Source code for pygame_menu.themes

# coding=utf-8

Theme class and predefined themes.

NOTE: pygame-menu v3 will not provide new widgets or functionalities, consider
upgrading to the latest version.

The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright 2017-2021 Pablo Pizarro R. @ppizarror

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
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import pygame_menu.font
import pygame_menu.utils as _utils
import pygame_menu.widgets as _widgets
from pygame_menu.baseimage import BaseImage

import copy

[docs]class Theme(object): """ Class defining the visual rendering of menus and widgets. .. note:: All colors must be defined with a tuple of 3 or 4 numbers in the formats: - (R,G,B) - (R,G,B,A) Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) must be numbers between 0 and 255. A means the alpha channel (opacity), if 0 the color is transparent, 100 means opaque. .. note:: Themes only modify visual behaviour of the Menu. For other options like rows/columns, enabling or disabling overflow, position or menu width/height see Menu parameters. :param background_color: Menu background color :type background_color: tuple, list, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage` :param cursor_color: Color of cursor :type cursor_color: tuple, list :param cursor_selection_color: Selection box color :type cursor_selection_color: tuple, list :param focus_background_color: Color of the widget focus, this must be a tuple of 4 elements. Also must be transparent :type focus_background_color: tuple, list :param menubar_close_button: Draw a back-box button on header to close the menu, if user moves through nested submenus this buttons turns to a back-arrow :type menubar_close_button: bool :param scrollarea_outer_margin: Outer scroll area margin (px), the tuple is added to computed scroll area width/height, it can add a margin to bottom/right scrolls after widgets. If value less than 1 use percentage of width/height. Default *(0,0)*. It cannot be negative values :type scrollarea_outer_margin: tuple, list :param scrollbar_color: Scrollbars color :type scrollbar_color: tuple, list :param scrollbar_shadow: Indicate if a shadow is drawn on each scrollbar :type scrollbar_shadow: bool :param scrollbar_shadow_color: Color of the scrollbar shadow :type scrollbar_shadow_color: tuple, list :param scrollbar_shadow_offset: Offset of the scrollbar shadow :type scrollbar_shadow_offset: int, float :param scrollbar_shadow_position: Position of the scrollbar shadow. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :type scrollbar_shadow_position: str :param scrollbar_slider_color: Color of the sliders :type scrollbar_slider_color: tuple, list :param scrollbar_slider_pad: Space between slider and scrollbars borders :type scrollbar_slider_pad: int, float :param scrollbar_thick: Scrollbar thickness :type scrollbar_thick: int, float :param selection_color: Color of the selected widget, it affects font color and the selection effect :type selection_color: tuple, list :param surface_clear_color: Surface clear color before applying background function :type surface_clear_color: tuple, list :param title_background_color: Title background color :type title_background_color: tuple, list :param title_bar_style: Style of the title, use menubar widget styles :type title_bar_style: int :param title_font: Title font path or name :type title_font: str :param title_font_antialias: Title font renders with antialiasing :type title_font_antialias: bool :param title_font_color: Title font color, if None use the widget font color :type title_font_color: tuple, list, None :param title_font_size: Font size of the title :type title_font_size: int :param title_offset: Offset (x-position,y-position) of title (px). Default *(0,0)* :type title_offset: tuple, list :param title_shadow: Enable shadow on title :type title_shadow: bool :param title_shadow_color: Title shadow color :type title_shadow_color: tuple, list :param title_shadow_offset: Offset of shadow on title :type title_shadow_offset: int, float :param title_shadow_position: Position of the shadow on title. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :type title_shadow_position: str :param widget_alignment: Widget default `alignment <>`_ :type widget_alignment: str :param widget_background_color: Background color of a widget, it can be a color or a BaseImage object. Background fills the entire widget + the padding :type widget_background_color: tuple, list, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`, None :param widget_background_inflate: Inflate background in *(x,y)* in px. By default it uses the highlight margin. This parameter is visual only. For modifying widget size use padding instead :type widget_background_inflate: tuple, list :param widget_font: Widget font path or name :type widget_font: str :param widget_font_antialias: Widget font renders with antialiasing :type widget_font_antialias: bool :param widget_font_background_color: Widget font background color. By default it is None. If None the value will be the same as ``background_color`` if it's is a color object and if ``widget_font_background_color_from_menu`` is True and ``widget_background_color`` is None :type widget_font_background_color: tuple, list, None :param widget_font_background_color_from_menu: Use menu background color as font background color. Disabled by default :type widget_font_background_color_from_menu: bool :param widget_font_color: Color of the font :type widget_font_color: tuple, list :param widget_font_size: Font size :type widget_font_size: int :param widget_margin: Horizontal and vertical margin of each element in Menu (px). Default *(0,10)* :type widget_margin: tuple, list :param widget_padding: Padding of the widget according to CSS rules. It can be a single digit, or a tuple of 2, 3, or 4 elements. Padding modifies widget width/height :type widget_padding: int, float, tuple, list :param widget_offset: *(x, y)* axis offset of widgets within Menu (px) respect to top-left corner. If value less than 1 use percentage of width/height. Default *(0,0)*. It cannot be negative values :type widget_offset: tuple, list :param widget_selection_effect: Widget selection effect object. This is visual-only, the selection properties does not affect widget height/width :type widget_selection_effect: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection` :param widget_shadow: Indicate if the widget text shadow is enabled :type widget_shadow: bool :param widget_shadow_color: Color of the widget shadow :type widget_shadow_color: tuple, list :param widget_shadow_offset: Offset of the widget shadow :type widget_shadow_offset: int, float :param widget_shadow_position: Position of shadow. See :py:mod:`pygame_menu.locals` :type widget_shadow_position: str """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.background_color = self._get(kwargs, 'background_color', 'color_image', (220, 220, 220)) # type: (tuple, BaseImage) self.cursor_color = self._get(kwargs, 'cursor_color', 'color', (0, 0, 0)) # type: tuple self.cursor_selection_color = self._get(kwargs, 'cursor_selection_color', 'color', (30, 30, 30, 120)) # type: tuple self.focus_background_color = self._get(kwargs, 'focus_background_color', 'color', (0, 0, 0, 180)) # type: tuple self.menubar_close_button = self._get(kwargs, 'menubar_close_button', bool, True) # type: bool self.scrollarea_outer_margin = self._get(kwargs, 'scrollarea_outer_margin', 'tuple2', (0, 0)) # type: tuple self.scrollbar_color = self._get(kwargs, 'scrollbar_color', 'color', (220, 220, 220)) # type: tuple self.scrollbar_shadow = self._get(kwargs, 'scrollbar_shadow', bool, False) # type: bool self.scrollbar_shadow_color = self._get(kwargs, 'scrollbar_shadow_color', 'color', (0, 0, 0)) # type: bool self.scrollbar_shadow_offset = self._get(kwargs, 'scrollbar_shadow_offset', (int, float), 2) # type: (int, float) self.scrollbar_shadow_position = self._get(kwargs, 'scrollbar_shadow_position', 'position', pygame_menu.locals.POSITION_NORTHWEST) # type: str self.scrollbar_slider_color = self._get(kwargs, 'scrollbar_slider_color', 'color', (200, 200, 200)) # type: tuple self.scrollbar_slider_pad = self._get(kwargs, 'scrollbar_slider_pad', (int, float), 0) # type: (int,float) self.scrollbar_thick = self._get(kwargs, 'scrollbar_thick', (int, float), 20) # type: (int,float) self.selection_color = self._get(kwargs, 'selection_color', 'color', (255, 255, 255)) # type: tuple self.surface_clear_color = self._get(kwargs, 'surface_clear_color', 'color', (0, 0, 0)) # type: tuple self.title_background_color = self._get(kwargs, 'title_background_color', 'color', (70, 70, 70)) # type: tuple self.title_bar_style = self._get(kwargs, 'title_bar_style', int, _widgets.MENUBAR_STYLE_ADAPTIVE) # type: int self.title_font = self._get(kwargs, 'title_font', str, pygame_menu.font.FONT_OPEN_SANS) # type: str self.title_font_antialias = self._get(kwargs, 'title_font_antialias', bool, True) # type: bool self.title_font_color = self._get(kwargs, 'title_font_color', 'color', (220, 220, 220)) # type: tuple self.title_font_size = self._get(kwargs, 'title_font_size', int, 40) # type: int self.title_offset = self._get(kwargs, 'title_offset', 'tuple2', (5, -1)) # type: tuple self.title_shadow = self._get(kwargs, 'title_shadow', bool, False) # type: bool self.title_shadow_color = self._get(kwargs, 'title_shadow_color', 'color', (0, 0, 0)) # type: tuple self.title_shadow_offset = self._get(kwargs, 'title_shadow_offset', (int, float), 2) # type: (int,float) self.title_shadow_position = self._get(kwargs, 'title_shadow_position', 'position', pygame_menu.locals.POSITION_NORTHWEST) # type: str self.widget_font = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_font', str, pygame_menu.font.FONT_OPEN_SANS) # type: str self.widget_alignment = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_alignment', 'alignment', pygame_menu.locals.ALIGN_CENTER) # type: str self.widget_background_color = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_background_color', 'color_image_none', ) # type: (tuple, BaseImage, type(None)) self.widget_background_inflate = self._get(kwargs, 'background_inflate', 'tuple2', (0, 0)) # type: tuple self.widget_font_antialias = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_font_antialias', bool, True) # type: bool self.widget_font_background_color = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_font_background_color', 'color_none', ) # type: tuple self.widget_font_background_color_from_menu = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_font_background_color_from_menu', bool, False) # type: bool self.widget_font_color = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_font_color', 'color', (70, 70, 70)) # type: tuple self.widget_font_size = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_font_size', int, 30) # type: int self.widget_margin = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_margin', 'tuple2', (0, 10)) # type: tuple self.widget_padding = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_padding', (int, float, tuple, list), 0) # type: (int,float,tuple) self.widget_offset = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_offset', 'tuple2', (0, 0)) # type: tuple self.widget_selection_effect = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_selection_effect', _widgets.core.Selection, _widgets.HighlightSelection()) # type: _widgets.core.Selection self.widget_shadow = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_shadow', bool, False) # type: bool self.widget_shadow_color = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_shadow_color', 'color', (0, 0, 0)) # type: tuple self.widget_shadow_offset = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_shadow_offset', (int, float), 2) # type: (int,float) self.widget_shadow_position = self._get(kwargs, 'widget_shadow_position', 'position', pygame_menu.locals.POSITION_NORTHWEST) # type: str # Upon this, no more kwargs should exist, raise exception if there's more for invalid_keyword in kwargs.keys(): msg = 'parameter Theme.{} does not exist'.format(invalid_keyword) raise ValueError(msg) # Test purpose only, if True disables any validation self._disable_validation = False
[docs] def validate(self): """ Validate the values of the theme. If there's a invalid parameter throws an AssertionError. This function also converts all lists to tuples. This is done because lists are mutable. :return: None """ if self._disable_validation: return # Size asserts assert self.scrollbar_shadow_offset > 0, 'scrollbar shadow offset must be greater than zero' assert self.scrollbar_slider_pad >= 0, 'slider pad must be equal or greater than zero' assert self.scrollbar_thick > 0, 'scrollbar thickness must be greater than zero' assert self.title_font_size > 0, 'title font size must be greater than zero' assert self.widget_font_size > 0, 'widget font size must be greater than zero' assert self.widget_shadow_offset > 0, 'widget shadow offset must be greater than zero' # Format colors, this converts all color lists to tuples automatically self.background_color = self._format_opacity(self.background_color) # type: tuple self.cursor_color = self._format_opacity(self.cursor_color) # type: tuple self.cursor_selection_color = self._format_opacity(self.cursor_selection_color) # type: tuple self.focus_background_color = self._format_opacity(self.focus_background_color) # type: tuple self.scrollbar_color = self._format_opacity(self.scrollbar_color) # type: tuple self.scrollbar_shadow_color = self._format_opacity(self.scrollbar_shadow_color) # type: tuple self.scrollbar_slider_color = self._format_opacity(self.scrollbar_slider_color) # type: tuple self.selection_color = self._format_opacity(self.selection_color) # type: tuple self.surface_clear_color = self._format_opacity(self.surface_clear_color) # type: tuple self.title_background_color = self._format_opacity(self.title_background_color) # type: tuple self.title_font_color = self._format_opacity(self.title_font_color) # type: tuple self.title_shadow_color = self._format_opacity(self.title_shadow_color) # type: tuple self.widget_background_color = self._format_opacity(self.widget_background_color) # type: tuple self.widget_font_background_color = self._format_opacity(self.widget_font_background_color) # type: tuple self.widget_font_color = self._format_opacity(self.widget_font_color) # type: tuple # List to tuple self.scrollarea_outer_margin = self._vec_to_tuple(self.scrollarea_outer_margin, 2) # type: tuple self.title_offset = self._vec_to_tuple(self.title_offset, 2) # type: tuple self.widget_background_inflate = self._vec_to_tuple(self.widget_background_inflate, 2) # type: tuple self.widget_margin = self._vec_to_tuple(self.widget_margin, 2) # type: tuple if isinstance(self.widget_padding, (tuple, list)): self.widget_padding = self._vec_to_tuple(self.widget_padding) # type: tuple assert 2 <= len(self.widget_padding) <= 4, 'widget padding tuple length must be 2, 3 or 4' for p in self.widget_padding: assert p >= 0, 'all padding elements must be equal or greater than zero' else: assert isinstance(self.widget_padding, (int, float)) assert self.widget_padding >= 0, 'padding cant be a negative number' self.widget_offset = self._vec_to_tuple(self.widget_offset, 2) # type: tuple # Check sizes assert self.scrollarea_outer_margin[0] >= 0 and self.scrollarea_outer_margin[1] >= 0, \ 'scroll area outer margin must be equal or greater than zero' assert self.widget_offset[0] >= 0 and self.widget_offset[1] >= 0, \ 'widget offset must be equal or greater than zero' # Configs self.widget_selection_effect.set_color(self.selection_color) # Color asserts assert self.focus_background_color[3] != 0, \ 'focus background color cannot be fully transparent, suggested opacity between 1 and 255'
[docs] def set_background_color_opacity(self, opacity): """ Modify menu background color with given opacity. :param opacity: Opacity value, from 0 (transparent) to 1 (transparent) :type opacity: int :return: None """ _utils.assert_color(self.background_color) assert isinstance(opacity, float) assert 0 <= opacity <= 1, 'opacity must be a number between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque)' self.background_color = (self.background_color[0], self.background_color[1], self.background_color[2], int(opacity * 255)) # type: tuple
@staticmethod def _vec_to_tuple(obj, check_length=0): """ Return a tuple from a list or tuple object. :param obj: Object :type obj: list, tuple :param check_length: Check length if not zero :type check_length: int :return: Tuple :rtype: tuple """ if isinstance(obj, tuple): v = obj elif isinstance(obj, list): v = tuple(obj) else: raise ValueError('object is not a vector') if check_length > 0: if len(v) != check_length: raise ValueError('object is not a {0}-length vector'.format(check_length)) return v
[docs] def copy(self): """ Creates a deep copy of the object. :return: Copied theme :rtype: Theme """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
@staticmethod def _format_opacity(color): """ Adds opacity to a 3 channel color. (R,G,B) -> (R,G,B,A) if the color has not an alpha channel. Also updates the opacity to a number between 0 and 255. Color may be an Image, so if this is the case return the same object. If the color is a list, return a tuple. :param color: Color object :type color: tuple, list, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`, None :return: Color in the same format :rtype: tuple, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`, None """ if isinstance(color, BaseImage): return color if color is None: return color if isinstance(color, (tuple, list)): _utils.assert_color(color) if len(color) == 4: if isinstance(color, tuple): return color else: return color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3] elif len(color) == 3: color = color[0], color[1], color[2], 255 else: raise ValueError('invalid color type {0}, only tuple or list are valid'.format(color)) return color @staticmethod def _get(params, key, allowed_types=None, default=None): """ Return a value from a dictionary. Custom types (str) - alignment pygame-menu alignment (locals) - callable Is callable type, same as ``"function"`` - color Check color - color_image Color or :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage` - color_image_none Color, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`, or None - color_none Color or None - cursor Cursor object (pygame) - font Font type - image Value must be ``BaseImage`` - none None only - position pygame-menu position (locals)} - tuple2 Only valid numeric tuples ``(x, y)`` or ``[x, y]`` - type Type-class (bool, str, etc...) :param params: Parameters dictionary :type params: dict :param key: Key to look for :type key: str :param allowed_types: List of allowed types :type allowed_types: any :param default: Default value to return :type default: any :return: The value associated to the key :rtype: any """ value = params.pop(key, default) if allowed_types is not None: other_types = [] # Contain other types to check from if not isinstance(allowed_types, (tuple, list)): allowed_types = (allowed_types,) for val_type in allowed_types: if val_type == 'alignment': _utils.assert_alignment(value) elif val_type == callable or val_type == 'function' or val_type == 'callable': assert _utils.is_callable(value), \ 'value must be callable type' elif val_type == 'color': _utils.assert_color(value) elif val_type == 'color_image': if not isinstance(value, BaseImage): _utils.assert_color(value) elif val_type == 'color_image_none': if not (value is None or isinstance(value, BaseImage)): _utils.assert_color(value) elif val_type == 'color_none': if value is not None: _utils.assert_color(value) elif val_type == 'image': assert isinstance(value, BaseImage), \ 'value must be BaseImage type' elif val_type == 'none': assert value is None elif val_type == 'position': _utils.assert_position(value) elif val_type == 'type': assert isinstance(value, type), \ 'value is not type-class' elif val_type == 'tuple2': _utils.assert_vector2(value) else: # Unknown type assert isinstance(val_type, type), \ 'allowed type "{0}" is not a type-class'.format(val_type) other_types.append(val_type) # Check other types if len(other_types) > 0: others = tuple(other_types) msg = 'Theme.{} type shall be in {} types (got {})'.format(key, others, type(value)) assert isinstance(value, others), msg return value
THEME_DEFAULT = Theme() THEME_DARK = Theme( background_color=(40, 41, 35), cursor_color=(255, 255, 255), cursor_selection_color=(80, 80, 80, 120), scrollbar_color=(39, 41, 42), scrollbar_slider_color=(65, 66, 67), selection_color=(255, 255, 255), title_background_color=(47, 48, 51), title_font_color=(215, 215, 215), widget_font_color=(200, 200, 200), ) THEME_BLUE = Theme( background_color=(228, 230, 246), scrollbar_shadow=True, scrollbar_slider_color=(150, 200, 230), scrollbar_slider_pad=2, selection_color=(100, 62, 132), title_background_color=(62, 149, 195), title_font_color=(228, 230, 246), title_shadow=True, widget_font_color=(61, 170, 220), ) THEME_GREEN = Theme( background_color=(186, 214, 177), scrollbar_slider_color=(125, 121, 114), scrollbar_slider_pad=2, selection_color=(125, 121, 114), title_background_color=(125, 121, 114), title_font_color=(228, 230, 246), widget_font_color=(255, 255, 255), ) THEME_ORANGE = Theme( background_color=(228, 100, 36), selection_color=(255, 255, 255), title_background_color=(170, 65, 50), widget_font_color=(0, 0, 0), widget_font_size=30, ) THEME_SOLARIZED = Theme( background_color=(239, 231, 211), cursor_color=(0, 0, 0), cursor_selection_color=(146, 160, 160, 120), selection_color=(207, 62, 132), title_background_color=(4, 47, 58), title_font_color=(38, 158, 151), widget_font_color=(102, 122, 130), )