Source code for pygame_menu.widgets.core.widget

# coding=utf-8

Base class for widgets.

The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright 2017-2021 Pablo Pizarro R. @ppizarror

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
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import pygame
import pygame_menu.baseimage as _baseimage
import pygame_menu.font as _fonts
import pygame_menu.locals as _locals
from pygame_menu.widgets.core.selection import Selection
from pygame_menu.sound import Sound
from pygame_menu.utils import make_surface, assert_alignment, assert_color, assert_position, assert_vector2, \
    to_string, is_callable

from uuid import uuid4
import time
import warnings

[docs]class Widget(object): """ Widget abstract class. :param title: Widget title :type title: str :param widget_id: Widget identifier :type widget_id: str :param onchange: Callback when updating the status of the widget, executed in ``widget.change()`` :type onchange: callable, None :param onreturn: Callback when applying on the widget (return), executed in ``widget.apply()`` :type onreturn: callable, None :param args: Optional arguments for callbacks :type args: any :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments :type kwargs: dict """ def __init__(self, title='', widget_id='', onchange=None, onreturn=None, args=None, kwargs=None ): assert isinstance(widget_id, str), 'widget id must be a string' if onchange: assert is_callable(onchange), 'onchange must be callable or None' if onreturn: assert is_callable(onreturn), 'onreturn must be callable or None' # Store id, if None or empty create new ID based on UUID if widget_id is None or len(widget_id) == 0: widget_id = uuid4() self._alignment = _locals.ALIGN_CENTER self._attributes = {} # Stores widget attributes self._background_color = None self._background_inflate = (0, 0) self._events = [] # type: list self._id = str(widget_id) self._margin = (0.0, 0.0) # type: tuple self._max_width = None # type: (int,float) self._padding = (0, 0, 0, 0) # top, right, bottom, left self._position_set = False self._selected_rect = None # type: (pygame.rect.Rect,None) self._selection_time = 0 # type: float self._title = to_string(title) # Widget transforms self._angle = 0 # Rotation angle (degrees) self._flip = (False, False) # x, y self._scale = [False, 1, 1, False, False] # do_scale, x, y, smooth, use_same_xy self._translate = (0.0, 0.0) # type: tuple # Widget rect. This object does not contain padding. For getting the widget+padding # use .get_rect() Widget method instead self._rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0) # type: (pygame.Rect,None) # Callbacks self._draw_callbacks = {} # type: dict self._update_callbacks = {} # type: dict self._args = args or [] # type: list self._kwargs = kwargs or {} # type: dict self._on_change = onchange # type: callable self._on_return = onreturn # type: callable # Surface of the widget self._surface = None # type: (pygame.Surface,None) # Menu reference self._menu = None # If this is True then the widget forces the Menu to update because the # widget render has changed self._menu_surface_needs_update = False # Modified in set_font() method self._font = None # type: (pygame.font.Font,None) self._font_antialias = True # type: bool self._font_background_color = None # type: (tuple, None) self._font_color = (0, 0, 0) # type: tuple self._font_name = '' # type: str self._font_selected_color = (255, 255, 255) # type: tuple self._font_size = 0 # type: int # Text shadow self._shadow = False # type: bool self._shadow_color = (0, 0, 0) # type: tuple self._shadow_offset = 2.0 # type: float self._shadow_position = _locals.POSITION_NORTHWEST self._shadow_tuple = None # (x px offset, y px offset) self._create_shadow_tuple() # Rendering, this variable may be used by render() method # If the hash of the variables change respect to the last render hash # (hash computed using self._hash_variables() method) # then the widget should render and update the hash self._last_render_hash = 0 # type: int # Selection effect, for avoiding exception while getting object rect, NullSelection # was created. Initially it was None self._selection_effect = _NullSelection() # type: Selection # Public attributes = False # Widget requests focus self.is_selectable = True # Some widgets cannot be selected like labels self.joystick_enabled = True self.lock_position = False # If True, locks position after first call to .set_position(x,y) method self.mouse_enabled = True self.selected = False self.selection_effect_enabled = True # Some widgets cannot have selection effect self.selection_expand_background = False # If True, the widget background will inflate to match selection margin if selected self.sound = Sound() # type: Sound self.touchscreen_enabled = True self.visible = True # Use .show() or .hide() to modify this status
[docs] def set_attribute(self, key, value): """ Set widget attribute. :param key: Key of the attribute :type key: str :param value: Value of the attribute :type value: any :return: None """ assert isinstance(key, str) self._attributes[key] = value
[docs] def get_attribute(self, key, default=None): """ Get attribute value. :param key: Key of the attribute :type key: str :param default: Value if does not exists :type default: any :return: Attribute data :rtype: any """ assert isinstance(key, str) if not self.has_attribute(key): return default return self._attributes[key]
[docs] def has_attribute(self, key): """ Returns true if widget has the given attribute. :param key: Key of the attribute :type key: str :return: True if exists :rtype: bool """ assert isinstance(key, str) return key in self._attributes.keys()
[docs] def remove_attribute(self, key): """ Removes the given attribute from the widget. Throws ``IndexError`` if given key does not exist. :param key: Key of the attribute :type key: str :return: None """ if not self.has_attribute(key): raise IndexError('attribute "{0}" does not exists on widget'.format(key)) del self._attributes[key]
@staticmethod def _hash_variables(*args): """ Compute hash from a series of variables. :param args: Variables to compute hash :type args: any :return: Hash data :rtype: int """ return hash(args) def _render_hash_changed(self, *args): """ This method checks if the widget must render because the inner variables changed. This method should include all the variables used by the render method, for example, visibility, selected, etc. :param args: Variables to check the hash :type args: any :return: Hash data :rtype: int """ _hash = self._hash_variables(*args) if _hash != self._last_render_hash: self._last_render_hash = _hash return True return False
[docs] def set_title(self, title): # lgtm [py/inheritance/incorrect-overridden-signature] """ Update the widget title. :param title: New title :type title: str :return: None """ self._title = to_string(title) self._apply_font() self._last_render_hash = 0 # Force widget render self._render()
[docs] def get_title(self): """ Return the widget title. :return: Widget title :rtype: str """ return self._title
[docs] def set_background_color(self, color, inflate=(0, 0)): """ Set widget background color. :param color: Widget background color :type color: tuple, list, :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage`, None :param inflate: Inflate background in *(x,y)*. If None, the widget value is not updated :type inflate: tuple, list, None :return: None """ if color is not None: if isinstance(color, _baseimage.BaseImage): assert color.get_drawing_mode() == _baseimage.IMAGE_MODE_FILL, \ 'currently widget only supports IMAGE_MODE_FILL drawing mode' else: assert_color(color) if inflate is None: inflate = self._background_inflate assert_vector2(inflate) assert inflate[0] >= 0 and inflate[1] >= 0, \ 'widget background inflate must be equal or greater than zero in both axis' self._background_color = color self._background_inflate = tuple(inflate) self._last_render_hash = 0 # Force widget render
[docs] def expand_background_inflate_to_selection_effect(self): """ Expand background inflate to match the selection effect (the widget don't require to be selected). This is a permanent change; for dynamic purpuoses, depending if the widget is selected or not, setting ``widget.selection_expand_background`` to ``True`` may help. .. note:: This method may have unexpected results with certain selection effects. :return: None """ self._background_inflate = self._selection_effect.get_xy_margin()
def _fill_background_color(self, surface): """ Fill a surface with the widget background color. :param surface: Surface to fill :type surface: :py:class:`pygame.Surface` :return: None """ if self._background_color is None: return if not (self.selection_expand_background and self.selected): inflate = self._background_inflate else: inflate = self._selection_effect.get_xy_margin() rect = self.get_rect(inflate=inflate) if isinstance(self._background_color, _baseimage.BaseImage): self._background_color.draw( surface=surface, area=rect, position=(rect.x, rect.y) ) else: surface.fill(self._background_color, rect)
[docs] def get_selection_effect(self): """ Return the selection effect. .. warning:: Use with caution. :return: Selection effect :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection` """ return self._selection_effect
[docs] def set_selection_effect(self, selection): """ Set the selection effect handler. :param selection: Selection effect class :type selection: :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection` :return: None """ assert isinstance(selection, Selection) self._selection_effect = selection self._last_render_hash = 0 # Force widget render
[docs] def apply(self, *args): """ Run ``on_return`` callback when return event. A callback function receives the following arguments: .. code-block:: python callback_func(value, *args, *widget._args, **widget._kwargs) with: - ``value`` (if something is returned by ``get_value()``) - ``args`` given to this method - ``args`` of the widget - ``kwargs`` of the widget :param args: Extra arguments passed to the callback :param args: any :return: None """ if self._on_return: args = list(args) + list(self._args) try: args.insert(0, self.get_value()) except ValueError: pass return self._on_return(*args, **self._kwargs)
[docs] def change(self, *args): """ Run ``on_change`` callback after change event is triggered. A callback function receives the following arguments: .. code-block:: python callback_func(value, *args, *widget._args, **widget._kwargs) with: - ``value`` (if something is returned by ``get_value()``) - ``args`` given to this method - ``args`` of the widget - ``kwargs`` of the widget :param args: Extra arguments passed to the callback :param args: any :return: None """ if self._on_change: args = list(args) + list(self._args) try: args.insert(0, self.get_value()) except ValueError: pass return self._on_change(*args, **self._kwargs)
[docs] def draw(self, surface): """ Draw the widget shape. :param surface: Surface to draw :type surface: :py:class:`pygame.Surface` :return: None """ raise NotImplementedError('override is mandatory')
[docs] def draw_selection(self, surface): """ Draw selection effect on widget. :param surface: Surface to draw :type surface: :py:class:`pygame.Surface` :return: None """ if not self.is_selectable or self._selection_effect is None or not self.selection_effect_enabled: return self._selection_effect.draw(surface, self)
[docs] def set_max_width(self, width): """ Set widget max width (column support) if ``force_fit_text`` is enabled. :param width: Width in px, None if max width is disabled :type width: int, float, None :return: None """ if width is not None: assert isinstance(width, (int, float)), 'width must be numeric' self._max_width = width
[docs] def get_margin(self): """ Return the widget margin. :return: Widget margin *(left,bottom)* :rtype: tuple """ return self._margin
[docs] def set_margin(self, x, y): """ Set Widget margin (left, bottom). :param x: Margin on x axis (left) :type x: int, float :param y: Margin on y axis (bottom) :type y: int, float :return: None """ assert isinstance(x, (int, float)) assert isinstance(y, (int, float)) self._margin = (x, y) self._last_render_hash = 0 # Force widget render
[docs] def get_padding(self): """ Return the widget padding. :return: Widget padding *(top,right,bottom,left)* :rtype: tuple """ return self._padding
[docs] def set_padding(self, padding): """ Set the Widget padding according to CSS rules. - If an integer or float is provided: top, right, bottom and left values will be the same - If 2-item tuple is provided: top and bottom takes the first value, left and right the second - If 3-item tuple is provided: top will take the first value, left and right the second, and bottom the third - If 4-item tuple is provided: padding will be (top, right, bottom, left) .. note:: See `CSS W3Schools <>`_ for more info about padding. :param padding: Can be a single number, or a tuple of 2, 3 or 4 elements following CSS style :type padding: int, float, tuple, list :return: None """ assert isinstance(padding, (int, float, tuple, list)) if isinstance(padding, (int, float)): assert padding >= 0, 'padding cant be a negative number' self._padding = (padding, padding, padding, padding) else: assert 1 <= len(padding) <= 4, 'padding must be a tuple of 2, 3 or 4 elements' for i in range(len(padding)): assert isinstance(padding[i], (int, float)), 'all padding elements must be integers or floats' assert padding[i] >= 0, 'all padding elements must be equal or greater than zero' if len(padding) == 1: self._padding = (padding[0], padding[0], padding[0], padding[0]) elif len(padding) == 2: self._padding = (padding[0], padding[1], padding[0], padding[1]) elif len(padding) == 3: self._padding = (padding[0], padding[1], padding[2], padding[1]) else: self._padding = (padding[0], padding[1], padding[2], padding[3]) self._last_render_hash = 0 # Force widget render
[docs] def get_rect(self, inflate=None): """ Return the Rect object, this forces the widget rendering. .. note:: This is the only method that returns the rect with the padding applied. If widget._rect is used, the padding has not been applied. :param inflate: Inflate rect *(x,y)* in px :type inflate: None, tuple, list :return: Widget rect :rtype: :py:class:`pygame.Rect` """ self._render() # Padding + inflate if inflate is None: inflate = (0, 0) apply_padding = 1 pad_top = self._padding[0] * apply_padding + inflate[1] / 2 pad_right = self._padding[1] * apply_padding + inflate[0] / 2 pad_bottom = self._padding[2] * apply_padding + inflate[1] / 2 pad_left = self._padding[3] * apply_padding + inflate[0] / 2 return pygame.Rect(int(self._rect.x - pad_left), int(self._rect.y - pad_top), int(self._rect.width + pad_left + pad_right), int(self._rect.height + pad_bottom + pad_top))
[docs] def get_value(self): """ Return the value. If exception ``ValueError`` is raised, no value will be passed to the callbacks. :return: Widget data value :rtype: Object """ raise ValueError('{}({}) does not accept value'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.get_id()))
[docs] def get_id(self): """ Return the widget ID. :return: Widget ID :rtype: str """ return self._id
[docs] def change_id(self, widget_id): """ Change widget id. :param widget_id: Widget ID :type widget_id: str :return: None """ assert isinstance(widget_id, str) if self._menu is not None: # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._menu._check_id_duplicated(widget_id) self._id = widget_id
def _render(self): """ Render the widget surface. This method shall update the attribute ``_surface`` with a :py:class:`pygame.Surface` representing the outer borders of the widget. :return: True if widget has rendered a new state, None if the widget has not changed, so render used a cache :rtype: bool, None """ raise NotImplementedError('override is mandatory') def _font_render_string(self, text, color=(0, 0, 0), use_background_color=True): """ Render text. If the font is not defined returns a zero-width surface. :param text: Text to render :type text: str, None :param color: Text color :type color: tuple :param use_background_color: Use default background color :type use_background_color: bool :return: Text surface :rtype: :py:class:`pygame.Surface` """ # assert isinstance(text, str) assert isinstance(color, tuple), 'invalid color' assert isinstance(use_background_color, bool), 'use_background_color must be boolean' bgcolor = self._font_background_color # Disable if not use_background_color: bgcolor = None if self._font is None: return make_surface(0, 0) surface = self._font.render(text, self._font_antialias, color, bgcolor) return surface def _render_string(self, string, color): """ Render text and turn it into a surface. :param string: Text to render :type string: str :param color: Text color :type color: tuple :return: Text surface :rtype: :py:class:`pygame.Surface` """ text = self._font_render_string(string, color) # Create surface surface = make_surface( width=text.get_width(), height=text.get_height(), alpha=True ) # Draw shadow first if self._shadow: text_bg = self._font_render_string(string, self._shadow_color) surface.blit(text_bg, self._shadow_tuple) surface.blit(text, (0, 0)) new_width = surface.get_size()[0] new_height = surface.get_size()[1] if self._max_width is not None and new_width > self._max_width: surface = pygame.transform.smoothscale(surface, (self._max_width, new_height)) return surface def _apply_surface_transforms(self): """ Apply surface transforms. :return: None """ if self._angle != 0: self._surface = pygame.transform.rotate(self._surface, self._angle) if self._flip[0] or self._flip[1]: self._surface = pygame.transform.flip(self._surface, self._flip[0], self._flip[1]) if self._scale[0] and (self._scale[1] != 1 or self._scale[2] != 1): w = self._scale[1] if w != 1: warnings.warn('widget _max_width is not None, scalling factor in x-axes should be equal to 1') h = self._scale[2] width = self._surface.get_width() height = self._surface.get_height() use_same_xy = self._scale[4] if not use_same_xy: w = int(w * width) h = int(h * height) if not self._scale[3]: # smooth self._surface = pygame.transform.scale(self._surface, (w, h)) else: self._surface = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self._surface, (w, h))
[docs] def surface_needs_update(self): """ Checks if the widget width/height has changed because events. If so, return true and set the status of the widget (menu widget position needs update) as false. This method is used by ``Menu.update()``. :return: True if the widget position has changed by events after the rendering. :rtype: bool """ if self._menu_surface_needs_update: self._menu_surface_needs_update = False return True return False
[docs] def set_font(self, font, font_size, color, selected_color, background_color, antialias=True): """ Set the text font. :param font: Font name (see :py:class:`pygame.font.match_font` for precise format) :type font: str :param font_size: Size of font in pixels :type font_size: int :param color: Text color :type color: tuple :param selected_color: Text color when widget is selected :type selected_color: tuple :param background_color: Font background color :type background_color: tuple :param antialias: Determines if antialias is applied to font (uses more processing power) :type antialias: bool :return: None """ assert isinstance(font, str) assert isinstance(font_size, int) assert isinstance(color, tuple) assert isinstance(selected_color, tuple) assert isinstance(background_color, (tuple, type(None))) assert isinstance(antialias, bool) # If background is a color and it's transparent raise a warning # Font background color must be opaque, otherwise the results are quite bad if isinstance(background_color, (tuple, list)) and \ len(background_color) == 4 and background_color[3] != 255: background_color = None warnings.warn('font background color must be opaque, alpha channel must be 255') self._font = _fonts.get_font(font, font_size) self._font_antialias = antialias self._font_background_color = background_color self._font_color = color self._font_name = font self._font_selected_color = selected_color self._font_size = font_size self._last_render_hash = 0 # Force widget render self._apply_font()
[docs] def update_font(self, style): """ Updates font. This method receives a style dict (non empty) containing the following keys: - ``antialias`` Font antialias (bool) - ``background_color`` Background color (tuple) - ``color`` Font color (tuple) - ``name`` Name of the font (str) - ``selected_color`` Selected color (tuple) - ``size`` Size of the font (int) .. note:: If a key is not defined it will be rewritten using current font style from ``Widget.get_font_info()`` method. :param style: Font style dict :type style: dict :return: None """ assert isinstance(style, dict) assert 1 <= len(style.keys()) <= 6 current_font = self.get_font_info() for k in current_font.keys(): if k not in style.keys(): style[k] = current_font[k] self.set_font( font=style['name'], font_size=style['size'], color=style['color'], selected_color=style['selected_color'], background_color=style['background_color'], antialias=style['antialias'] )
[docs] def get_font_info(self): """ Return a dict with the information of the widget font. Dict values: - ``antialias`` Font antialias (bool) - ``background_color`` Background color (tuple) - ``color`` Font color (tuple) - ``name`` Name of the font (str) - ``selected_color`` Selected color (tuple) - ``size`` Size of the font (int) :return: Dict :rtype: dict """ return { 'antialias': self._font_antialias, 'background_color': self._font_background_color, 'color': self._font_color, 'name': self._font_name, 'selected_color': self._font_selected_color, 'size': self._font_size }
[docs] def set_menu(self, menu): """ Set the menu reference. :param menu: Menu object :type menu: :py:class:`pygame_menu.Menu` :return: None """ self._menu = menu
[docs] def get_menu(self): """ Return the menu reference (if exists). .. warning:: Use with caution. :return: Menu reference :rtype: :py:class:`pygame_menu.Menu`, None """ return self._menu
def _apply_font(self): """ Function triggered after a font is applied to the widget. :return: None """ raise NotImplementedError('override is mandatory')
[docs] def set_position(self, posx, posy): """ Set the widget position. :param posx: X position :type posx: int, float :param posy: Y position :type posy: int, float :return: None """ if self._position_set and self.lock_position: return self._rect.x = posx + self._translate[0] self._rect.y = posy + self._translate[1] self._position_set = True
[docs] def flip(self, x, y): """ This method can flip the widget either vertically, horizontally, or both. Flipping a widget is non-destructive and does not change the dimensions. :param x: Flip in x axis :type x: bool :param y: Flip on y axis :type y: bool :return: None """ assert isinstance(x, bool) assert isinstance(y, bool) self._flip = (x, y) self._last_render_hash = 0 # Force widget render
[docs] def scale(self, width, height, smooth=True): """ Scale the widget to a desired width and height factor. .. note:: Not all widgets are affected by scale. :param width: Scale factor of the width :type width: int, float :param height: Scale factor of the height :type height: int, float :param smooth: Smooth scaling :type smooth: bool :return: None """ assert isinstance(width, (int, float)) assert isinstance(height, (int, float)) assert isinstance(smooth, bool) assert width > 0 and height > 0, 'width and height must be greater than zero' self._scale = [True, width, height, smooth, False] if width == 1 and height == 1: # Disables scalling self._scale[0] = False self._last_render_hash = 0 # Force widget render
[docs] def resize(self, width, height, smooth=False): """ Set the widget size to another size. .. note :: This method calls ``widget.scale`` method; thus, some widgets may not support this transformation. :param width: New width of the widget in px :type width: int, float :param height: New height of the widget in px :type height: int, float :param smooth: Smooth scaling :type smooth: bool :return: None """ self.scale(int(width), int(height), smooth) self._scale[4] = True # enables use_same_xy
[docs] def translate(self, x, y): """ Translate to *(+x,+y)* according to default position. .. note:: To revert changes, only set to *(0,0)*. :param x: +X in px :type x: int, float :param y: +Y in px :type y: int, float :return: None """ assert isinstance(x, (int, float)) assert isinstance(y, (int, float)) self._translate = (x, y) self._menu_surface_needs_update = True
[docs] def rotate(self, angle): """ Unfiltered counterclockwise rotation. The angle argument represents degrees and can be any floating point value. Negative angle amounts will rotate clockwise. .. note:: Not all widgets accepts rotation. Also this rotation only affects the text or images, the selection or background is not rotated. :param angle: Rotation angle (degrees 0-360) :type angle: int, float :return: None """ assert isinstance(angle, (int, float)) self._angle = angle self._last_render_hash = 0 # Force widget render
[docs] def set_alignment(self, align): """ Set the alignment of the widget. :param align: Widget align, see locals :type align: str :return: None """ assert_alignment(align) self._alignment = align
[docs] def get_alignment(self): """ Return the widget alignment. :return: Widget align, see locals :rtype: str """ return self._alignment
[docs] def set_selected(self, selected=True): """ Mark the widget as selected. :param selected: Set item as selected :type selected: bool :return: None """ self.selected = selected = False self._last_render_hash = 0 # Force widget render if selected: self._focus() self._selection_time = time.time() else: self._blur() self._events = [] # Remove events
[docs] def get_selected_time(self): """ Return time the widget has been selected in miliseconds. If the widget is not currently selected, return 0. :return: Time in ms :rtype: float """ if not self.selected: return 0 return (time.time() - self._selection_time) * 1000
[docs] def get_surface(self): """ Return widget surface. .. warning:: Use with caution. :return: Widget surface :rtype: :py:class:`pygame.Surface` """ return self._surface
def _focus(self): """ Function that is executed when the widget receives a focus (is selected). :return: None """ pass def _blur(self): """ Function that is executed when the widget loses the focus. :return: None """ pass
[docs] def set_shadow(self, enabled=True, color=None, position=None, offset=None): """ Show text shadow. :param enabled: Shadow is enabled or not :type enabled: bool :param color: Shadow color :type color: list, None :param position: Shadow position :type position: str, None :param offset: Shadow offset :type offset: int, float, None :return: None """ self._shadow = enabled if color is not None: assert_color(color) self._shadow_color = color if position is not None: assert_position(position) self._shadow_position = position if offset is not None: assert isinstance(offset, (int, float)) if offset <= 0: raise ValueError('shadow offset must be greater than zero') self._shadow_offset = offset self._create_shadow_tuple() # Create shadow tuple position self._last_render_hash = 0 # Force widget render
[docs] def set_sound(self, sound): """ Set sound engine to the widget. :param sound: Sound object :type sound: :py:class:`pygame_menu.sound.Sound` :return: None """ self.sound = sound
def _create_shadow_tuple(self): """ Create shadow position tuple. :return: None """ x = 0 y = 0 if self._shadow_position == _locals.POSITION_NORTHWEST: x = -1 y = -1 elif self._shadow_position == _locals.POSITION_NORTH: y = -1 elif self._shadow_position == _locals.POSITION_NORTHEAST: x = 1 y = -1 elif self._shadow_position == _locals.POSITION_EAST: x = 1 elif self._shadow_position == _locals.POSITION_SOUTHEAST: x = 1 y = 1 elif self._shadow_position == _locals.POSITION_SOUTH: y = 1 elif self._shadow_position == _locals.POSITION_SOUTHWEST: x = -1 y = 1 elif self._shadow_position == _locals.POSITION_WEST: x = -1 self._shadow_tuple = (x * self._shadow_offset, y * self._shadow_offset)
[docs] def set_controls(self, joystick=True, mouse=True, touchscreen=True): """ Enable interfaces to control the widget. :param joystick: Use joystick :type joystick: bool :param mouse: Use mouse :type mouse: bool :param touchscreen: Use touchscreen :type touchscreen: bool :return: None """ self.joystick_enabled = joystick self.mouse_enabled = mouse self.touchscreen_enabled = touchscreen
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """ Set the widget value. .. warning:: This method does not fire the callbacks as it is called programmatically. This behavior is deliberately chosen to avoid infinite loops. :param value: Value to be set on the widget :type value: Object :return: None """ raise ValueError('{}({}) does not accept value'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.get_id()))
[docs] def update(self, events): """ Update internal variable according to the given events list and fire the callbacks. :param events: List of pygame events :type events: list[:py:class:`pygame.event.Event`] :return: True if updated :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError('override is mandatory')
[docs] def add_draw_callback(self, draw_callback): """ Adds a function to the widget to be executed each time the widget is drawn. The function that this method receives receives two objects: the widget itself and the menu reference. .. code-block:: python import math def draw_update_function(widget, menu): t = widget.get_attribute('t', 0) t += menu.get_clock().get_time() widget.set_padding(10*(1 + math.sin(t)))) # Oscillating padding button = menu.add_button('This button updates its padding', None) button.set_draw_callback(draw_update_function) After creating a new callback, this functions returns the ID of the call. It can be removed anytime using ``widget.remove_draw_callback(id)``. :param draw_callback: Function :type draw_callback: callable :return: Callback ID :rtype: str """ assert is_callable(draw_callback), 'draw callback must be a function type' callback_id = str(uuid4()) self._draw_callbacks[callback_id] = draw_callback return callback_id
[docs] def remove_draw_callback(self, callback_id): """ Removes draw callback from ID. :param callback_id: Callback ID :type callback_id: str :return: None """ assert isinstance(callback_id, str) if callback_id not in self._draw_callbacks.keys(): raise IndexError('callback ID "{0}" does not exist'.format(callback_id)) del self._draw_callbacks[callback_id]
[docs] def apply_draw_callbacks(self): """ Apply callbacks on widget draw. :return: None """ if len(self._draw_callbacks) == 0: return for callback in self._draw_callbacks.values(): callback(self, self._menu)
[docs] def add_update_callback(self, update_callback): """ Adds a function to the widget to be executed each time the widget is updated. The function that this method receives receives two objects: the widget itself and the menu reference. It is similar to ``add_draw_callback``. After creating a new callback, this functions returns the ID of the call. It can be removed anytime using ``widget.remove_update_callback(id)``. .. note:: Not all widgets are updated, so the provided function may never be executed. :param update_callback: Function :type update_callback: callable :return: Callback ID :rtype: str """ assert is_callable(update_callback), 'update callback must be a function type' callback_id = str(uuid4()) self._update_callbacks[callback_id] = update_callback return callback_id
[docs] def remove_update_callback(self, callback_id): """ Removes update callback from ID. :param callback_id: Callback ID :type callback_id: str :return: None """ assert isinstance(callback_id, str) if callback_id not in self._update_callbacks.keys(): raise IndexError('callback ID "{0}" does not exist'.format(callback_id)) del self._update_callbacks[callback_id]
[docs] def apply_update_callbacks(self): """ Apply callbacks on widget update. :return: None """ if len(self._update_callbacks) == 0: return for callback in self._update_callbacks.values(): callback(self, self._menu)
def _add_event(self, event): """ Add a custom event to the widget for the next update(). :param event: Custom event :type event: :py:class:`pygame.event.Event` :return: None """ self._events.append(event) def _merge_events(self, events): """ Append widget events to events list. :param events: Event list :type events: list[:py:class:`pygame.event.Event`] :return: Augmented event list :rtype: list[:py:class:`pygame.event.Event`] """ if len(self._events) == 0: return events copy_events = [] for e in events: copy_events.append(e) for e in self._events: copy_events.append(e) self._events = [] return copy_events
[docs] def show(self): """ Set widget visible. :return: None """ self.visible = True self._render() if self._menu is not None: # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._menu._update_selection_if_hidden()
[docs] def hide(self): """ Hides widget. :return: None """ self.visible = False self._render() if self._menu is not None: # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._menu._update_selection_if_hidden()
class _NullSelection(Selection): """ Null selection. It redefines NoneSelection because that class cannot be imported. """ def __init__(self): super(_NullSelection, self).__init__( margin_left=0, margin_right=0, margin_top=0, margin_bottom=0 ) # noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring def draw(self, surface, widget): return