # If collides rect = self.get_rect(to_real_position=True, apply_padding=False) if rect.collidepoint(*event_pos): # Check if mouse collides left or right as percentage, use only X coordinate mouse_x, _ = event.pos topleft, _ = rect.topleft topright, _ = rect.topright dist = mouse_x - (topleft + self._title_size[0]) # Distance from title if dist > 0: # User clicked the options, not title self._toggle_drop() updated = True else: if and not self.get_focus_rect().collidepoint(*event_pos): self._toggle_drop() updated = True # Check mousemove # elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: # for btn in self._option_buttons: # btn._check_mouseover(event) return updated
class _SelectionDropNotMakedException(Exception): """ Exception thrown if drop selection has not been maked. """ pass